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Everything posted by ECorp

  1. 5 days ..

    Well i realy don`t care ether way, but seemed you where trying to ignore him. And then he was met with personal attacks instead of the explanation you just gave me. Only reason i said anything is because at work my college said the same thing thats all and it made it into the post. It came across hostile is what am saying and that is always a bad sign..
  2. A strong, safe, stable greeting to you all.

    What's your qualifications@AccelFangWe would need to know more about your policy`s. As a major business owner i need to know we are getting our money worth.
  3. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    If i came across as negative that is not my point. Yes am sceptical and critical, but anyone should be. Denfenetly not a hater, i try to be constructive with my feedback, but am also going to speak my mind. Thats how progress and change happen in my humble opinion. @NARC I realize that i was just trying to make a "funny point".
  4. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Been chilling for 3 years now, am chilled out, time to get the hype train going.
  5. 5 days ..

    That is my worry to, i mean as someone how been working professionally with UE 4 for the last 3 years. I have to say it makes no sence what so ever, the only resson i can think of is that they don`t have anything: My bet is that Monday will come and totoly quiet until forums light up and they are forced to tell us. We wont be able to xxx an it is delayed, Town Square has to be in a engine project by now so way no screenshots? We will see on monday notice someone asked about in stream 2 days ago. He was bullied and harassed by the mods in the channel for asking a valid question. If that is how Asylum is going to behave to questions am even more skeptic.
  6. Houses in town square

    You get access to everything in TS apartment\ hotel or pledge apartment if you hae one. Town Square is like a socialists dream everything is free provided for you. lol
  7. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    They call them screenshots but they are pre renders from Maya\ 3D Max. Ergo not real screenshots but renders the stuff you see here wont even look the same in-game. As when shaders and post-processing effects are applied it all looks different. And way do you feel the need to insult people, did i hit a nerv? Did you suddenly realize you are being cheated? Fact is the only gameplay video we have is made with UE 4 template projects.
  8. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Not bad just sad, if you read the reddit you see how bad the opinions are. They should do some damage control i want to see this succeed. But it wont if the web blows up with delay memes for Identity and scam rumors. People are calling Identity for a scam, don`t you think devs should do some damage control? Just all they need to do is show som REAL work.
  9. Blacklisting Companys

    Lol sounds so stupid when you say it like that. Did not think about the factory part of the mechanics. Thanks for the reply. Best Regards ECorp
  10. Hello I was wondering if it will be possible to "Blacklist" a company? Let me explain it be nice to be able to blacklist a company from your stores\ company. If lets say am running a successful company e.g.: aquering and selling fish, or a carpentry\ furniture store. I have stores setup with my company and a new competitor arrives on the market. It be nice to be able to blacklist the company so they can't sell and\ or buy fish from my store fronts? Giving the ability to combat competitors with something else then bullets? Of course i understand and want there to be NPC that will accept anyones goods but nice to be able to do this for your own company.
  11. The Stess isnt killing me.

    The stress system works difrently i belive. If you are minding your buisniss and some mugger pulls a gun on you. The mugger will have much higher stress to begin with. At least thats how i understood it in one of the Twitch clips Furthermore there are different areas that have different stress factors comes in to play. So you wont have the same stress of the bat and in the case OP described you can kill him. But your stress will go up as soon as you pull a gun\ fire.
  12. Blacklisting Companys

    I do not think you understand what i mean. As i understand it shops needs to be stocked by players. Except for some basic items that will always be available everywhere. If you cant sell your stuff then you don`t make money. Or at least transport it further before you can sell, makes for some interesting gameplay scenarios.
  13. Blacklisting Companys

    Lets say i have a better location for my stores. e.g: Distance to travel, money earned, risk taken so 4th. I would not want a competitor to get established in "my area" using my stores.
  14. Looking for delivery job

    Do not worry my friend here at ECorp we will find a place for you. Throw us a follow and your information and we will get back to you when the time is right. Best Regard ECorpYour company, your friend, your future.
  15. New Screenshots (UPDATED)

    Not to be a critic but renders (these are not screenshots btw) are well and good, but can we see some actual "in-game" footage? I mean you guys have to have some stuff nailed down even if only prototyped. Atleast show us some work from the engine. Like the meth cooking trailer its getting to a point where am not sure you guys have anything. Just assets that is it, and no functional gameplay mechanics and\ or backend. Sorry just had to get that off my chest. Be nice to get a reply on this.
  16. Blacklisting Companys

    I would be cool tough.
  17. Chess, Clothes, all social aspects i expect that to include. Phone contacts, groups, VoIP, soon after TS release shooting range will be available. Am sure more was mentiond on stream. But brace yourself Town Square is NOT a game. There are no jobs, no currency, or purpose AFAIK other then testing. Correct me if I am wrong.
  18. Seeing on Twitch and how hard@Jade is working am sure the others are working just as hard. I do hope the trailer will show up soon tough, I realy think its time. lol #IdentityHashTagFaith
  19. What worries you? POLL

    They did say they are using Google Cloud servers. The thing is, as I understand it Town Square Module is the core framework for the game. Meaning its weird if they don`t have the server side \ client side implementation for the network layer. They mentioned in a stream it was scalable only limited by bandwidth. If they got all that sorted and implemented I can see the gameplay modules being a breeze in comparison. If its not implemented and servers are stile running the default Unreal Engine 4 Server backend then we are in for a long wait. It be nice to know if Town Square is in fact using the intended network layer for Identity? I belive they mentiond that as well somewhere they where using the google server backend but not sure on that. The two other modules weapons and vehicles is even templated in UE 4. And placeholders for the vehicles physics and weapons comes standard out of the box in UE 4. And could therfor be implemented and then re-done over time, same with weapons movement. I see no reason way the two other modules should take as long. We will see the state of the Town Square and then we will know how it truly stands. Until then its my opinion we need to give them time and patience but a new delay now would be very damaging IMHO. For now am crossing fingers and and hoping we will see a well polished module next week.
  20. Yes rather wait for a good game then get a bad one.
  21. So been following this game for on and off for years. Its taken longer then I expected but I pledged and been going over the twitch clips. Now am super hyped for this game. More so then any other since ever really. But I have my expectations low, I just feel they are promising the world. And I am worried they can`t deliver, don`t get me wrong am sure they are capable people. But this game is insane and if they gona have all the stuff they have promised at release. The task is daunting. I can understand with the the cloud based servers and so on that development take time. But really think they should show more gameplay stuff, exited but games disappoint these days so am going to wait. What do the community think about this in general? You have my thoughts now give me yours.
  22. ECorp Announcement Thread

    Hello honestly at the moment we don`t do anything. I made the thread in the spirit of RPG. Its just me and i want to become the CEO of "ECorp" Based on the fictional corporation in the TV Series "Mr Robot". Am sorry if it did not come across clearly. When Identity launches i hope to gather some players of all kind to start my empier. Best Regards ECorp