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Everything posted by Kellog

  1. Update

    I wonder how many refunds they've processed or have been requested.
  2. This is pointless. . .

    It's literally says SHOP and it says BUY, I'm not pledging a project im buying a fucking game.
  3. This is pointless. . .

    What do you mean by we didn't pay for a product?
  4. dont think this game will ever come out

    If the game flops eh
  5. Karaoke Bar Song Requests

    teenage dirtbag
  6. Hello from Canada

  7. What is this shit

    Weird how PsiSyn said the exact same stuff in his video hmmm

    It honestly looks like a cartoon game like Fortnite
  9. I'd assume for question 1 there is going to be a Anti Combat logging system in place like most games that combat logging is an issue. As well as for question 2 I think it's pretty obvious that you won't be able to go underwater for an infinite amount of time that just wouldn't make sense. For question 4 an idea for putting down protocols, contracts and or if you want to fill out logs for the day for your company, you might just have to use google docs and have something like that going on for your company if it isn't in game.

    You're an actual nutcase lmfao
  11. Prison Life

    Anything over 45 minutes isn't out of the question and I'd bet on that a major part of the community agrees that Gunplay isn't going to a major part of the game.
  12. Infobroking in Identity: Is it worth it?

    Is there an official law/rule book for the official servers released yet?
  13. Price of the game

  14. Town square estimated release date!

    I think they've flaked on like 4-5 due dates lmfao
  15. How do I request a refund?

    Did you actually get a refund and if so how? I requested on Paypal and emailed them Wednesday I think.
  16. deleted

    It will hopefully be out before January.
  17. You forgot the most important bit, you won't be able to own a server until the game has fully been released.
  18. Player Ran Servers?

    You're dyeing to start one up?
  19. Will kids/teens(AGE10-15) play this game?

    This whole thread is just amazing... Really shows the great variety of amazing people in this community.
  20. Will kids/teens(AGE10-15) play this game?

    Using NASA's top scientists we were able to decode some of your messages and from what we decoded you're just spewing bullshit.
  21. How much did you pledge?

    $150.00 keep saving up more and more until the game is out and donate more.
  22. Will kids/teens(AGE10-15) play this game?

    It won't be different I guarantee the more popular and Favorited servers will have a age limit and if they are Favorited it's probably gonna be 18+
  23. The Town Square servers

    Have fun playing with trolls then.
  24. The Town Square servers

    Why would you only play Official wtf