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Everything posted by JonathanTaylor

  1. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "Nothing a little makeup wont cover up" He chuckles at Kevin. *He notices Micky pull up outside* "Sorry Kev, ive got business to attend to, ill explain in a second" *Michael exits the diner lighting a cigarette before going in for a hug with Micky* "Hey brother, hows things?"
  2. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *As Michael is chatting away, awaiting the arrival of the rest of the MC and the Highwaymen, he notices Kevin stumble through the entrance* "Kevin? Kevin is that you?" He shouts as he slowly gets up from his seated position "Whoa that is you Kev, its been a long ti....what the fuck happened to you?" He says as he gets closer to see blood and a broken nose. *He leads Kevin to where he was seated* "Here, take a seat"
  3. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "Were at a gas station just north of ol' Jim's farm on the highway. Meet us there. Ill bring some more of my guys here" Michael begins to raise his voice over the sound of the bike in the background.
  4. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "I got a good buddy of mine that would be in for a fight" Michael says grinning. *Michael pulls out a burner and flicks to a name on his contacts. It dials for a second...* "Hey Micky! One of my members got into a bit of a party without us last night...anyway, i think its a bit disrespectful not to invite your buddies so were about to go find this guy a teach him a little lesson" He says smiling. ((Awaiting @Micky_Tohmpson's response))
  5. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Michael looks around as old grannies look away from their morning coffee at Max* "Cmon man, keep your voice down. Dont you worry about Nick. Well track him down and hell die by your hand before he gets anymore blood on his"
  6. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "Dont you worry son. That man, although not part of our patch, will get a Rangers burial" *Michael can see the tears swelling up in Max's face from his friends death* "Did the same bastard wack your friend??"
  7. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    Yeh, im hoping theres going to be a lot of gestures and social interactions between players
  8. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Michael peeks into the bag, looking at all the dollar bills lying within* "Brother, this is yours" He says passing it back "Well, this little prick Nick made a mistake" He pauses for a bit "Your true family with deal with this now"
  9. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    Im hoping so as thats what i do with GTA. controller for driving, keyboard for everything else. Im sure that if it isnt there on release it will sure be something theyll add in the future.
  10. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "holy shit man, what the fuck happened?" Michael demands an answer as he drops his half finished cigarette. *He walks over to Max and gives him a brotherly hug* "Im sorry this happened to you brother" He says eyeing up his scarred lip and painful ribs "Well get the bastards who did this to you" *He looks over at Johnny* "Johnny, go into that diner and get us a table. Well sit down and discuss this shit. Coffee's on me Max"
  11. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    Yeh i think with the amount of features they plan to have in this game it might end up being like arma where not even a full keyboard can do everything. Would be best to get a full keyboard but you can always rebind keys to shift, ctrl and alt
  12. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Michael hangs up his phone to find Frank stood in front of him* "That was Max. He was on a payphone at some gas station over in the middle of nowhere. Gave me directions and wants to meet there. Ill take you and Johnny with me, see whats up" *The trio leave the clubhouse and settle on their choppers. Michael pulls up a black and white bandanna over his unshaven beard and puts on his old Stahlhelm helmet. They all ride off down the highway towards the farmland to meet Max* *They arrive at the gas station a couple of hours later. They see Max's bike parked out front of the shop and park up their bikes. Michael dismounts from his bike and takes off his helmet and pulls down his bandanna before lighting a smoke, waiting for Max to come outside* ((Awaiting @Tripnal's response))
  13. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *As members begin to file out of the chapel, Michael walks out last but is stopped by Frank, the clubs Treasurer* "Hey man, Max wasnt present at church today...i tried calling him earlier but got no answer" *Michael quickly interrupts* "Dont worry about it brother" He says lighting a cigarette "The boys probably still at home or something. Ill give him a ring" *Michael finds himself leant up against the wall of the clubhouse outside smoking. He pulls out his phone and scrolls to find Max's number. It rings for a while until it goes to voicemail* "Hey brother. Just checking up on you as we didnt see you at church today. Just call me back and let us know you are all okay. Thanks brother" *He ends the call before flicking the butt of the cigarette across the floor and heading back inside the clubhouse* ((Awaiting @Tripnal's response))
  14. Men creating a female character

    I dont see why people would have a problem with this. The point of this game is that it allows you to be whatever you want. This isnt a dating site where you expect girls to be girls and boys to be boys. Hell, you never know, someone may even decide to RP a transgender. Theres nothing wrong with guys roleplaying as girls. Playing as the opposite sex sometimes opens up many other RP opportunities.
  15. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Michael turns to Micky, throwing him a cold beer* "Hey brother, long time no see!!" Michael says walking over to Micky to give him a hug.
  16. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "You need to get that hair cut you damn hippie" Michael says, chuckling while he pours a cup of strong black coffee and passes it to Max.
  17. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    "Hey man, you want a cuppa or something?" He says raising his mug at Max.
  18. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *As Michael enters the clubhouse and sees Max waving at him* "Hey brother" He yells over to Max "You missed a hell of a party last night man" *He moves over to him to shake his hand*
  19. NEW NEW RP Thread #3

    *Michael awakens, holding his head in pain. He lunges up to find himself sat on top of the clubhouses pool table. He looks around to find beer bottles, cigarette butts, other club members and half naked women scattered around the clubhouse* "Shit! That was a hell of a party last night" He says getting off the pool table and stepping over bodies on the floor trying not to wake anyone. *Music is playing calmly in the background as he enters the kitchen and pours himself a cup of coffee. He looks at his watch* "Hmm...11 o'clock" *He steps outside with his cup of coffee and lights a cigarette before leaning against the wall of the clubhouse, taking in the midday sun*
  20. Luprano Family

    It's always fun to RP before the games release
  21. Spawn Points.

    So when we first launch the game and we make our character, will we be able to decide where our character comes from in the map?? What i mean by this is that will there be various spawn points across the map or will there be one central spawn point for everyone in the big city or something?? I myself would like to originate from the desert area as it reflects on my characters background a lot rather than the city. This is more of a question but still a suggestion if its something that isnt within the plans of Identity. Let me know your thoughts...
  22. 3D Animator

    And this job would benefit what in game? It's a bit of a useless job if it doesn't lead to anything.
  23. Firearm variety

    I think that there are a variety of pistols, shotguns, and assault rifles. Of course for civies, gaining the latter weapon will be very hard compared to getting your licence and buying a cheap pistol. It will not most likely end with everyone with AL's but more like pistols and knives. Explosives and sniper rifles are said to not be in the game.
  24. MC Formations - RP

    Okay so i took some time to draw up a picture showing the formations that my MC will personally use. I put it here as it is roleplay. Other MC's are welcome to take ideas from this and its easy to modify if you do not have certain ranks. A key is featured at the bottom to help with reading this. Okay, so on the left we have a general formation that will be mostly used on a day to day basis when traveling as a club. So it is easier to split these formations into groups. For now i will refer to these groups as packs. It features the chapter P leading the pack up front with the VP on his right just slightly behind and the SA to his left just behind. This is the leading trio and these three members will always be up front. The pack behind the leading pack contains all the other members of the club from R to T. This pack ride in rank order being higher ranks at the front and down till you get patched members at the back. Behind the members will be the pack of Pro if they are brought along. Prospect are always at the rear unless a different vehicle is behind or hangarounds. The last group will be any type of other vehicle be is a van or truck. This is only seen when doing a job such as a gun run or when carrying other members via a van. Pack Order: Pack #1 - International President/President - Vice President - Sergeant At Arms Pack #2 - Treasurer - Road Captain -Enforcer/Assistant Road Captain/Patched Members Pack #3 - Prospects Pack #4 - Support Vehicle/Transport Vehicle Okay, so on the right we have a special formation that will be mostly used on for special events just as a long ride or funeral. Again, the chapter P leads the pack up front with the VP on his right just slightly behind and this time the RC to his left just behind. In this formation, this is the leading trio and these three members will always be up front during this formation. The pack behind the leading pack is a small pack that contains the SA on the right behind the VP and the A.RC on the left behind the RC. The A.RC is set just out of the formation so he is able to pull out to go ahead and block roads, etc. Behind this pack is is similar to the general formation with the rest of the clubs members in rank order from R to T. Behind the members will be the pack of Pro. Behind the prospects will either a pack of H or a vehicle depending on the scenario just as a hearse for a funeral or hangarounds for a ride. This is where you would also place members of other MC's that join you on your ride. Pack Order: Pack #1 - International President/President - Vice President - Road Captain Pack #2 - Sergeant At Arms - Assistant Road Captain Pack #3 - Treasurer -Enforcer/Patched Members Pack #4 - Prospects Pack #5 - Hangarounds/Members Of Another MC and/or - Special Vehicle (hearse) Key: P - President VP - Vice President SA - Sergeant At Arms RC - Road Captain A.RC - Assistant Road Captain T - Treasurer R - Ranger (Members) Pro - Prospect H - Hangaround I am sorry for the messiness of this post but i hope you had fun reading this and, if you are an MC leader, take some ideas from this. Thank you very much for reading. Herzog - International President BCR MC
  25. MC Formations - RP

    Yes, the sub role of the SAA in my club is a bodyguard for the Prez which is why he is always found close to me. Enforcers are commanded by the SAA which is why they are there just for backup and security reasons but they still however ride in rank order. Thanks for the suggestion though