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Posts posted by Boumu

  1. 6 minutes ago, Shimozukachi said:

    another mmorpg? is it at least not a "you have to wait until the attack is over to start moving again" game?

    Honestly can't not tell if you're a meme or you're actually like this

  2. and now I can't even connect to the game, typing in my PIN and then it says "Disconnected from Server" gg

    Servers are down for maintenance the one time I don't need to queue.

  3. 3 hours ago, Vix said:

    I'm a founder buuuuuut not playing until I buy a new PC so I can create my char in HD :D

    What server?


    Oh and join the Crimson Legion.

    Or I'll find you

    and I'll kill you. @-@

    Poharam, all my friends are playing on it, I might switch servers on a second character because the queue is ridiculous on Poharam

  4. Probably just spend less than a thousand dollars on clothes, Challenger SRT8, and a moderately sized house. That's probably it to be honest

    Interesting Fact of the Day:

    My teacher asked me this question a few weeks ago, the question was could you spend two trillion dollars?

    Almost everyone answered yes but he proved us wrong; Here's how

    You have 30 students. Give a million each every day for a year.

    You're only using $10,950,000,000 a year... You'd have to spend that much for 182+ years to spend two trillion dollars.

    • Like 1

  5. No this game was OBVIOUSLY a major scandal created by George W. Bush to steal money from a fundraiser to buy more jet fuel.

    (If you can't tell that was sarcasm, it was)

    • Like 2

  6. Depends how close they are and what they're using to rob me. If they were robbing me with a knife or a small firearm. I might just take my chance and try to attack them, most of the time I will be just letting them rob me though

  7. 13 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    hope it won't be like in gta online where everyone drives a super sports car or an armored kuruma (easy c4 kill) with underlights, giant spoiler, annoying horns, completly black paintjob etc. you know what i mean completely unrealistic because in reallife you would get arrested for tuning like that and bla

    The amount of money you earn will be very similar to real life, so you wont be getting 200,000$ every 30 minute heist :) Those kind of luxury cars will be taking some time to get

    • Like 1

  8. So if you're on the community page and put your mouse over the About Tab it does not have any slide down menu, but if you press Home and highlight over the About Tab it has a slide down menu. Just something I noticed ._.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Vix said:

    Can you wear different underwear under clothes? <.< >.> Like if some clothings are see-through do they have default built-in underwear or can you wear different underwear? Are bras separate from panties or do you have to equip them as a set?

    Those are all very important questions!


    When I strip will I have briefs or boxers! Will they be attached to character model or can I buy different kinds?