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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. Thoughts on E3?

    Not sure how long, but I do believe StarField will come out first.
  2. Dear Identity devs....

    John u savage ????
  3. SantosRP

    Anyone here ever play SantosRP?? I used to play on the official whitelisted one. Now I play on DefconNations’ sometimes.
  4. Casino

    There will be casinos in Identity. Blackjack is confirmed so far, and so is roulette I believe. Hopefully we get poker as well.
  5. game

    It says that, your just not reading clearly.
  6. Hello everyone! New member in your family!

    Founders pack will get you access to all the modules and beta. The first module, Town Square, should be our very soon!
  7. SantosRP

    Lol that’s crazy! I used to be in slaughter. I remember this time last year slaughter and vice was a constant huge war for weeks straight. Was a lot of fun.
  8. game

    $15 gets you access to the full game, which is a bit far out from now. $30 gets you access to the modules and beta. The first module should be out soon, as only 6 tasks remain.
  9. Private servers will be for the full game only.
  10. Thoughts on E3?

    I agree man! I was so excited
  11. Iced Jewelers

    We are still hiring! Security guards Sales associates Material miners
  12. $15 can get you access to the game, once the full version is out. But if you pledge $30, you get access to all the modules And the beta.
  13. Yup. We are very close to the release of TS. Purely my guess is within the next few weeks we could have it.
  14. Town square module is not out yet. Track it’s progress here: http://www.identityrpg.com/info/modules/townsquare/#tracker
  15. Hollywood

    How do u plan to get famous in Identity?
  16. New Citizen Here :D

  17. Hello!

    Welcome to the community! Did you play on any RP servers on Arma 3?
  18. Juke Box, Radios, Car Radios etc...?

    Car radios are a yes. You can also have a radio in your home. And I’m sure resturants and bars will have some type of radio or juice box. I haven’t heard anything about sub-woofers.
  19. 6 Tasks Left, Game will release after 3 weeks

    Hopefully we can get TS by the end of this month
  20. 2 or 3 days now!!

    Yea! Only 6 tasks remain
  21. Game being delayed? We shouldn't complain

    lol, just cause he supports the game?
  22. Iced Jewelers

    We'll be in touch.
  23. Iced Jewelers

    We are still hiring! Available Jobs: Security guard, Sales Associate, and Material Miners Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iF7tefD1LQhWUpzl8GcqgAMTSXsZn3H00qFUl7Wze1w/edit Feel free to respond to this or send me a PM.
  24. New website ?

    They are a new company, they are learning as they go. This is their first game as a team. If that scares you, then don't pledge. But if you believe in this game, and these Devs then show them some support!