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Posts posted by Valtorix

  1. Uhm, what? Sorry but you don't sound very serious, and if you are well then there's a problem. If you'd take a moment to look through some of the posts here on the forum, you'll see that the devs have a system in place to prevent players in law enforcement from trolling or minging. For example, you can only arrest people if they have committed a crime, and if you go around trying to kill them with next to no reason, or a poor reason at that, you'll actually find yourself banned from the server. You could try the private servers, but with an attitude like that I doubt they'll give you much of a chance to try any of what you've said here.

    This game is role-play orientated, if you're only interested in abusing your power in an unrealistic fashion; I suggest purchasing Garry's Mod, and playing DarkRP (A gamemode that really isn't RP at all), and you'll find plenty of opportunities to RDM on there.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Shadow765 said:

    I'm pretty sure there is something like fingerprints, so if you don't use mask or gloves the cops can find your fingerprints




    Yep that is correct, I believe it was an example of perks? Not too sure. I would assume though that if they're promoting realism that they won't be marking players on the map that are committing crimes or at all... That would be a good question to ask actually.


    Will there be a mini-map in-game? If so, will other players see each other marked? If not, is there any way for police to identify criminals who are concealed with gloves/mask?

  3. @Topshotz357

    Lol sorry is at an eye sore? I can not use red text if it bothers people.



    Don't get me wrong, you make very valid points and your concerns are fair. I'm pretty confident in the developers though that they'll compensate for issues; that's why we'll be doing an open beta phase (unless that has changed?). I'm sure when coming up with this game concept, that was among their first concerns that arose.

  4. @Jinx

    Some valid points except a prime difference between GTA V Online and Identity, is that one of those is styled around the concept of Roleplay, and the other is not. You can get guns easy in GTA V, even easier to gain cars and vehicles.

    In Identity, you can't steal a tank, fly a wide array of various types of aircraft and fire RPGs at anyone and everyone on the street. They have said they will implement ways to prevent RDM, and if there are gun carrying licenses, it promotes RP. People aren't going to go out and shoot people, because if they do; with the law enforcement system in place, they can easily be arrested and jail time will deter players from wanting to frequently do it.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    Yeah it seems like a great way to make money legally and illegally.

    For sure! If we're allowed to create more than a single character, I'd like to visit the idea myself perhaps, who knows; maybe engage in a partnership if you're up for the idea; much later on of course when certain mechanics have been confirmed and ironed out.

  6. @JamesLuck01

    That would be pretty awesome, having the ability to adopt pets and watch them grow up; do you know if there are any plans in motion of them being intractable such as naming them, playing with them maybe a few tricks like roll over or play dead?


    A good idea, it'd be fun watching a K-9 unit sniff people as they walked by certain areas only to be restrained soon after for suspected carrying.

  7. Welcome to the community!

    I looked for a discord link to possibly provide you but all the links on the forum I could find were expired. Perhaps someone can get you set up, but none the less welcome!

  8. A lot of people advertise moving companies, transportation companies etc. Who would have actually thought about the containers (boxes) to transport said goods and merchandise? This is a brilliant idea, I hope it's implemented, it's a good idea and adds to immersion indefinitely.

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  9. Greetings from Canada!

    I've been apart of this community for awhile now, not as long as some other members, but I recently decided to get more involved in the forums particularly because of the astounding ideas and concepts people have come up with in regards to what they plan to do in the game and some of the organizations that have been set up. I never actually got around to doing an introduction, so I figured better late than never, right?

    I'm a 21 year old living in Canada, Alberta who is your typical geek with a love for computers and games of all kinds. I'm enrolled in college currently for Network Systems and Database Management with plans to get a few certifications and work my way up to some day becoming a Network Security administrator. My favorite pastimes include role-playing, both in games and out; I frequent DnD sessions every Tuesday with some friends after college. I was informed a year ago about Identity and the first thing I did after hearing about its progress was donate money to the Kickstarter and a year later here I am.

    I quite enjoy the concept of Identity, and I truly hope that it continues to have the success it has received thus far and I would like to thank the developers for progressing it as far as they have and for continuing to work and listen to the community. I'm really excited for this game, I've already applied and been accepted as a Coach Driver for CORE Transport and I'm eager to service many players throughout my time in the game and in that position.

    Well, that about ties up my introduction, I'm a friendly enough person so if anyone is looking to chat, whether it be casually or to discuss things about the game, or role-play; feel free to message me! I don't bite.