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Everything posted by Preston_bodhi_343

  1. Gene Smith for Governor

    Message me privately about what you want me to do as campaign manager and we'll arrange it together
  2. Gene Smith for Governor

    Anything, don't mind as long as I'm stood by your side when you're elected as governor
  3. Gene Smith for Governor

    Given everything you've said in your recent posts Gene, I've been thinking myself and I've decided I'm going to drop out of the campaign in favor of supporting you, I don't know if you've arranged with other people to be in your inner circle but I'd very much like to offer myself as your right hand man so to speak
  4. Gene Smith for Governor

    Gene if you think being a criminal and openly stating it is going to get you elected you're very much mistaken
  5. Will There Be Metros and/or Trains?

    look i'm getting annoyed at seeing suggestions about aircraft, helicopters and planes will never be a thing because the first thing people will do is troll and grief, just like the same reason why sniper rifles and other forms of weaponry aren't being added, this game has to be realistic and in reality people have a much bigger chance of getting into politics or the emergency services etc rather than becoming a pilot
  6. Will There Be Metros and/or Trains?

    jobs like these aren't player controlled because to the majority of players it would be boring spending all day driving up and down the map, yes i do agree the realism aspect of it would be great but most players don't want to be driving up and down all day just like most players don't want to be stood in a shop serving customers all day, it has to be fun to be worth adding in
  7. Eye patch

    As the title says, will things like eye patches or other eye wear be available in game? It's an odd question i realise and if made available every other players will probably wear one but will eye patches be a thing?
  8. How much did you pledge?

    just checked the kickstarter site and fuck me 5000 dollars is ridiculous for any pledge, sure as hell glad it isn't an option now and most people couldn't afford it
  9. How much did you pledge?

    the full 500 smackeroonies which alllows bragging rights if i say so myself
  10. Modding

    I don't think you understand, this game is heavily based on realism, that means modding can't really add much more and anything mods could add is based off of features that the Devs don't want to add, for example undercover police cars, the Devs have already said they want a clear difference between police officers and civilians and that means that won't happen, again mods are best left out of this game, if you want mods go play one of the many other games that have them but as far as everyone else is concerned the Devs aren't going to add modding to the game for obvious reasons, im sorry if you're the only one who wants mods but that doesn't mean everyone else should have to want them
  11. Users with mic

    me personally and this is just me, i think it should be kept to talking through mic, i realise not everyone has a mic but a cheap one shouldn't be hard to get, the reason for this is it wouldn't be realistic if so many players were mute like GTA and well typing is the same thing, sending a text via phone or email in game yeah sure because you can't speak through either of said communication types. by no means should my opinion deter anyone from being able to enjoy text typing roleplay i'm just purely giving my take on the game
  12. Modding

    i don't agree with modding on games like this because it takes away the realism, modding games like gta and arma aren't an issue because they aren't realistic or heavy role playing games, if the devs want this to be as real as possible then modding shouldn't be included, not all games need mods to be enjoyable and modding shouldn't be the main selling point for buying a game
  13. Modding

    i personally think modding should stay out of this, my reason being is that this is a realistic game based on real life and should stay that way, modding will only lead to people going over the top and making silly unrealistic creations. i say no thank you to mods but that shouldn't stop other players being able to enjoy them on other games
  14. What rank have you bought from the shop ?

    count me in as a member of the VIP club haha
  15. Confirmed New Video Coming

    i can understand the devs pushing back town square but releasing a simple video of gun mechanics should not be taking this long, again i realise the devs are busy and stuff but we need something once in a while
  16. ArmA 3 Life - In a Nutshell

    and the point of this post is what exactly?
  17. Will the "Town Square" module be late ?

    Even with all those push backs, GTA online was still a mess at launch for the first month because rockstar weren't prepared enough
  18. What is YOUR Goal in Identity?

    my goal is to be elected as a governor, if not elected immediately my goal would then be to rise to power but in either scenario as governor i will lead a great country and be known as one of the greatest leaders of identity
  19. NCA?

    i hope it isn't a case of as soon as you kill someone the police are instantly notified because that's not how it works in real life, if you're aiming for a realistic game you need to have it so either the body has to be found or the person has to be reported missing in order for the police to start investigating, otherwise it's just like grand theft auto where even killing someone with a silencer in the middle of nowhere will still somehow give you a wanted level, with the funding from spatialOS this could be easily made much more realistic
  20. hi

    hopefully i'll be an elected governor, if not i shall be a secretary of health
  21. game requirements

    just used the system checker and i can run both ARMA III and GTA V on basic settings but not recommended, does that mean identity will be fine? bearing in mind i'm using a windows 10 laptop not built for gaming
  22. VIP package

    i am one of the people who bought VIP, i started off low and after getting to motorist or something i just decided screw it and pledged the VIP, if i'm going to pledge may as well get the best stuff
  23. 1st module is delayed yay!!

    30 dollars isn't anywhere near as bad when people like me have pledged 500 dollars, yes it's down to each individuals choice however we have put much more of a commitment towards identity, not saying the delay is bad but it's irksome when i was looking forward to playing town square so whatever info we get had better be worth the delay as much as there's good reasons for it
  24. Who Are The Candidates?

    yes Mr Gene Smith has resigned from the campaign and is no longer a candidate
  25. Who Are The Candidates?

    Residence: United Kingdom Occupation: Unemployed School: Lincolnshire Major: N/A Race: Caucasian Religion: Christian Outlook on Life: Life is brilliant. Beautiful. It enchants us, to the point of obsession. Some are true to their purpose, though they are but shells, flesh and mind. Others chase the charms of love, however elusive. What is it that drives you? Social Attitude: mixture of intro and extrovert Book: Friedrich Nietzsche beyond good and evil Movie: point break ( 2015 ) Skill: charisma, first aid Holiday: Christmas Season: Fall and Winter Favorite Place: St Paul's cathedral Color: aurora colours Music: different music Animal: boar/tusked animals Political Party: Republican/right winged