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  1. 2 points
    Seems like a good & bad point.. Look one of the main reasons they hide most of the 'Town Module' is because they want you the USER or PLAYER to have that first slap in the face of 'wow' & 'beauty' not just like.. Oh I've seen it already & not take time to look around. Devs like to stream there work on Twitch & I've been following Jade77 who does apartment modelling for awhile & it looks lovely to see what they will look like
  2. 1 point
    Do you like people thinking they know better than you? Do you like people taking away your hard earned money? Do you feel like you are being turned into tax cattle grinding away your life for distant elites? The Freedom & Prosperity Party is a liberty movement that believes in self-ownership, self-determination, and the rule of law with minimal intervention in your life. And who doesn't like that? Seriously. We believe what you make belongs to you, not someone else. We believe that you are capable of making your own choices without a government or a party doing it for you. We believe power tends to snowball: those who don't have it want it, and those who have it want more, and we stand against the tide of tax and regulation creep to keep you free. If you want to join or just find out more, say "hi" on our Discord: Freedom & Prosperity Party Platform: DOMESTIC ISSUES Gun Rights We uphold the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, a natural inalienable right. Lawful gun ownership enables citizens to exercise their right of self-defense for the safety of their homes, their loved ones, and their communities. Drugs We reject the criminalisation of drug usage and trade, and offer the alternative of individual choice. It is not the role of the government to act as a paternal figure in the lives of its citizens. We hold that as long as no other person is infringed upon, citizens should be able to partake in any activity they wish. Civil Rights We condemn bigotry as irrational and repugnant. Government should neither deny nor abridge any individual’s human right based upon sex, wealth, ethnicity, creed, age, national origin, personal habits, political preference or sexual orientation. Members of private organizations retain their rights to set whatever standards of association they deem appropriate, and individuals are free to respond with ostracism, boycotts and other free-market solutions. Environment The Freedom & Prosperity Party holds that the free market is a powerful force for good, and is capable of solving environmental issues given the correct conditions. We believe strongly in incentivizing innovation in such a way that will ensure a clean and prosperous world for generations to come. Privacy The Freedom & Prosperity Party believes strongly in the right to privacy, and thus advocate for individual privacy and governmental transparency. SOCIAL ISSUES Marriage The Freedom & Prosperity Party holds that the government has no role in personal relations between citizens, and would support efforts to separate marriage from the state. Free Speech The Freedom & Prosperity Party holds that each and every citizen has the right to free speech, and oppose attempts to erode that right. ECONOMIC ISSUES Free Markets The Freedom & Prosperity Party holds that the free market has been, and continues to be, the strongest force for good in the world. In order to ensure its proper function we believe that a minimal level of regulation is required, but oppose the current state of overregulation that is impeding our economy. Taxation We believe that each and every individual ought to be entitled to the fruits of their labour, and as such support keeping taxation to an absolute minimum. We support economically efficient taxes as alternatives to the income tax, such as a land value or sales tax. Healthcare We support free-market healthcare solutions, and oppose attempts to socialize or nationalize the industry. We recognize the right of individuals to determine their level of insurance spending, and their preferred treatment. Energy and Resources While energy is needed to fuel a modern society, government should not be subsidizing any particular form of energy. We oppose all government control of energy pricing, allocation, and production. Bailouts We oppose all forms of government subsidies and bailouts to business, labor, or any other special interest. Government should not compete with private enterprise.
  3. 1 point
    Hello! First of all I want to apologize if any question has already been answered in the FAQ and my poor English has not allowed me to understand it. I would like to know a few things: 1. Can more than one character be created? 2. Will the characters belong to a specific server or to the account? With this I mean if you can enter different servers with the same character 3. If you enter a private server and you have a house, in the asylum servers would you have that house or would it have to start from 0? Thanks for your attention
  4. 1 point
    Greetings, My name is Victor, or ItsPueh (ItsPoe-ey/ItsPew, however you want to say it). I've recently pledged a rank, but I've been "following" Identity for a while now. Kept an eye out if it got released, or if there was more info about it. I'm from the Netherlands, but prefer to speak English. I've been gaming for a while now, even during classes if I can. The current education I'm doing if IT-support, but I'm moving on to Application Developer. As a hobby I've been busy with Photoshop, and Eclipse. I tend to stream on Twitch or Mixer, because I want to share my gameplay experiences with other people, while having fun. If you want to know anything else, just PM me. -Victor | ItsPueh
  5. 1 point
    I mean it's a true reality that a game (or part of a game in this case) might get boring after a while. But it's still a community gathering module, and they will push more updates after the initial release of Town Square. After exploring what it has to offer, I might just hop on to see who's in there you know, mess around.
  6. 1 point
    One thing that simply does worry me though is that this game will be released and be stuck in Early Release hell for the longest time like Rust, DayZ, and many other games. What I see fit, however this not being my choice, is to get the game released and continue allowing pledgers to pay for a module pass for the next month and release hotfix after hotfix patching the game as much as possible, simply so that funding will rise as well as the community can calm down a bit about the huge scam issue. Right now, if the game is in a playable state, I think it'd be time to release and just allow players to know that the game is at the least truthfully in development. Players are okay with a few bugs in games, as long as they're hastily fixed. First impressions are important yes, but you can't be focused on being a perfectionist when it comes to this game. It will have issues and continuously delaying the game in hopes to put out the perfect game on release will only cause a loss in hype and player support. I want the best for the game, I'm not downing the game, simply putting in my personal opinion on the stance of the game and community at the moment.
  7. 1 point
    Oh boy.... another delay? Yes, yes delays happen we are all fully aware. STOP GIVING DATES!!!!!! It does not build trust with your community when you continue to not deliver on what you say. I know it takes time etc.. but stop giving dates!! The only thing I can think of is that you are trying to promote your game or stay relevant in some news somewhere by giving out dates. First impressions are important and what did the vid you guys hurried out the door show us? You have MUCH further to go than everyone thinks. Take your time, make your game but please stop giving out timelines you are unable to meet.
  8. 1 point
    We're not waiting for the game, we're not even waiting for a beta. we're waiting for a proof that devs have actually been working on a game and not just making some 3d models and some videos.
  9. 1 point
    well well well here we are again, we all knew this would happen people so don't act surprised. now i'm not going to sit here and dig at the devs because let's face it they have done exceptionally good work and i recognize it, however to say that you're 99 percent certain it'll release and only has a 1 percent chance of needing to be pushed back and then oh magically two weeks before release yet again oh shock horror it gets pushed back, as for what they've said about easing the pain by giving us more media they said they'd be giving us a town square trailer anyway so it's not like they can ease the pain with something they pre announced to give us. this is what it is and i'm certainly not surprised in any way it has been pushed back so as much as i am all for this game and the devs i'm not going to get my hopes up and if town square releases it does so and if it gets pushed back again the devs can deal with the fallout of it
  10. 1 point
    Crime Doesn't Pay, This Time Earlier this month we released a quick and raw gameplay video showing off an interaction in a rural area of the world. The art in the video is very much in development, but it's a great way to see some of the features and how they work. You'll get a glimpse of a drug production mini-game, the computer system used by police officers, and more. For this dev blog I wanted to toss in a couple clips that didn't make it into the video; all in glorious GIF form. The environment shown in the video is actually quite old. For example, those trees have been in use for a couple years of our development. The character animations (in fact, the entire way you control the character) will also be much different when you get into the Town Square. To give you an idea of how our art has progressed over time, see below one of the older placeholder trees, as is seen in the video, compared to a more recent tree which will be found in the Town Square. The Finishing Touches As you'd expect, our priority for the last month has been getting the Town Square ready for play! We've been working overtime getting everything into place, and it's shaping up very nicely. You'll see from the image above that our artists have been producing absolutely incredible assets. In my own opinion, it's the nicest looking environment I've ever seen in an MMORPG to date. With the original release date for the Town Square quickly approaching, it's become evident that we're unfortunately going to have to push the date back, although the delay will not be long. More work is required to ensure that the launch goes smoothly; we need time to reinforce our server structure and do more internal playtesting. The Town Square will be released to all Founders (and above) one month later on April 23. This is an unfortunate reality of game development, but we want to make sure you get a quality product which isn't rushed out the door too soon. To help ease the pain of waiting for a taste of Identity, we're going to start throwing more media out for you, including a Town Square trailer video overviewing the features you'll find inside. Making it Big! We recently hit the incredible milestone of $1,000,000 USD raised! In fact, right now as of this writing we're in at just under $1,025,000. The support from our community and pledgers has been absolutely incredible. I wanted to take this chance to say thank you; it's because of you that Identity is becoming a reality. The game we've all wanted for such a long time is coming. Around the Studio We're in overdrive over here, working hard to get the Town Square ready to go! As I sit here in my office typing this blog post, Andrew is finishing up the new character creation system. The user interface Artur made is beautiful. I couldn't be happier with the new UI systems he's produced following Scaleform's demise (our old middleware which is now dead). The biggest change here in the office this month is the addition of Mark (who the community has dubbed Marker), our resident graphic designer. He's pumping out amazing art for in-game brands at an incredible pace. This will translate into all sorts of clothing brands and patterns, wallpapers and much more. He'll be bringing you a whole lot of customization options throughout Identity. The real big news, though, is the birth of our lead programmer Henrik's (Sone) new baby boy! Be sure to congratulate him if you spot him on Discord. He's probably too tired to read, though. Liam has been getting a lot done on the new Identity website, too. You'll be seeing the launch of this new website quite soon, and it's going to bring a whole bunch of new options and features for you to enjoy. The Twitch Clips If you've been following Identity's development closely, you probably already know that developers stream their work live on the Identity Twitch channel every Tuesday and Thursday. We also use that time to answer almost every question that gets asked about Identity's development and gameplay. Now that we've been doing this a while, we've answered a lot of questions. Our awesome community manager, BeachBall, has taken the time to compile a massive list of questions linked to clips where they're answered by a developer. Get comfy and head over to the Twitch Clips Directory forum thread. If you haven't found this already, be prepared to spend a good bit of time listening to all sorts of awesome information. This is the best place to get to know the fine details Identity! -- John VanderZwet