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Showing most liked content on 01/26/2020 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    So we've got confirmation that nobody is working on this full time, and they're depending on more sales and people buying the garbage they have in the store. Otherwise they're functionally out of money and have mostly moved on to other things. Great! I think the most galling part, though, has to be this: "One of our primary reasons for releasing modules during development was to account for crowdfunding requirements. Having met those demands with the release of Town Square, we no longer have such an obligation and can explore new options." Are they trying to be funny? They have not come CLOSE to fulfilling their obligations for the Kickstarter. In fact, they've actually failed to deliver on the Kickstarter not only in duration (it's been over twice as long to get a full beta and we're not even close), but also through the release of the modules themselves, something they promised they wouldn't do. I have to say I don't appreciate the dismissive tone of the newsletter at all, it's like Paratus seriously cannot grasp how far gone this is. Trickling out features with NOBODY working on it full time and with no roadmap to change that is a surefire way for this to bleed out and die. But maybe that's already inevitable, given the status update. Edit: Gotta say, there's something off about this Furballs thing appearing out of the ether, with John being the only name attached to this "Phony Games". 😒
  2. 1 point
    i do not trust ANY word of this newsletter. Asking for more money after all this shit is just a joke. they do not give a fuck about us nearly a year. They could say anything in this news months ago, its not that hard to write some words to your community. the game will not be ready in 20 years with that pace. What we got is just a joke and never a work of a few years.
  3. 1 point
    the post says this: " There will be an update very soon with systems that were needed for combat/SWAT," Just like the updates we were supposed to get exactly one year ago? i know at this time last year i was looking forward for an update where we could use the police station and actually use guns, together with some other updates. Never came LOL
  4. 1 point
    You know we would believe you if a dev actually looked at the forums in the last 5 months
  5. 1 point
    Is the game dead? It certainly feels like but considering this.. I paid with PayPal and unsure if it’s protected within the buying pay as a preorder preorder product so I am unsure if I can get a refund. This is the final game I will ever fund. I’ve done 3 and all gone dead this including and I know the names too so I would look out for anything they try to release in the future and never touch. I was so hoping this would be great and a game changer but it seems not.
  6. 1 point
    They've raised roughly $1.5 million or so, maybe $2 million with steam sales. That money wouldn't last long with a dozen developers being paid competitive wages without spending anything else on other operating costs. If all they had to pay were salaries (and they do have a lot more to pay for than just salaries though) then that money might last 18-24 months for a dozen full time developers and artists. Realistically that little amount of money for a game studio with a dozen developers would be gone in a year.
  7. 1 point
    as we have already explained to you before, that office was a budget office, and they havent had the office for a while now because everyone is remote... they didnt "blow" their whole income on that office, and getting an office like that isn't bad business practice at all.
  8. 1 point
    Nah just a bit weird overlooking the convo. I respect it though, glad to see someone getting off weed.
  9. 1 point
    I’m seeing good things for you!