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Everything posted by TheNerdyChef

  1. I might actually take up that job if I have time! I am busy with some stuff atm
  2. Business

    According to @LuckyDuck there was
  3. Business

    Oh I definitely know how and what. But there was supposed to be a post that says which ranks u get on each post count bla bla.
  4. Dev Blog #009

    Let me clear it out for you. If they would be scammers like you're low-key are trying to say. Why are they allowing refunds? And giving people their money back when they issue a refund? Stop speculating stuff if you don't know the details. Maybe look around the forums, join the discord and join the twitch stream. This way you will know more about the game. Join the community and be active instead of making an account and crying without any involvement what so ever. Enjoy your day xo
  5. Will there be voice chat? similar to Gmod?

    Basically what I just said?
  6. Dev Blog #009

    How many more account are you going to make? Stop coming back and trash talk nonstop about the game. It doesn't affect me or any others so refrain yourself from wasting energy! xoxo
  7. Luprano Family

    I definitely get what your saying!
  8. Dev Blog #009

    The video will come out when it comes out. There is no ETA.
  9. Business

    I have tried to search it on the forums but I haven't found anything yet, I will let you know as soon as I have more information about this.
  10. Casual game suggestions?

    I've really had a lot of fun with Truck Simulator. It's simple but relaxing, just drive around and listen to some music !
  11. Add me on steam!

    Done ^^
  12. Closed

    I am sure people will apply more once the new video will be released. More people will join the forums!
  13. Is there any help you need in the development of your website? I am more than happy to help out fellow Identity players.
  14. Luprano Family

    I am not trying to be disrespectful or anything towards anyone. Would it be smart as a governor to speak with a criminal organisation? ( just curious )
  15. Dev Blog #009

    Thanks for the fast share for people who did not receive their email! You saved a lot of impatient people hehe!
  16. Will there be voice chat? similar to Gmod?

    There will indeed be voice chat. It will be focussed around TeamSpeak. If you have played arma before it will kinda be like TFR ( TaskForceRadio). But, with some improvements. There will be no need to download any 3rd party software to use the in game voice. They will implement everything in the game / servers. For mouth movement, the mouth will go up and down while you speak, advanced mechanics for words when you speak will most likely not happen because it will probably be too difficult to calculate the lip movements from the words that are being spoken. Hope to have answered your question properly. Enjoy your day.
  17. A place to get to know other Officers

    You got my vote. I've also filled in the form :)! <3
  18. A place to get to know other Officers

    I'm glad there is person that is just like me here in the community! Thanks for your hard work and dedication!
  19. A place to get to know other Officers

    Will u be playing in Official servers or private servers? If you're playing on official, I doubt people will really listen to attending these meetings :<
  20. Paratus has a list of people who applied for the job. We will soon have one. I myself also applied! Who knows! Maybe i'll be lucky ^^
  21. Police Applications

    On official servers you have to do a tutorial. This will serve as your application. The way you want it, you really have to start looking at private servers :<
  22. Option for guys to wear kilts

    You should join the stream today and ask! I am sure you might get a proper answer!
  23. GTA V or IDENTITY?

    I have a strong feeling Identity will out do GTA or any other RP game that is currently out.
  24. Hello From Canada !!!

    Welcome my dude! i hope you enjoy your stay! Feel free to PM for any questions!
  25. Esoterica - Recruitment

    Bump ^^