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i'd like to hear what the developers have to say! Also would be nice to tell us what they're working on once or twice a month.
Hey everyone, Was announced release date? I don't know sorry about this. I have some informations about this but I can't believe another one because of Internet has many results. Anyone can say about another date or guess it ? With my best regards.
What are your guys' thoughts on the release date for the town square module? If you haven't heard, the Town Square Module will be released on March 21, 2018. We are around 5 months away from the town square module. Are you guys happy about this or not? Let me know what your opinions are! Personally, I'm a little bummed out that the town square is being released so long from now, but I'm sure that it will be worth the wait.
Hello there citizens of identityrpg, I would truly like to apologize if this question was asked in the past. I joined this forums last night and supported the developers because I like the way this project is coming out. I just wanted to know when will this game be playable for Pleagers, once again I am sorry if this question was asked in the past, please do not come to this thread and start telling me things, I am just looking for a simple direct answer not a tutor.
So is there an estimate for when the first module is gonna be playable? I'm really hyped for this game.
Hello identity community, i've been following this project since the first video came out (approx. 1 year ago) Anyways, i've been reading tweets about, that the devs are expecting the game to release early 2017, but in the forums people say late 2017 or early 2018. I know it hasn't been confirmed yet, but i just wanted to know if anyone knew more about the approx. release date.. -Anyways, greetings from Denmark!
Does anyone know when is the estimated game release date? Thank you !! xx