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  1. 1 point
    They would say what i just said they are out of steam keys people have to wait for the next wave of keys
  2. 1 point
    He is right the key comes out in batches so you will get your key eventually
  3. 1 point
    If i'm not wrong they're sending out the keys in batches. So just wait for the next wave and you will get it
  4. 1 point
    I for one am a fan of this system, and I know some ArmA 3 mods (although maybe not as far to this extent) has some-what realistic medical systems. I'd definitely buff players like most games do though (however, this could also encourage the use of bodyarmour/protective gear). Being able to die too easily/quickly causes a lot of people to have frustration and blame their own incompetence on the game's mechanics. If it does not end up in the base game, I'd definitely like to see it as a mod on a private server. However unfortunately they don't have a stance on mods yet, and may not come to one years until after the release.
  5. 1 point
    this idea could influence more than just job it could effect the economy, health care, peoples lives...... this can effect everything with in the game (may be im over exaggerating) but this 1 thing could effect lot of aspects with in the game making it more realistic, because people would have to eat food to stay healthy also drug over dose (and other condition relating to unsafe use of drugs) could lead to social and medical services.
  6. 0 points
    Here's a step by step guide to claiming your Steam key in preparation for Town Square! Step 1: Head over to https://www.identityrpg.com/account/view/profile to view your items. You'll need to have the "Beta Access" item in order to gain access to the Modules. Step 2: Click the "Account" tab on the side and navigate to the "Click To Link" button beside the Steam logo. You'll be given a warning that linking your Identity Account with your Steam Account is a one-time procedure. When you're ready to make the link, click the button to proceed. Step 3: You'll be brought to Steam's website. Log in with the Steam Account you wish to associate with your Identity Account here. Step 4: After logging in with your Steam, return back to your profile page on the Identity website. You should now see a Steam key beside the "Steam Product Key" heading. (Clicking the "Linked" button beside the Steam logo will now bring you to your Steam profile.) Step 5: Take your product key and register it using Steam's "Product Activation" feature. You can find this by launching the Steam client, clicking the "Games" dropdown menu button on the top left corner of your screen, and then by selecting the "Activate a Product on Steam..." option. Step 6: You should then be greeted to an "Activation Successful!" screen, stating that "Identity: Town Square" has been associated with your Steam Account. Please note that Town Square won't appear in your Steam Games Library until we finish making the final few adjustments required to release the Module. Once we complete the final task on our Task Tracker, we'll then be able to make the Module visible.