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Everything posted by ColeBarron

  1. IPO Debate Information

    Kicked form the debate because good ole Nano a.k.a. IPD couldn't control the spam in the Discord chat. Figures.
  2. syncing face to character

    I use to love this feature on Tiger Woods games!
  3. Hi new to site.

    Well, mostly everyone. Lol
  4. !!BREAKING!! Maurice Clinton has DROPPED

    Maurice Clinton dropped from the race on the same day the polls are closing. Indeed, very interesting.
  5. Seckshun 8

    Perhaps all the above, lol. Maybe it's a hangout for burnt out wannabe politicians that couldn't handle the backlash from their running mates, so they dropped out to form a club for other like-minded outcasts. Or maybe it's going to be a coffee shop.......FOR MURDER.
  6. The Hamilton Party

    Please elaborate.
  7. Lace foods with drugs (edibles)

    Crush up some ecstasy into their mashed potatoes, and they start taking their clothes off trying to rub on people lolololol. They throw on some rave music and bust out the glow sticks.
  8. Identity Stream Notes November 7th 2017

    You are awesome! This was actually very helpful as a lot of the time I am unable to watch the stream due to being at work. Keep up the good work. It is really appreciated!
  9. Alberico Gentili Law Firm

    Again, I apologize. There was just something fishy about that guy......
  10. Alberico Gentili Law Firm

    Do you even know what "off-topic" means? Clearly you don't, because my response was directly related to your pointless ass comment fish boy.
  11. Alberico Gentili Law Firm

    Who has committed a crime? Also, what crime did they commit? I'm seeing a lot of accusations with no real evidence to back it up. Are you just here to try to stir the pot, or do you actually have something worth saying? If not, then move along pal.
  12. November Poll (Redo)

    That is unfortunate. After speaking with you about your decision and why you chose to drop out, it angers me that it seems certain people can say anything they want without repercussions. I can only hope there are some changes to come and that this isn't the last we have seen from you Mr. Crowley.
  13. Lace foods with drugs (edibles)

    Finally someone appreciates the signature! Lol. And maybe if you laced the food with drugs, it wouldn't necessarily kill them, but might make them start hallucinating or make their vision messed up. If it's cocaine, it could make their player speed like 2x as fast so they are scurrying around, running into stuff lmao..
  14. Lace foods with drugs (edibles)

    That is an interesting question. That would actually be a pretty neat action to incorporate into the game. Then, certain players that have higher positions in the game might have to have people test their food to see if it has been contaminated. I can just imagine certain players falling ill because there is a large amount of LSD in their black eyed peas lol.
  15. November Poll (Redo)

    *Sigh* You are correct..He did put a lot of time and effort into it, and he did make a website. But.....did you actually vote Hamilton?
  16. Pediction for March 2018

    I understand what you are saying, but I don't understand why you felt the need to post this. There is almost a new thread created every day saying this exact same thing. I'm not going to "lynch you", but I honestly don't think you have anything to gain making a new topic explaining how this upsets you. I know a lot of people don't feel great about the 1st module release date. I admit, it is farther out than I would like, but I am happy that they at least came through and gave us a solid date to look forward to. You know as well as I do, once March 21st comes, and the 1st module is released, none of us will care about this anymore. All of the griping and disappointment will turn into sheer joy when we take our first steps into the Identity world.
  17. Who is still here?

    I think are all waiting for Town Square lol. I've been trying to stay active in the forums to hold me over.
  18. Who is still here?

    I remember you as well good sir. How goes it?
  19. Who is still here?

    Welcome back and nice to meet you !
  20. Unified Party

    That is understandable, and again, thank you for the response. On another topic, could you tell me how you feel about politicians that switch their views on their own policies mid-campaign? Do you feel it is right for a politician to switch their stance on a topic due to getting negative feedback from the community?
  21. The Hamilton Party

    Your reasoning is understandable. While I don't completely agree with your stance on switching policies mid-campaign, I do appreciate you taking the time to explain your reasoning a little better.
  22. The Hamilton Party

    I find this interesting. It seems you've changed your stance quite a bit on this issue. Are you at all worried that voters might view this as you being railroaded into changing your policies due to multiple complaints, or will you play this into you being a "Man of the people" angle, and say that you are changing your policy for the greater good of the majority? When you created these policies, you did so for a reason. You believed in them. You believed they would be the safest and most effective guidelines to govern the masses. I'm not sure how I feel about a politician that so willingly changes his view because of the complaints of a few unhappy citizens..
  23. Unified Party

    Thank you for the quick response. I have seen a couple of numbers thrown out such as 10% or 12% flat rates. In your opinion, would you say these are realistic expectations, or extreme guesstimates in order to gain votes?
  24. Unified Party

    Do you have a specific rate in mind? I know a few parties have showed interest in flat rate across the board. I'm just curious what that rate would be.