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Everything posted by Fabulous

  1. Where are YOU gonna live?

    Ofcourse he will
  2. 5264 citizens donated 196097$?!

    I think it does The numbers were really high on day one
  3. Roomate

    Yes you can share houses/apartments Already confirmed
  4. Farming - How will it work?

    I am also dreaming about a farming job, lets hope for the best and see

    Fallout 4 female underwear
  6. STEAM?

    I know the game will be on Steam but when and what options do we have there I personally can buy the game on Steam only, since like most people I already have a lot of money there and buying the game would not be a problem So now to the biggest question, if I buy on Steam can I choose between all the options or will there be only the 30 dollar version
  7. I was wondering what is the best RP game as of right now to play while waiting for Identity
  8. can't pre order. sorry fans

    I hope I can buy the 100 dollar version on Steam also
  9. Negative Response to Role play.

    I support role playing but I dont think that was the place or the time to be role playing to be honest with you Sorry if I offended anybody but its quite obvious these are the friends of Kevin and they have been forced to make accounts so he can have higher rep And they seem to be quite young
  10. STEAM?

    That is already confirmed newfriend
  11. Pets

  12. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    Dirtbikes are confirmed to be in the game, excited
  13. Living in a farm ?

    Dude are you making fun of me
  14. Dollabank Job Listing

    Damn those cringey Mafia kids
  15. Planes ( hear me out)

    Well maybe we can just jump out of planes with parachutes, that wouldnt hurt anybody

    Made me cringe but whatever You can rob stores/banks Grow weed, cook meth Steal clothes even Steal cars Not sure if there is any more
  17. Pets

    Why cant pets roam outside that makes no sense A dog will die if he doesnt get to run and burn his energy
  18. STEAM?

    Yes he already said he would give me a copy so I can take part in the module
  19. Pets

    I asked them to add Goldies in the game and I think they might
  20. Planes ( hear me out)

    You are breaking my heart here
  21. Create Your Identity

    Very good very good Love reading those
  22. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    Cant forget the badass rebel from GTA
  23. Gambling and casinos

    Betting on fights has been confirmed my friend
  24. STEAM?

    I cant sell the knife for 100% of its price I would lose a lot by doing it like that
  25. STEAM?

    Yeah thats me who he is replying to, see the name But the thing is, I can buy a really expensive version of the game ONLY if its on Steam because I have a lot of money on Steam and developers dont realize how much of it is moving around in Steam alone.