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Posts posted by Norway174

  1. MXzP2dP.jpg

    quote really long posts. Just replace the text inside the quote with -snip-.

    Especially if you are quoting the OP.

    @MauriceClinton @BrianHamilton @GeneSmith Look in the image. You three managed to quote the same post combined three times in a row. That's actually impressive, and really annoying.

    Fun fact: The image above, is 11 705 pixels high!
    And 1 153 pixels wide. That's a whopping 13 495 865 total pixels.

  2. 5 hours ago, ChimeraSix said:

    ((And that's the end of my season one. Now to await season two. ^-^ ))

    OOC: Season 2 is coming! We're building up to a grand finale. It's gonna be awesome. :P 

    • Like 2

  3. [[ Part 2: What's for dinner...? ]]

    Agent Zoey, dressed as an undercover firefighter. And despite orders not to, are following a small squad of other firefighters tasked with shutting off the main gas supply lines out of the chemical warehouse currently set ablaze.

    You'd think you're setting foot trough the gates of hell the closer you get to the fire.

    It doesn't take long before Zoey notices the other firefighter following her.
    She turns around, and spots the mustache. Only one man can wear such a mustache, and somehow keep following her.

    Agent Simms. What the hell is he doing here...? Zoey thinks to herself.

    At which points, the lights go out.
    And she see's Agent Simms reaction, and watches him head back.

    Before she was able to make contact and tell it's a distraction. But then again, Agent Simms is a smart man. He might have figured it out on his own.

    Zoey turns back to the 4 other firefighters, who have no idea Zoey isn't actually a firefighter yet. And they proceed to make their way towards the chemical warehouse.
    Wearing our special heat resistant gear. We manage to get close enough to the front gate of the warehouse.

    Looks like we still have to cross the parking lot after the front gate to get to the main entrance. About 400 meters, give or take.

    The 2 firemen in the front, crouch by the fence off to the side. And proceeds to cut it open. Making a hole for us to enter.
    The first fireman who enter trough the hole in the fence, begins to make his way over to the warehouse, across the open parking lot.
    Then the rest of us follow. It's clearly getting much more hotter. And it's only going to get even hotter once they've entered the building.

    Just as everything seemed to go according to plan. A light explosion can be heard from a nearby power pole. With one of the power wires snapping off and falling down right into the path of the fireman in the front. Instantly shocking him to death.

    The second fireman right behind the one who just got shocked, turns to the other fireman behind him, and Zoey standing in the back. And shouts out as he tries to run for cover.
    Unknown fireman #2: "HOLY FUCK...!!! THE POWER LINE SNAPPED! GE... AAAAARRRGGGHH....!!!!"

    The power line had swung around and hit the fireman in his back as he tried to run away.

    The last fireman alive and Zoey both attempts to take cover behind some of the parked cars, just as the power line hits the gas tank of another parked vehicle, and explodes into a another explosion.
    Knocking the other fireman and Zoey away.

    After a few minutes, Zoey wakes up. With a massive headache.

    The fire being so massive, and she being so close. Te only thing she can see when she looks up at the sky. Is just flames. If she didn't know any better. This would be quite a literal description of hell.

    As she lies there on the ground, she looks over to her side. And spots a... Lighter. Somehow looking familiar. But yet, strange. It's blacked by the ash.
    Zoey reaches over and grabs it. Then sits up, shaking her head a bit. Feeling a light headache coming on. Probably a light concussion.

    Zoey then stands up, and pockets the lighter for now. Then looks around for the other firefighters. She spots the first two who were shocked by the power line. Their bodies were rather brutally mutilated during the explosion. The third one who were with Zoey at the time of the explosion is missing.
    She'd figured he made it, and left her. Thinking she was dead. Having no idea how long she's actually been unconscious.

    After a few moments of looking around, and gaining her footing. And the fact that she can't see anyone else arriving. She thinks to herself it's a pretty safe bet the valve hasn't be shut off yet. Maybe the last guy has already headed inside.

    And she decides to follow suit. And makes her way closer to searing hot warehouse.
    Luckily, her fire suit is still mostly intact. Her gas mask has received a few cracks in the hardened plastic. But it doesn't seem to be compromised.

    She makes her way to the entrance of the warehouse. It seems like the door is already open. As if someone's already made their way inside.
    Zoey enters trough the open door, and down a corridor. Which for a building that's on fire, is surprisingly dark.
    Once she made her way into the warehouse part, it's a large open space. With lot's of strange containers, and walkways, and sorts of pipes and tubes and what not.

    The whole place is clearly on the fire. Some of the massive tanks have even melted slightly from the intense heat. If you thought it was bad out there. It's even worse in there.
    Zoey turns the valve on the her fire suit, enabling the coolant flow. In an attempt to stay cool under the suit. She looks over, and notices the last fireman. He appears to be trapped under some walkways that have collapsed on top of him. She rushes over, and turns him over.

    The sight, almost makes her puke. Zoey has endured a lot this day. Being stuck in a tank with fish guts, almost being shocked and blown to death, witnessing mutilated bodies after the same explosion.
    However, this... This takes the whole frikkin' cake.

    His suit had been compromised from the walkway falling on top of his leg, and crushing his bones.
    From the intense heat, his body has been slowly cooked from his legs and up. While he was alive.
    Slowly getting cooked from your legs and up to your head. Without anything you can do about it. Is no way to go.

    Zoey quickly steps away, struggling not to puke up her lunch into her gas mask. Figuring she has to find the gas valve, and shut off before it's too late.

    She looks around for a moment, thinking to herself, how she's supposed to find the correct valve. There's hundreds of them, all over the place.
    At which point, she looks back to the body for a moment. It looks like he was trying to reach for something in his last moments.

    Had she not moved the body, this would have been easier. But judging by the direction he came from. Most likely the same direction she came from. And the direction he was heading. She can figure out the general direction of where the valve should be.

    Zoey starts to make her way over in the general direction of the valve. Even with the coolant running trough her suit, the hotness of the fire is still getting to her. Thinking to herself, "Dammit. It wasn't supposed to be like this!". But seeing as all the firemen are dead. It's all up to Zoey now to shut off the valve before the gas pressure lowers, and the pipe themselves go up in flames. Spreading throughout the city at a record speed. Effectively putting the entire city on fire if this valve isn't closed.

    After reaching the wall, Zoey looks around a bit. And spots a massive pipe going under the floor. With a what looks like a valve extending up from the pipe, about Zoey's waist height. It almost looks like a large wheel. "This gotta be it!", Zoey thinks to herself. As she walks over and tries to touch it trough the firesuit gloves. She hisses out and takes her hand back, feeling like she'd burnt her hand slightly.

    She looks around, for something she could use on the floor level. Eventually she's be able to find a hollow steel pipe that's not too hot. And she grabs it and makes her way back to the valve, and places the steel pipe between the valve, and a solid object behind it. And pushes on the steel pipe, using it as a lever to turn the valve around. Closing it.

    Just as she managed to close it. Zoey falls over, due to the enormous heat. And not being trained for it. It's getting rather difficult to stay coherent and awake.
    Just as she closes her eyes, she starts hearing some voices. Could be hallucinations. She isn't sure.

    Unknown voice #1: "Check for any survivors."
    Unknown voice #2: "I found one over here!"
    Unknown voice #1: "Get her out! Check for a pulse!" ( @ChimeraSix )
    Unknown voice #3: "I found another one of here!"
    Unknown voice #1: "Excellent, get them both out!"


    Sorry it took so long to get part 2 out. I need to stop writing such long posts. :P But it's fun.

    @ChimeraSix the idea with the last part. Is that we both got rescue, by the way.
    And Zoey is probably going to be out of it for a little while. Maybe an hour to half-hour. So post away!

    She'll probably be waking up in ambulance near the command tent. Feel free to do the same in another ambulance, Chimera. Or at the hospital if you want. Up to you really. :P 

    And it's probably safe to assume the firemen have started to hosing down the warehouse, and are working actively on getting the fire under control.

    @UnknownX @BarrettSimms @NyanRadscorpion

    • Like 4

  4. 57 minutes ago, Genesai said:

    But I suppose remembering dirt, bulletholes, scratches etc. would be server heavy as well, sadly.

    Actually, if done properly. It wouldn't be as bad as you think.

    I wouldn't be any more difficult then storing your characters look, clothes and inventory.

    Though, I could see it more as a gameplay decision. Having cop cars driving around looking super dirty, and riddled with bullet holes and scratches. Just small stuff...
    Wouldn't be very realistic. You don't really see cop cars driving around shot up and full of scratches in real life.

    And, forcing the player to revisit a repair shop for every little dump, might not be as fun either.


    Al though, I could definitely image dirtiness being a factor down the road. If they add a car wash players could use.

    There's even one in GTA which actually works, and cars get actually dirty as you use them. Though, the dirtiness isn't saved. So there really isn't much point to use the car wash.

  5. That's the point though.

    You bring it to the garage, and despawn it. Removing it from the game, letting you go off-duty or log out. Without the car being in-game. Not taking up any server resources. And not able to be stolen.

    So I don't see any issues in letting you take the car with you home.

    Seeing as the same thing would hopefully happen. You park the car in your garage, which is it's own instance. Where only you and people you grant have access to. No risk of it being stolen.

    And when you log out, or leave the instance. Everything in there will be unloaded from the server. Removed. Freeing up the server resources. This includes the car too. Again, no risk of it being stolen. Because it doesn't actually exist anymore.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Alex77 said:

    There will be slots to the police station to park your vehicle its not exactly garage.

    And you know this for sure?

    I highly doubt the game will keep every single officer's on any given server police car loaded at all times. Even when the officer is offline.

    Realistically, and the most logical approach is to have a garage under or nearby the police station.
    That's not to say there won't be regular parking spaces. There most likely will. But I very much doubt they will have any actual functions besides just parking your car there, without having to store it somewhere. And effectively de-spawning it. Temporarily removing it from the game.

    If that were to happen. Any bystander just walking by. Would see a car magically just disappear. And that's just not realistic, and would break any immersion into the game.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Alex77 said:

    There is difference in my opinion,police vehs at police stations cant be damaged or stolen easy.

    It's gonna be the same weather or not the cop car is parked outside the police station, in a police garage, or parked anywhere else even while the officer is on duty. At some point, we will have to leave the car while on duty anyway.

    So I don't really see that as a valid argument. :P

    If you bring you car home, and park it in your garage. It's gonna be instanced. And despawned when you log off. As the instance would probably be unloaded. And, your instances is a safe-zone. Such as your home and your garage, so it can't be stolen there either.
    Same would happen if you parked it in the police garage. It would despawn.

    • Like 1

  8. Well, I wouldn't think of it as an ownership.

    Personally, what I'm hoping for. Is that you get assigned to a persistent cop car.
    Then, when you go off duty. And you have the cop car in the police garage, it'll despawn. But remember the state, like damages, scratches, dirt... And what not. Persistent.

    So when you go spawn it again when you're on duty the next time. It'll still be same car.

    So it's your job to make sure it's up to standard, and clean. And repaired.

    And with that, I don't think it would make much difference if you could take that car with you home. Or just leave it at the station.

    • Like 1

  9. 5 minutes ago, Alex77 said:

    need a lot of cars...

    Cars are likely to be spawned and despawned as they are needed by the players. Don't think there's going to be car manufacturing and a supply and a demand on vehicles.

    (Car manufacturing as in building cars. Not modify them, car modifications is already confirmed. In case someone decides to misunderstand me.)

  10. Zoey get waken up by an Officer Nate knocking on her door not even 20 minutes later.

    Nate: "Ma'am, Special Agent Anderson...?"

    Zoey sighs, and answers.

    Zoey: "Yes, what is it?"
    Nate: "I'm sorry to disturb you. But I thought you should know. There's been a fire."
    Zoey: "A fire? Why are waking me for a fire? Call the fire fighters for that."
    Nate: "They're already enroute, ma'am. But what you should know is that a man in white mask was seen leaving the perimeter by some nearby security cameras."
    Zoey: "Fuck... Does this guy never rest! Alright, Nate, pull your car out. I need you to take me there."
    Nate: "Yes, ma'am."

    Nate then turns and heads to the police garage to get his police cruiser, and pull it out front.

    Zoey stands up, and walks over to her desk, with the bottle of Jack Daniels and hides it in the bottom drawer. And then grabs her gun which was laying on top of some folders on the desk. Checking the magazine, counting how many bullets she had left. It's a full magazine. Fifteen bullets. She haven't fired her gun once yet.

    She heads down to the equipment requisition, and signs off on receiving another magazine. Which she pockets in an inner pocket in her suit jacket. Just in case she runs into this nut job again.

    After a few moments, Zoey heads outside, and into Nate's cruiser which he had parked out front. And they head over to the crime scene.

    A chemical warehouse.

    It's currently set engulfed in a massive storm of fire, the chemicals reacting to the fire, making it burn several hundred times hotter.
    The firemen are unable to even get close as it is burning too hot. And releasing toxic chemicals into the air, in a five mile radius.

    Every officer from the entire district, and even neighboring districts have been called in to help evacuate the locals.
    There's almost no officer left patrolling the streets. If someone were to create a diversion. This is one hell of a diversion, and it's working.

    Nate parks just a few clicks away from the fire, at a tent that has been set up to act the command center for dealing with the fire. And to coordinate the fire fighters, EMS and the police.

    Zoey and Nate heads out of the car, and walks into the tent. Showing their badges. And they talk with the man in charge. A fire marshall by the name of Hank is taking the lead on this one. Seeing as it is a fire they are dealing with.

    Zoey: "Are you in charge here, sir? I need to get to the scene."
    Hank: "I am. And who are you?"
    Zoey: "I'm Special Agent Anderson." - Zoey shows Hank her badge.
    Hank: "Ah, you're that FBI Agent. After the man with the white mask we believe who started this."
    Zoey: "I am, yes. Can you take me to the scenes."
    Hank: "No. No one can even get close. The fire is burning too hot. If you want to help, you need to start evacuate people within a 10 mile radius."
    Zoey: "I don't have time for that. I need to find this man before he strikes again. Who knows what sort of chemicals he may have gotten his hands on."
    Hank: "As I said, no one can get close. I have my best men working on it. Now, please get out of my way. I have work to do. I need to get this fire under control."

    Just as Hank said that, a large explosion is heard and felt as the the entire ground shakes, the lights go out for a moment. And then returns.
    And Hank rushes off to one of the work stations, where a worker is listening to the radio. Who then puts the incoming transmission on speaker for everyone to hear.

    Unknown voice on the radio: "There's been a large secondary explosion at the warehouse. I repeat, a large secondary explosion by the warehouse. A gas pipe blew. It's fueling the fire even more!"

    Zoey and Nate rushes out of the tent, and the first thing they see. Is the massive fire from the warehouse straight ahead. Literally lightning up the entire dark night. 

    Zoey and Nate: "Fuck...!!"
    Nate: "Look at that... I've never seen anything like this! It... It... Almost looks like the end of the world."

    Just at that moment, it starts snowing. Well, it looks like snow. But it's actually ash from the fire.

    A fireman runs up to the tent, and hands Zoey and Nate a mask each. It looks like a gas/fire mask of some kind. He's wearing one himself. And he's carrying several more, and heads inside the tent with them.

    Zoey and Nate each put on their masks. As to not breath the ash, or any other chemicals there may be in their air by now.

    Then the two walk towards the car. As they get to it. Nate casually leans against the hood. And Zoey starts pacing back and forth in front of it. Thinking.

    Zoey: "What if... What if... He knew... This would happen? He definitively seemed like the type who wants to watch the world burn."
    Nate: "What do you mean...?"
    Zoey: "What if he's still around... Watching? What if he's here, right now? Right under our noses?"
    Nate: "But... Why?"
    Zoey: "N-no.. No... That'd be too obvious. And too simple... He must be planing something else."
    Nate: "Like what...?"
    Zoey: "I don't know yet... We do have people patrolling the streets, right?"
    Nate: "N-no...? Everyone is out helping with the evacuation. Except for me though... I've been assigned to you."
    Zoey: "Everyone...? Fuck! He could probably rob the city blind, and we wouldn't even know it!"
    Zoey: "Listen... I need you to cover for me. I need to take a closer look. If there is something there to help us find out where he's gonna hit next. We need to know."
    Nate: "What are you gonna do?"
    Zoey: "Better if you don't know."
    Nate sighs, "Fine..."

    Zoey heads over to one of the parked fire trucks. And looks around for a fire suit.
    She finds the compartment where they keep spare suits. And puts it on outside of her clothes. And she then grabs a nearby fire axe and a fire extinguisher.

    Just as she heads out from hiding behind the firetruck, she notices a four firemen talking to Hank. She heads over, and blends in with them covertly.
    Hank speaks up to the group.
    Hank: "We need you to head over to the warehouse, find the shut off valve for the gas pipe. And turn it off."

    Zoey doesn't say anything, and keeps her head down. But at the same time, also appearing to pay attention. As she doesn't want to draw any attention to herself either. Trying to blend in. So far no one has noticed her. Thanks to the gas mask, she's able to hide her identity pretty well.

    Then the group leader nods, and they all start walking towards the chemical warehouse. Including Zoey who follows them. She sticks to the back of the group though.

    It's gonna be a long walk to get there. In searing hotness. And it's only going to get even hotter as they get closer.


    OOC: (Out-Of-Character)
    Gonna end it here for now. Stay tuned for part 2 when she get's into the hearth of the fire! Feel free to post in the mean time.

    I also tried my hand at color coding names and spoken words from said names. Let me know how that looks like. I might not do that again. But we'll see.

    @UnknownX Have fun using this distraction. xD Lot's you could be doing. Hopefully I'll be able to find something in part 2 to be able to find you. :P 
    But we'll see!

    This has been such a long night. And it's still far from over.
    Feel free to jump in here as well agent @BarrettSimms.

    • Like 2

  11. It probably despawns into some generic police garage. where you could also probably spawn one at the start of your shift.

    Though, it could be interesting if you're allowed to take it with you home. Maybe you don't have to despawn the cop car when you end your shift, thus, allowing you to take it with you home?

  12. As my moma used to say;

    "Two wrongs doesn't make one right."

    Vigilantism is never the answer.
    Yes, we are required to help each other if we see someone is trouble. That is not vigilantism.

    However, going out of your way. Even even breaking laws, to catch criminals. That is vigilantism.

    If I find out you've broken the law, I will find you. And you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


    However, here's what you can do as a concerned citizen. Gather proof, without breaking any laws or putting yourself in harms way. Conduct surveillance, take photos from far away. At a safe distance. And get in contact with your local law enforcement office. Or alternatively, send them in anonymously.

    Other ways to help keep your streets clean is to become a P.I. (Private Investigator.) or even take it step further, and make a security firm. Provide body guards, or security guards.


    OOC: (Out-Of-Character)
    Don't take this post as discouragement, please. I do think you may have some potential to create something here.
    You just have to beware of your actions and the consequences to them.

    And with that, I wish you best of luck! And maybe our paths will cross sometime in the future.

    And who knows.... My character might be willing to look the other way for a good cause. But I didn't say that. ;)