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Everything posted by LylePyle

  1. Wild west online

    And with RDR2 being delayed it should be able to thrive
  2. Wild west online

    I just learned this. But apparently their backers were so shocked that the company is able to skip the kickstarter. They're going straight into development.
  3. Wild west online

    They just announced the game. Everybody thought it was RDR2 when in fact it was this game. They have no priors but this game is shaping to be an amazing game. Im absolutely excited about this game. They've apparently made a lot of progress with the game and are still working on it.
  4. Football Fans

    I'm an American, I like playing soccer but naturally I'm all for team USA I guess
  5. Wild west online

    I'd rather have 100 player servers riding around with a group of 15 people shooting up the beautiful landscape. I want RDR2 insanely bad but WWO is the best we can get on PC
  6. Wild west online

    Think a lower tiered Red Dead Redemption for PC. No single player and only multiplayer.
  7. A Day In The Life: Ezra

    I would assume the voice antagonizing the person is him.
  8. Let's Make a Story

    Pretty much the exact same basis of Let's Make a Future but the point is to go more in depth. Rules: No spamming, don't reset the timeline, don't make unnecessary posts that have little to nothing to do with the post. Keep it serious guys. 2017: The Prophet is born.
  9. Idea to identify other players

    Sort of like a custom name. For instance you'd nickname me "Hunting Guy" I got you.
  10. Idea to identify other players

    Why not just have their names not show up until you fully interact with them. They'd have to grant permission for you to see their name (now you know them)
  11. Special Agent Zoey Anderson

    Damn, very in depth and detailed. Very refreshing to see something like this. If possible I'd like to discuss something with you in PM where our characters can possibly be connected.
  12. Let's Make a Story

    2028: Realizing it's a fever dream he then spend the next year figuring out how to make a inter dimensional transporter. That way different versions of Earth can prosper from each other.
  13. One profession Lacking that really irks me...

    The reason that won't be included in game is because of the rating and some countries forbid it. They want a pretty average M or T rating. AO is a game killer and nearly ruined Rockstar Games. It's better if that's not in game.
  14. A Day In The Life: Ezra

    Think it was written as a journal/book of sorts.
  15. What will you RP in identity?

    Well if it's an option I'm going to refurbish an old cabin in the woods. Preferably next to a lake so that I can fish. I'd be a hunter gatherer and sell any meat that I don't want/need to stores and try and make my own little land mass. Make a storehouse and hopefully if it's an addition at some point make kennels for a few dogs so that they can hunt with me. I just wanna be an outdoors man and work with my bare hands.
  16. Let's Make a Story

    2026: The Federation of Planetary Beings are formed. From which they actually achieve making their own intergalactic space ships. Still clueless as to how light speed ships are created.
  17. Let's Make a Story

    2024: After a year of peace the Humans become greedy and kill the alien race to say that they created the technology they were gifted.
  18. Call Of Duty WW2

    Well I know for a fact they'll probably be putting supply drops in because they were the first developers to put them in a COD. And honestly I've been waiting for a World War 2 COD ever since MW3 came out, and I think this is something that will help revitalize the series and bring a freshness back that we haven't seen since the golden days.
  19. Let's Make a Story

    2019: As she has the stock market cornered, stocks begin to plummet and the world is brought into a new depression.
  20. Poll

    We can't believe we friends now ?
  21. Let's Build a Future Together

    2020: As the sea begins to recede Cthulhu rises, his roar echoing through space and time itself while his abomination offspring form on the ground. The United Nations ally with all major countries to stop the threat.