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Everything posted by HairyGrenade

  1. What Does it take to run this game

    It's currently unclear what specs you will need to run this game, but if you can run other games like Arma 3, Ark, or GTA 5 then you will be fine. The modules won't be too demanding, but the full release will.
  2. Accountants & The Economy

    Correct, but it won’t be in a way where you can accumulate debt.
  3. Unfortunately no mod support, it could be added far in the future, but won' be on release. Private servers will have an admin control panel where then can toggle certain rules.
  4. Introduction

    Welcome, glad to have you here! What do you plan on doing in Identity?
  5. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    There are handcuffs no bruising from them
  6. Accountants & The Economy

    Hey Thanks for pledging and supporting us! 1. There is only 1 currency. 2. There is a form of stock market in the game, you will just purchase stock and will be able to view it either rising or falling. 3. Don't believe there is any interest rates. 4. Government spending isn't actually a thing, while we have a government in the game, people are paid by completing actions or tasks, and the governor can change laws, no actual spending. 5. Unemployment rate will not affect the economy solely because people will be able to make money no matter what they choose, it just ranges from different quantities, also, everyone will get a hotel room if you haven't pledged or bought an apartment. Although, this hotel room is pretty limited to what you can do and you cannot customize it. 6. You can hire an accountant but it's up to you to pay them, there's not really a job itself in the game available, but you can always hire your own in which you would pay them yourself, no automatic payments.
  7. Information about gameplay video?

    We found that out the hard way.
  8. Criminal locations

    I don’t think it changes, there aren’t places to farm so you could be farming corn or actually drugs, never know.
  9. Vineyard/Wine

    I don't believe you will have this feature, but it'd definitely be pretty cool, I'll pass this on!
  10. Criminal locations

    It's not that the location changes, you have a bounty on yourself so where ever you are, the bounty goes.
  11. Business question

    It really depends on the business, most cases this will be a yes and you can have your friends assist you in certain duties, however on some other cases, you will only be able to work for said business with limitations.
  12. Vehicles you would want to have in identity

    Unfortunately no aircrafts, if they ever were to be added it would act as a transportation to another island if one is added as a DLC in the future.
  13. Role customization

    I know, I don't think you can, but you can have people fill those roles anyways.
  14. Role customization

    You could essentially hire your friends to take these places.
  15. Hey all

    Bathrooms can be used yes!
  16. Hey all

    I'll be your friend, I am a little hairy though if that's okay.
  17. Introduction

    Hey, what are you most excited about in the game?
  18. Hey all

    Welcome! What sparked your interest in Identity?
  19. If you regret ur crimes, can u turn ur self in?

    Of course! Maybe you will get a lesser sentence too!
  20. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    1. There are 3 modules, the first one will be out March 21, 2018. The others will come shortly after and beta will come after all 3. The first module - Town Square will feature apartment customization, character customization, cinema that plays real movies, cell phone with a friends list, VOIP to talk to players through your mic, painting and the art gallery where you can display your paintings, writing and reading books, chess and features added every update! 2. No loading screens except when you enter your apartment. 3. You will only need to pay a bill if you own a house, apartments and insurance don't have bills. Your home cannot be robbed. 4. Addiction is in the game 5. You don't need to, but you will get little buffs for eating and such. 6. They can take it off your character, they can't search your apartment, houses and apartments act as safe havens. 7. You will have a bounty on you after a crime, depending on the severity of the crime will depend how long that bounty is on you. 8. No pc requirements that's why we compare to other games. 9. You are able to refund your purchase at almost any time, just contact @Beach_Ball
  21. Weather Events

    Right now there will only be weather effects such as rain and snow, in the future we will look into it.
  22. Howdy ya'll

    Welcome! I'm from Fort Worth, Texas!
  23. When i can start to play????!!!!

    The first module will be released March 21, 2018.
  24. Pc Build

    A huge part of the game is house/apartment customization, which is why you can buy chairs. PC's only allow you to browse the internet (intranet) in the game and nothing more. So building your own would have no point since it wouldn't matter the parts, it'd all perform the same. It is a RL game, but we don't want to be realistic to the point where it's not fun.