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Everything posted by Cstove

  1. Town square info

    It will be fun to meet people in the community. I also think people will really enjoy the apartment customization. But for more action and what not, I think the SWAT module will be the one you enjoy the most.
  2. New gameplay video

    To play early you need to pledge $30. So there wil be 3 modules, then beta, and then full game. The first module is the Town Square module which is a social module. This should be out this month hopefully.
  3. Only 8 tasks to go!! 87% finished!!

    How so? It started with an overall of 64 tasks, and now there are 63 overall tasks, they actually got rid of one.
  4. Warehouse District

  5. Warehouse District

    You cant build buildings.
  6. Anthony Smith introduction

  7. Anthony Smith introduction

    The first module, the Town Square, should be out soon. Once all these tasks are completed and it goes through steam approval. http://www.identityrpg.com/info/modules/townsquare/#tracker
  8. When will the first module release?

    3 weeks seems reasonable.
  9. Suggestion on how custom clothing should work.

    Color, pattern, logo, you can’t change the actual form of the clothing . Would be a cool feature to see in the future however.
  10. Only 8 tasks to go!! 87% finished!!

    They won’t add tasks, they said only if something crucial came up that they forgot about. But so far this hasn’t happened, so I doubt it will.
  11. Suggestion on how custom clothing should work.

    You can mass produce clothing and other items if you own a manufacturing corporation.
  12. They are making prison interesting, and there will be stuff to do in there.
  13. Delete the stress system

    There not gonna delete a core feature of their game. It can be turned off on private servers.
  14. Iced Jewelers

    Look forward to doing business with you!
  15. Devs don’t want players to have jobs where they just stand around, same reason why you can’t be a cashier.
  16. Greetings

  17. Custom Jewelry, Diamond/Stone setting

    Yeah you asked about custom jewelry, and that gave me the idea for iced out jewelry. Wasn’t trying to steal your idea!
  18. Someone asked early if they could customize their own jewelry, and it gave me an idea. So in order to make a watch, you would probably need to have mined some gold, or buy it from someone. I had an idea that if you have diamonds and a watch, when you go to a crafting menu you will be able to craft the watch into an "iced out", diamond variant of that jewelry. The diamonds could be mined for. I think this would be something cool to have in the game, because then people could own there own jewelry shops where they sell custom "iced out" watched and chains. Here are some picture examples of what I'm talking about: https://imgur.com/TFNwrHU https://imgur.com/r4sJiU6 Let me what you all think!
  19. Looking For Private Military Group

    Someone could start a private military, but it wouldn’t be official, you could label it under as a gang. But it will be hard for these PMCs to work as obtaining all the guns necessary for one would take a long time.
  20. Nobody is chosen to own big businesses, anyone who’s got the money can open one. Go here for info on corporations: http://www.identityrpg.com/info/corp/
  21. Iced Jewelers

    Thank you
  22. We've waited for this... I'm so excited!

    I thought it looked really good
  23. Iced Jewelers

    Thanks man. Look forward to doing business with you!