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Everything posted by polygamer96

  1. Hello fellow Citizen!

    You will be able to pledge after yes, but the prices will be higher
  2. cell phone app

    It is a very good idea but i don't think it will be a concept in identity
  3. Hello fellow Citizen!

    If you pledged for the 30$ founder pack you will recieve a steam key on the 23rd of April where you will be able to download the game from steam
  4. Hello fellow Citizen!

    Welcome to the community! Hope to see you in game soon pal!

    heard this song today and really liked it!
  6. Memes for Town Square Release

  7. Memes for Town Square Release

    Which ones did you like?
  8. identity steam or nah?

    If you bought the founders pack (30$) then you should recieve a steam key when the time comes to download the game from steam
  9. Only a few more day

    It is not 23rd yet is it.. I think you should take your negativity and go have a break..return back to the forums on monday please
  10. Who wants to be my sugar daddy in game

    Heyy shhhh
  11. 23rd of april you will be given a steam key if you have bought the 30$ founders pack. You can use that key to download town square. The game will appear on steam that same day
  12. New Doctor in town. Obtained Passport 20/04/2018

    Yes there is no change in the date its launching on monday!
  13. Who wants to be my sugar daddy in game

    If you find him send him to me!
  14. New Doctor in town. Obtained Passport 20/04/2018

    Welcome Dr Mills! I would love to see you ingame
  15. What is happening in 1 Weak?

    The first module of the game "Town Square" is coming out on april 23rd In order to be able to play it though you need to pledge for the 30$ founders pack! Prices will go up after town square is released have it in mind
  16. Only a few more day

    Im reaaaally hyped! I cant wait to jump ingame man.
  17. Cars usable in town square?

    I think there won't be any cars in town square..in the future though there will
  18. Well yes in the last dev blog but they also said it might be released alongside town square
  19. Then all you have to do is wait for monday
  20. Well the game is for 18 and over
  21. Greetings all...

    Welcome to the community! So happy to see new members joining! Hoping to see you in game soon.
  22. 5 days ..

    It is coming out mate
  23. A strong, safe, stable greeting to you all.

    Hoping to play with you too Accel and I like your passion of roleplaying..i would totally consider it pal!