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Everything posted by DLimit

  1. Invest a bit of time in the taxi-cab or transportation business considering that newcomers shall be desperate to explore the map for a fee. Eventually, one's one-man business could expand it's self into the dominant transportation service within the map, resulting in generating profits in order to fulfill one's long-term goal within the game. What is your hypothetical advice within the game?
  2. What would cause the Taxi driver to drive the vehicle at maximum speed? Consumers are more likely to purchase my transportation service considering that it might be cheaper than charging an individual based on the distance of the travel. In the process, during certain occasions, a two-minute trip could result in a 5-10 minute trip due to the amount of traffic that may exist within the game. It would be unfair for the driver to earn $100 during one "five mile trip" that lasted a few minutes while earning $100 during a "five mile trip" that had lasted twenty minutes. Thus, subjects shall be charged based on "time" considering that "time is money".
  3. Robbing a Bank

    Apparently, the game shall consist of private investigators and detectives. Thus, the game may consist of a mechanic that involves collecting information from witnesses, interrogation, examining forensic evidence, and numerous other means towards locating and capturing the suspect.
  4. Money Value

    Based on statements that were produced by moderators and developers, it is a high probability that the value of products within the game shall be identical to the value of any commodity or service within the real world. However, it is a possibility that the value of products might be determined by the server's economy. Either way, individuals could easily prevent players from overcharging consumers for products by persuading other corporations to distribute a similar commodity for a cheaper price. For example: Can of Kuka-Kula: $2.50 Can of Trite: $2.75 Can of Bebsi: $1.99 Abbibas shirt: $700 Trujo shirt: $10 Stone shirt: $4 One is more likely to purchase the cheaper product than the expensive product, unless players classify the "Abbibas shirt" to be "reputable". One issue: Companies compete against one another by distributing commodities for a cheaper price. For example: 2017 -------- Can of Kuka-Kula: $2.50 Can of Trite: $2.75 Can of Bebsi: $1.99 2017.5 ----------- Can of Kuka-Kula: $1.85 Can of Trite: $1.95 Can of Bebsi: $1.80 2018 ----------- Can of Kuka-Kula: $1.00 Can of Trite: 99 cents Can of Bebsi: 95 cents 2019 ------------- Can of Kuka-Kula: 50 cents Can of Trite: 49 cents Can of Bebsi: 50 cents + buy one, get one free 2010 ---------- Can of Kuka-Kula: 10 cents Can of Trite: 9 cents Can of Bebsi: 9 cents + buy 1 and get 1 free etc... Eventually, commodities would cost merely a penny in order to compete against their competitor. However, the inability to profit from a cheap commodity would result in numerous other corporations restoring the process of selling the product for two dollars while the three corporations undergo bankruptcy.
  5. Break out of prison?

    It would probably be as challenging as conducting a "bank heist" within the game. One would be expected to strategically examine the routine behaviors of Law enforcement officers in order to conduct a subtle escape from the prison. Otherwise, one could attempt to persuade players to provoke a riot in order to escape the prison. However, one must understand that prisoners would be expected to remain COMPLIANT to the institution's policies in order to be emancipated through "good behavior" rather than to increase their sentence within the prison.
  6. Does one possess any evidence in order to support the claim? Based on my understanding, Law enforcement officers possess the ability to accept bribes by criminals in order to "turn a blind eye". Thus, players would be expected to hire espionage agents in order to determine whether Law enforcement officers are "corrupted" or "Law-abiding" employees within the institution. I had memorized a video stating that Law enforcement officers could be corrupted. However, Law enforcement officers cannot function as undercover officers.
  7. Brewing and Farming!

    As an espionage agent, my character shall be willing to attain intelligence on one's competitor's commodity, profit margins, and numerous other sets of information in order to increase the production and sales of YOUR company. It would be a shame if one were to be hired for the purposes of... eliminating competition. (expensive)
  8. Drug Dealing

    The majority of posters tend to merely join the forums for 1-2 days prior to abandoning the forums until the game is released.
  9. I would rather charge individuals based on "time" rather than "distance" considering that "time is money". One should not hire a taxi during rush-hour if one intends to attain a cheaper transportation service.
  10. Drug Dealing

    It would be interesting if witnesses could confess to the owner's criminal offense to Law enforcement officers in order for officers to attain a warrant with the permission of a judge. In the process, Law enforcement officers should possess the jurisdiction to search and seize any illegal substances within one's household IF the suspect is held in custody for another offense. I.E. The Law enforcement officer arrests a suspect for committing theft. Thus, the Law enforcement officer possesses the jurisdiction to search the suspect's household in order to determine whether the suspect could be charged for any other offenses.
  11. Drug Dealing

    I am not discussing the credibility of my former actions within the illegal narcotics market, haha.
  12. Drug Dealing

    Thus, you agree that it is a psychological addiction. Psychological addiction is based on a mental dependency to a product A neurological addiction is based on a dependency to the neuro-chemical reaction within the brain. A physical addiction is based on a dependency to the chemicals within one's blood stream. "No I believe its more a addiction to hope and that its just a false sense of power to change your future" is a psychological addiction. One remains dependent on gambling as a means towards satisfying their desires for wealth or pleasure.
  13. Drug Dealing

    Respond to the following question: Is gambling a psychological addiction? Edit: Previous majored in psychology prior to altering the major into the Political Sciences. Thus, I am fairly informed on the subject with peer-reviewed articles regarding psychological addictions. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00127-002-0541-z
  14. Drug Dealing

    It appears that the conversation is becoming counter-productive. Thus, it would be ethical for you and I to discontinue with the discussion if one intends to argue that I should prove such information within a gaming forum. I shall end the conversation on the topic with the following response: Indeed, I've distributed marijuana for ten years throughout impoverished neighborhoods and educational institutions. The end.
  15. Drug Dealing

    If one had analyzed my previous statements, I had consumed and distributed marijuana for ten years prior to quitting the substance. Studies, including my personal experience with chronic consumers of marijuana, had concluded that individuals undergo a psychological addiction, rather than a physical or neurological addiction, to the substance due to the inability to cope with reality without the substance. Would one argue that "gambling" is a psychological addiction? If so, then the identical scenario applies to chronic consumers of marijuana.
  16. Drug Dealing

    You had argued that my character intends to consume marijuana throughout the entire game. However, since the character shall function as an espionage agent and governor, the character will not consume any narcotic substances.
  17. Drug Dealing

    "Name: UNDISCLOSED (Do not intend to compromise one's identity as an espionage agent) Intended Occupation: Industrial, Political, and Agricultural Espionage agent prior to functioning as a politician for a radical left-wing political part" As an espionage agent and future governor, I do not intend to consume any narcotic substances. However, the game should involve providing citizens with a REASON to purchase narcotic substances from criminals. Thus, the substances should include incentives combined with a consequence that involves becoming dependent on the substance.
  18. Drug Dealing

    Question: 1. Are the one-hundred subjects chronic consumers of marijuana? 2. Did such subjects eliminate the habit of consuming marijuana on a daily basis? 3. Did the subjects undergo a state of depression due to the elimination of such a habit? 4. How did the individuals cope with reality after their persons had stopped consuming the product? P.S. I am not the average "anti-Marijuana" human being on Fox News. Personally, I do not mind if one consumes marijuana considering that it is their Right to consume the substance. In the process, the substance possesses more benefits than consequences if it were to be legalized throughout the globe. However, psychological addictions are prevalent amongst the majority of chronic consumers of marijuana.
  19. Drug Dealing

    Either way, the game should produce a combination of incentives and consequences for consuming any narcotic substance for the purposes of increasing a dependency on the product. Thus, individuals that remain dependent on marijuana in order increase their "happiness" shall eventually undergo a withdrawal that involves undergoing a state of depression after the individual discontinues consuming the product. The key phrase would be the following: dependency on the substance in order to remain happy due to the inability to cope with the realities of life while sober. The identical symptoms remain prevalent with any psychological addiction, such as gambling. A psychological addiction is separate from a neurological or physical addiction based on the idea that it stems from the mind rather than a neurochemical imbalance. The goal would involve motivating citizens to purchase marijuana from drug dealers in order to serve the interests of criminals. In the process, state-owned and corporate-owned rehabilitation centers could accumulate wealth for producing counselling programs within the game.
  20. Drug Dealing

    As a human being that had consumed and distributed the substance for nearly ten years prior to quitting the substance, hundreds of individuals would continuously state their desire for marijuana on a day to day basis in order resolve their "negative mood". Withdrawal is a common practice that is not necessarily severe.
  21. Drug Dealing

    It often depends on the individual that consumes the substance. However, for the majority of human beings, the substance produces a state of depression if one do not consume the substance after a long period of time.
  22. The VIP package provides players with the ability to attain a sports vehicle within the game.
  23. Rep System, job roles?

    Individuals should be capable of purchasing a pardon from a criminal offense within one's criminal record after an X amount of time, such as two weeks to a month, in order to possess the opportunity to function as a Law enforcement officer or any other well-regulated government-based career within the public sector. For example, theft would involve patiently waiting for two weeks in order to pay a fee while a homicide would equate to a month. In the process, the former felon would be expected to attend a hearing in order to be judged by either their peers or an actual judge with a "defense claim" in order to be pardoned for former criminal offenses. I.E. "I have not committed any criminal offenses within the past two weeks. In the process, I have submitted numerous resumes and applications to various employers with the intention of remaining as a law-abiding contributor to the system. Finally, I have decided to volunteer with assisting an employer with transporting food to the local market without any payment. May I please be pardoned for committing two counts of theft on February 7, 2017?"
  24. An AK-47, taser, and pepper-spray.
  25. Individuals are capable of purchasing specific packages that provides players with either a rusty vehicle, a rusty dirt bike, a motorcycle, and a sports vehicle. Thus, players are capable of beginning the game with much more advanced vehicles than merely a scooter or bicycle.