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Everything posted by Rinyuaru-Kun

  1. Number of guns

    They probably won't use those names, though
  2. Game platform?

    I don't think Identity will be a Steam game because of Asylum's policy about freedom of development and everything, but I could be wrong
  3. Pre order

    Why wouldn't you do it now then? The development process will only be quicker if you make your purchase sooner
  4. Zoo Keeper!

    Well you seem pretty excited about that future job of yours
  5. I'd like to thank the devs for their work lately

    Awesome to see that even those who lost interest in the game are coming back, you'd be missing a lot otherwise
  6. How to rank up in the forums

    Oh ok that makes sense, thank you!
  7. How to rank up in the forums

    Yeah, you're right
  8. Artist with too much time on her hands

    I have no idea where or when, but I feel familiar with you and your work... Could just be my imagination, or maybe we've talked on the Internet once? Anyway, I think players won't be able to import actual 3D objects into the game, but rather use existing assets to create some (I could be mistaken, of course)
  9. Hype

    Yeah my post was a little misleading but that's what I meant: The release DATE itself if to be announced (due) this month Thanks for the precision though
  10. Musician

    The overall informations about this are still a little blurry (or I haven't done enough research, could be that) but it'll definitely be implemented, indeed
  11. How to rank up in the forums

    Is it post count or like count?
  12. I'm new

    Hello, good to have you with us! Hope you enjoy your animal taming journey!
  13. Business Owning

    I wonder how the casino owner would be designated (probably the richest, though)
  14. Hello Fellows

    Yeah, we all are Welcome aboard!
  15. Artist with too much time on her hands

    Hey, I think I know you from your IRL activity! Cheers! That aside, it's quite nice to have actual artists joining the game, I think I might use your services way too often
  16. Paleontologist

    I think you should delete the two duplicates of this topic: But indeed, paleontology would be a great addition!
  17. history museum

    I don't think this has been asked before (not that I have seen, at least) so you should ask @LuckyDuck or someone as knowledgeable as them
  18. Drivers license cost?

    Er... I might be wrong, but since a few pledges actually include a vehicle, wouldn't it be weird if you had to get your license before being able to use those legally?
  19. Hey There From Indiana, US!

    Welcome! I like your description, and I hope you'll feel at home here
  20. Hey Everyone

    Indeed, it's gonna have great potential! Welcome aboard
  21. Need help with 2 monitors

    I'm completely unable to help you with this, but I hope you'll find a way to work this around
  22. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    Personally, if there were a 1969 Ford Mustang, it'd just be heaven.
  23. Legal Mercenaries/Bounty Hunters

    Happens to me all the time, the teachers don't even care about it
  24. Hype

    Yeah, and knowing the release date for the first module is due this month makes it even harder to wait!
  25. Marie-Clare Bouchard For Governor! (FN)

    Oh, that's gonna be awesome! I might even spend more time snowboarding than doing the other stuff!