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Found 29 results

  1. I'd like to start off by saying that this should be optional, and would be a good idea for people like me who use mainly PC and have friends who use the PS4 or Xbox one mainly. Identity shows the biggest promises and ambition I have ever seen in an MMORPG. If I could, I would back it up, but thats aside from the topic being discussed here. The point of this thread is to discuss wether we should allow optional cross - platform gameplay. It is as simple as it sounds; start up Identity, join the server, and voila, you are playing on a PC with PS4 and Xbox one users. This also implies that this must have a separate friends list to keep track of all you friends on other platforms. Now, I don't know the difficulty of implementing this, or if it is possible to use the same code on both PC and Console. Truth is, we barely know anything about what is to come of Identity. So that's it! Share your ideas in the comments, if this is possible, and make this Topic be noticed!
  2. ABOUT ME Hello,my name is Logan Wolf,I am 16.I enjoy Serious Role-play and when I say Serious I mean serious. You may be wondering what makes me a 16 year old English guy can do with a server? Well even if you wasn't I'll answer it now,I have owned a Serious Role-play server in the past along with my co-owner Jim Wolf,We amassed around 24 players constantly,that may not seem like much but they all seriously role played. I have role played for around 3 years. I have enjoyed different types such as Altis Life and DarkRP(although this cannot exactly be the best I made it the best I could.) I also am currently doing Computing/Game/Software Development which means I do in fact know a decent amount about coding and programming. HOW THE SERVER WILL BE The server will be ran to an amount very strictly and we will deal with any rule breaks very quickly and professionally. The rules will be like a lot of Serious servers,although certain things such as RDM and other rules will have to be edited when the server is finally able to be up and running and we get a feel of what the game is like. The server will have minimal staff and only have as much as needed. It will be white listed but if we do not hit enough players by the time it is opening then it will not be whitelisted until we have enough people returning which could take 1-4 weeks. I took this idea from @JamesLuck01 I hope you don't mind To get white-listed go to our forums and look at the applications. Restrictions: Police Force: There is no limit on this but there is a limit on how many we can have on at once. I would like the limit to be 30 on at once. Fire Department: There is no limit on how many can be firemen/women but there is a limit on how many can be on at once. The limit is 15. Paramedics: There is no limit on how many can be paramedics but there is a limit on how many can be on at once. The limit is 20. Other: This is your criminals/citizens. There is no limit. We are currently accepting donations but this will go into a paypal and will be used for website hosting currently and server hosting when the game is released. You will receive only a few things for donating such as: A special tag on our forums. A personal Discord Channel. More in the future as long as it does not equal a pay to win function. Donate here A few words from my co-owner Jim Wolf: Check out @JamesLuck01 server post: LINKS Radio Station This is more so you can talk to each other and listen to music at the same time,this is just a lot of fun from experiences. Discord This is for talking to other people such as me or Jim. Steam Group Use this to see announcements and also to add people on steam. Website Use this to get white-listed and set up your profile and show us your support. My Steam Profile Use this to talk to me directly. Police White-list Fire Department White-list Paramedic White-list Citizen White-list Rules For Everything Use this to get to grips with our rules.
  3. private identity server

    Hello guys my name is carlie and my steam name is charlieboy (profile pic is a zombie) I am looking forward to identity so much but at the back of my mind i feel it could be ruined by the kids. Dont get me wrong im not bashing the kids here im just saying alot of the time they dont know how to play by the rules. so what do we do? we go round looking for a white listed serverwhere theres no kids and it has about 30 people on it and unless you go to a big city or set up some sort of RP event then you dont see anyone for hours im basing this information from my time playing dayZ and arma life mods of course and identity may be different but for now we just dont know. so i will be setting up a private server but im not going to do it unless i have enough people to populate the server in a way that everyone who plays will have fun and be able to experience everything identity has to offer. YOU DO NOT NEED TO HELP PAY FOR THIS SERVER AND ANY DONATIONS WILL NOT BE REWARDED AT ANY TIMES. So lets say we get 300 people to join the server? Here are the two things i would like to talk about until we know for sure what identity will bring. RPING. Everyone who joins the server must stick to there character. If you dont want to RP then just act as yourself and give your character your name. I would like to have a mix of people in the group to suit everyone so light and hardcore RPers all welcome. POPULATION. I would like to have a balance on the serve i mean we cant all just be cooking meth in the swamp right? If we did that where would the fun be? So here are the numbers i thought of myself and please let me know what you think COPS 75 criminals 75 civilians 150 If anyone has ideas based on facts we know are planned for identity then please be sure leave a comment. I will set up a steam group for those who are interested just add me on steam from the details above and il inv you to the steam group. Once you are in the group we can start to make up the numbers of who wants to do what ie cop, criminal, civilian, company owners and all that stuff. Thanks hope to see you all in the group very soon
  4. Hi all, The trailer mentions independent communities that can be hosted for IdentityRPG, similar to how the SA:MP model works where communities host their own servers separate to the main servers such as heavy role play, death match, racing. Is anyone interested in creating a heavy roleplay community? I have the funds to host a website and pay for the server upon the games official release. What would you like to see in a stand alone RP community?