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Everything posted by Joku

  1. Housing

    Am i able to decorate the hotel room a bit?
  2. Housing

    Yes, you are able to buy a arpartment with ingame money, i think you will just start on the streets with this version
  3. Create Your Identity

    Name: Joku Jones Age: 23 From: Germany Appearance: middle long brown hair, white Skin, green eyes, fit body Attire: Job: Assistance in Shops and i try to be a therapist in my own house, i love to help people and if they need my help as a therapist, they can talk about everything with me and i try to do my best to make their life better again. Detail of House: I dont know yet, i think i will sleep in my old car and if i get enough money, i want to buy a foresthouse Vehicle: old car but i want to buy a toyota supra Personality: friendly, helpful, trustful, thinks about every step Backstory: I dont really want to tell my backstory here, it is possible i never meet some of you people ingame but i want to keep my backstory a secret and if someone asks me about why im on Identity-island, i can tell him my story. I do it because i want to prevent metagaming. Thanks for reading!