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Everything posted by Sipowicz

  1. Greetings

    What's up everyone. I may be showing my age with my username. Lol, do you remember the show???
  2. Hey guys and gals of the PD. I was just looking at all the comments in the Precinct posts and began thinking. Maybe we as law enforcement officers, we should spend a good amount of time reading the threads about the criminal life. If we can see some of their questions, and devs answers, we can get ahead of the criminal world. Just my thought. (about to go to the dark side of the city.....see you there!?)
  3. off duty

    Since I am not aware of the game mechanics...if, as an officer, you "clock out" at the precinct, you are now off duty. Do you walk out of the station and to your car to drive home? If so, what would stop the bad guys from "spawn trapping" the HQ and killing us as we leave the station unarmed??
  4. off duty

    Doesn't being a police officer grant you a license to carry off duty anyway?? **Never mind, answered already.
  5. Job Poll

    Maybe I'll be a criminal and use you to traffic my drugs.
  6. Job Poll

    The company I work for used to sell your stuff...UBIQ, in Philly. We just opened 4 Kicks USA stores in NYC. Maybe if I am a shop owner in Identity, I can sell your brand too.
  7. [FAQ] Police Department

    Can the detectives set up "sting" operations to catch drug trafficking, mob activity, etc?
  8. [FAQ] Police Department

    I like this idea of a qualification for being able to suit up in a special task force. The only problem I can think of is, what if there isn't anyone on the server qualified for a SWAT job? Do the bank robbers get the upper hand?? Or, can there be another qualifier that would grant access to SWAT?
  9. [FAQ] Police Department

    I think that would help tremendously. I would like to play this game with my son, and to play as a "team" would be great. I hope they can make this a thing.