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Everything posted by Budbringer

  1. Playing this game!

    Damn thats an expensive christmas present
  2. Playing this game!

    I would assume he is quite young considering its not his own pc, so saving cash is kind of hard
  3. System Requirement

    Yes, you will be able to run Identity with those specs
  4. When?

    True. They dont want to release some half finished module
  5. Identity is not doing interviews for the official servers. Some private servers might be doing interviews as they are private and wont neccessary have the same rules etc as the officail ones
  6. Official Civil Argument Post

    Except for some standard npc that have little to no function, I hope that everything will be player driven. Sure we need some npcs like default cashier so we can get basics like water/food, but in the end, but more than that should be player controlled

    This was regarding the Asylum Altis Life servers

    There are no forced RP, like if someone puts a gun to your head, its your decision if you want to surrender, same with no NLR, no rules that forces you into RP scenarios. yYou get revived by a medic, you can leave, no need to follow to hospital etc etc. It is so that the player are able to decide for themself how they want to play

    The Asylum Altis Life servers are casual RP servers
  10. Community Service Officer

    True, but you gotta balance it with fun
  11. Community Service Officer

    This is a cool idea, but question is how it would fit in this game, seeing as it might be a little boring in the long run, while as a cop you can do this plus you get all the action
  12. Important questions

    1. What is your computer specs? Its easier to give an answer if your pc can run it if we know your specs 2. Read here for a lot of answers to your question 3. Please elaborate on what you mean with deep custimazation. Housing doesnt autmotaically include pets. Player interactions goes as far as you are comfortable with
  13. ORG: Ass Beating Cops

    Why is that pissing you off? When I transport criminals to jail, I expect to be attacked somewhere on the road
  14. medics getting robbed ?

    You cant compare everything in the game to real life, because its a game Sure medics have a duty of care and health, but since you already used the real life argument, I doubt medics would start treating the area before cops clear it, which in I.E altis life, medic just run in and try to get that revive
  15. medics getting robbed ?

    Idk, if the medical personell start helping the other team, they are no longer neutral, they are the enemy
  16. Should I pre order?

    I pledged over a year ago, and I dont regret it Theres cheap pledges all the way down to 15 dollars. I see you play a lot on Asylum, so you will most likely enjoy this also, so 15 dollars is cheap for a game you will spend a lot of time on http://www.identityrpg.com/shop/
  17. ORG: Ass Beating Cops

    Hey, dont beat on me when I get busted for running drugs! I'm non violent
  18. New Idea.

    RIP accuracy

    These are the features in the module http://www.identityrpg.com/info/modules/townsquare/
  20. Perfect Game

    Well, I would assume that different servers have different rules/mechanics related to strictness of RP. Money hungry is not neccessary a bad thing, everything cost money
  21. You want to be Tig? Better find yourself a nice "Girl"friend
  22. ATM's/Banks Group accounts?

    Just dont promote people you dont trust. RIP money
  23. I will be running drugs and guns in small quantitives
  24. Updates and upkeep

  25. Strip Clubs

    Just dont take any pictures