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  1. 3 points
    Hello, I’m Sean! That’s pronounced as ‘Shaun’ by some and ‘seen’ by others. I’m the only person in my family who doesn’t have a name based on alliteration. That upsets me a lot, y’know. Like, I dunno, honestly, I just hate it. I love being unique, though, I love it. Regardless, back on topic. I don’t mind if you butcher my name as many of the people I’ve met in my amazing life has butchered it. My mum calls me ‘seen’ as if she’s funny or something. She’ll turn to my sister and be like, “Have you seen Sean?” then burst out laughing as if she was the best comedian in the world. I think I’ll stay on the theme of names for a moment. I go by an onslaught of various aliases on the internet, some ranging from my real name to nicknames that I’ve come up with (read: stolen) and adapted to them. League of Legends has the most nicknames I’ve ever created, settling at 92 accounts. Most’ve them are simply adding a number after each new account. If anyone’s curious, 42 of those are banned. I’m not a toxic player. I have a lot of free time in my real life, whether it be on a Saturday or a Wednesday. I have no idea how I should pass the day so nine times out of ten I just sit around and twiddle my thumbs and – err – do other adult male things – oh be quiet! I can hear your mutterings from here. I couldn’t really type out the ‘M-word’ could I? Honestly. I’m such a liar… a hot, sexy, gorgeous liar. I say that I have nothing to do, yet I have more than ten active and concurrent tasks that are dull, boring, tedious, repetitious, or any other synonym for those same words. I could go on for hours and hours describing how boring and dull my everyday life is. I’m highly rash and very easy to provoke. I don’t think about consequences before I act and it tends to land me in more trouble than I’d like to deal with on a daily basis. All of my posts should have trigger warnings, simply because no matter what I do or say, someone ends up offended. I blame that on my God complex and my untreated sociopath tendencies. As I said, I’m very, very easy to offend and any negative thing said about me or my person will get you a cutthroat reply that’ll make you take a few proverbial steps backwards. Because of my personality and ability to lie, even in the face of pressure, I’d be really, really good at politics. I’m a person that loves to be in power and I’ll lord it over anyone I can. I’d be the sovereignty of Parliament. Speaking of that, I, unlike what books tend to say, don’t have an issue with the authority and don’t actively break it. I’m manipulative, a chronic liar, rash, narcissistic, and lack empathy, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to go outside and hijack a car and cause mayhem. No matter how delightful mayhem sounds. That would mean I’d have to go outside. My greatest ambition is to be the King. Wouldn’t it be lovely to step outside and be greeted by thousands, clamouring onto their hands and knees to greet me? *takes a deep breath* delightful! I’m just kidding. I’m not. I have a cat! She’s not a pet and she’s better than any human I’ve ever had the misfortune to deal with. For such a magnificent creature, especially magnificent because she’s mine, she has such a common name that everyone looks down on her. Shadow. Her name is simply shadow. I berate the drunk me that named her all those years ago. In my alcohol induced state, it seemed like such a grand and original name. I’m currently, at the time of writing, twenty-two. I’m also the manliest man that you’ll ever meet unless I see a spider; it’s dark and I’m alone; I’m in a small and confined space; I was stupid enough to go somewhere high; I was pushed or fell into a pool and I’m currently drowning or any sort of insect is near or on me. If you ignore that plus more, then I’m the manliest person you’ll ever meet. What else can I think of that describes I, Sean? Something relevant to my person and not a hobby… I know! If I was a female, I’d be a hot female, I’d name my left breast ‘Except’ and my right ‘Tional’ and if you put the words together, you’d get what my breasts would be: a bad spelling of exceptional. Moving on! I adore music. I love music… except for the following: country, jazz, blues, and all the other garbage that was made before I was even born. I don’t pay homage to anything before ‘93. You do know that the day I was born, people were going mad because my birth was so glorious and it left them speechless? What a pleasant memory that was. I prefer music that is fast, catchy and gets your blood going. Anything over one hundred and fifty BPM is just perfect, like me. I like almost anything, besides those listed above, and mainly listen to rap, hardstyle, speedcore, breakcore, a little bit of metal, and, of course, lolicore (you know you love it). Movies? Blah! I don’t know, I honestly don’t. I love twisted things, such as Saw. I’m probably deranged, but I’d love to see more Saw films. A new protagonist, a splash of blood, and more interesting contraptions. My inner gay is screaming for drama, however, and that frightens me because once I start watching those drama movies/tv series, I just cannot stop. I love Gossip Girl! *deep breath* alright, I got that one out and nothing bad happened… perhaps I can share a few more like that? I love Hart of Dixie, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, etc. you know the types of shows that you (if you’re a girl) or your girlfriend would watch. As I said just a few paragraphs up, I’m very manly and I need a release. Too much testosterone. Video games? Oh Hello Kitty sixty-nine. This little paragraph could easily top the character limit. Alright. I play League of Legends the most, like all people that aren’t living under a rock. I’m skilled at it and perfect. My peak rank was Master on NA, although I was a boosted animal and got carried into it so I tend to say that my peak rank was Diamond. It’s far too easy to win at higher ELO due to the fact that your team stops playing like monkeys and actually uses their brains and not just fap to the oversexualised females in the game. Aside from League of Losers, I play various games such as: Final Fantasy: A Real Reborn, Guild Wars 2, Black Desert Online, Total War: Warhammer, Stardew Valley, Tom Clancy’s: The Division, Battlefront 4, Battleborn, etc. I’m not naming them all by names as that’s my time that I’m wasting. I like to play video games as that’s about all that I enjoy in life. I have no idea how people lived prior to video games. Disclaimer: I haven’t played half of those I’ve listed. I’m really looking forward to Mafia 3, Watch Dogs 2 (don’t disappoint, Ubisoft), For Honour, and a few others that I’ve already forgotten. Oh! And the game that I’m currently writing this thread for… Insider? Outsider… Unique! That’s it… it’s called Unique. I was wrong, not that I’m ever wrong, and it’s called Identity. I was recently playing INSIDE. That’s where my dubiety about the name of the game comes from. My bad, devs. OH! I’m also looking forward to Civilization 6. I don’t know what the character limit is and I’ve only said about 2% of my life. My favourite colour is pink. I’m Australian and I spent time in the scouts, the cadets and the Australian military. I love anime. Your waifu, whoever it may be, is garbage and Haruhi will reign Queen. I’m a very clean and tidy person. Mess triggers me. Clutter triggers me. I hate 90% of food. I’m currently writing a book about an orphan kid being adopted. I’m not saying anymore as I don’t want anyone to steal my idea. I was lucky at birth and was born into a rich family and’ll never have to work a day in my perfect life. I tried to do cash register work once when I was seventeen and was promptly told not to be rude to costumers. I had no idea saying that she looked like an ogre in the outfit she was wearing was rude. I literally thought Shrek had entered the store and I was afraid for my wellbeing and safety. C’est la vie. Thank you for reading, I guess. I skimmed the rules (I’m above rules) and I was certain I broke none. It’s currently 1am and I’m not sure what to do and I’ve been writing this for thirty minutes. Hm. If I did break any rules, moderators, inform me so I can fix it. Don’t edit or remove my posts as that triggers me. On a different site, a moderator edited my thread and broke it with their incompetence. Sigh. I’m not exactly sure how I got the name ‘Sean’ on the forums. It’s mine now, though. I assumed it’d be taken.
  2. 2 points
    Hey NZLKYLE, if you pledge $15 for the citizen package, you can upgrade later if you are convinced that you want to play Identity during beta! You'd only need to pay the difference for the upgrade, which would be an additional $15 later on.
  3. 2 points
  4. 1 point
    About Rogue Rogue Design was founded by Amy Rogue in 2012. It started with the idea of bringing fashion to new levels, combining luxury with comfort. It became a very famous brand in Italy and its clothes vary from suits to t-shirts and all the way to Christmas socks. Rogue's style is cute and elegant at the same time and reaches out to the largest amount of the population. Why should i choose Rogue? Rogue utilizes only the best materials processed by the best factories around the world. Also Rogue has the best refund policy of all clothing stores: If you're not happy with the product you have 2 weeks to take it back and you get a 50% off on any pair of shoes. But where? Rogue clothing is going to open soon, open from 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. Product list Purses from 50$ to 2300$ T-shirts from 10$ to 80$ Shoes from 115$ to 760$ High heels from 145$ to 1205$ Jewelry from 5$ to 1.000.000$ Every Saturday: Spend over 500$ and you get a free 100$ discount on jewelry. Work with us! Head designer: Amy Rogue Co-designer(s): Available Male Model(s): Kid-espo18 Female Model(s): Available If you'd wish to apply to any job, please message me. ANY APPLICATIONS OR CONTRACTS REQUESTS IN THIS COMMENT SECTIONS WON'T BE ANSWERED
  5. 1 point
    Ohhhh sheeeit waddup
  6. 1 point
    @Herzog I wouldn't have mentioned the fact you saw more content if i were you because now it is suggesting you are the only one on the entire forums who is worthy of seeing the updates for the game. Oh I'm sorry i didn't think it was important to show the progress to the people who had paid for the game, only the ones who back us up on the forums! It's wrong, and don't give us any shit like oh they don't wanna release it yet because it doesn't look perfect, come on we would be appreciative of anything to prove the game is actually being made right now.
  7. 1 point
    I like it I also like GTA V type of deal. I heard that you will legit go out and by parts at a market, like japan, go home and put them on your car.
  8. 1 point
    Illegal street drifting just like in the mountains of japan Loud exhausts, flip up lights, lowered suspension. This would be turn of the century car meets like those in GTA 5, but on the hardest steroids. Illegal drifting scenes!!
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I would like to see the 2 cars I own first is a short wheelbase landcruiser And a 1973 corvette stingray I love my cars. The pictures I posted aren't photos of my cars.