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Posts posted by Lil_Fish

  1. @Turaxis, what you're doing is jumping to conclusions that I don't see. No where in there does it state that promotions are automatic (I'm not saying they're not, simply that it doesn't say that). It just says after you progress (doesn't say by what means), more roles will be available to you.

    For instance, after completing so many tasks, traffic stops, etc. you may be able to apply for Detective. There has to be a system in place for how they get promoted, such as Cheif, Captain, Lieutenants, etc. would have to vote on who they want to promote if 1 position is available and say for instance 5 people apply for that position.

    Plus the department has to get their top positions somehow when the game first starts. I haven't seen anything that says how that will happen.

  2. @Turaxis, nothing I've said is meant to be an excuse... If it's been known for a long time, then maybe it hasn't been known to everyone. If you have proof of what you're saying to be true, I would actually like to see it so that I may better educate myself on this games setup/coding. Our intentions are not to come up with false statements, but to be prepared for what this game has to offer.

    Also, you could choose not to correct me/us since the game isn't out yet and things can change or because I choose not to spend an hour or more correcting all of the grammatical errors you make because it doesn't bother me like this seems to be bothering you to much. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Turaxis said:

    I dont mind you RP, but keep it to the FAQ, police career are automatic promotions, private Companys are manually promotions.
    For me personal I dont plan to be part of the criminals or the police to begin with, so its not what I think, or like... I just stay to FAQ.  Maby you should try do the same @KenBlackout


    All I was saying to Lil_Fish was that its not lil_fish job to give out spot within the police... the game mechanics are allready there to promote people when they have done what it takes to be promoted within the police.

    You seem very intense about this. Maybe it's possible that it wasn't known how the structure would be with this thread started, maybe we're doing this just in case something changes, or maybe you will have the option to promote on private servers. I don't know all the details about the game just like everyone else doesn't know the details, but I'd rather be prepared for something rather than nothing. Also, I alone am not the one who decides promotions or special team spots on the dept that we've got going. I'm not sure why I'm the one getting singled out here... Maybe if you don't like the thread or the ideas ideas we've got going, you could ignore it in the future? Sorry this thread seems to bother you I guess.

  4. 6 minutes ago, YoungOne said:

    I love how they are working on keeping every one equal, such as police helicopters etc, even though it would be cool for a midnight car chase, there could be a feature where the spot light on the helicopter would show a blimp on the map of the target for polices officers when the spot light is on the suspect. but who knows there already really on track for this game and there teams seams to be getting bigger witch is great news. I love every idea the team has exposed

    The developers have stated there will not be any air transportation to make the game more fair. It will also make people explore the island by driving instead of being able to get from one side to the other in just a few minutes..

  5. My grammar senses just went off the charts. Lol

    Police will be able to pull people over, issue citations, and arrest for criminal offenses. I'm not sure about who will create the amounts for the citations, but I'm sure they'll be realistic. If a person refuses to pull over for a traffic stop (aka failure to yield), it may result in a pursuit or applying for a warrant to apprehend the criminal at a later date.

    If it's possible to steal a person's car, I believe the license plate and other identifying factors would be able to be entered into a police database as a stolen car. As in real life, if you are found in possession of a stolen car, you're the one held responsible whether YOU actually stole it or it was sold/given to you.

    There also will be a standard for police departments (or at least the one we're trying to establish, Identity Police Department). Criminal behavior or violating rules can result in demotion, suspension, being fired, and/or jail time.

  6. 1 hour ago, JaydenIV said:

    from my understanding if you switch servers you data does not come with you. so therefore you will only be a cop in server 1 and not server 2

    @JamesLuck01 does that sound right? So I can be a cop in Server 1 and businessman in Server 2?

  7. If there will be at least 2 official servers and we hold a career position on one server, is it only for that server?

    For instance, say I'm a Sergeant on Server 1. If I got and play on Server 2, am I also a Sergeant with all the same house, cars, money, etc as Server 1? If so what if a whole police force (or most of it) only plays on Server 1 and not Server 2?

  8. 9 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    It won't happen anyways and likely won't ever happen because they don't want "sex" in the game nor "Child avatars".

    Also you can RP as someones child, but a grown up child e.g. a adult.

    I personally don't want NPC's roaming, and that is the game breaker for me.

    I agree. I don't want it to be like a movie where you can't tell if it's a NPC or person. I'd rather each interaction be human.

    I could see marriage status in game such as if you play the game with your gf or wife or whoever, but to me I couldn't really care either way. Although having joint incomes for a household would make buying stuff easier...

    @The1TheOnlyGonzo someone who doesn't want toget yelled at xD but for real, I agree with you.

    • Like 1

  9. 3 hours ago, Dylan_Heisner said:

    As someone who is working in the legal field in real life I only see it working one way. They will be using classical films that no longer have strict copyrights or they are being allowed to show the films by the Studio that was responsible for the production of the films they will be using. There are also many films that allow this sort of thing if you credit the creator, and in a game as big as Identity theoretically will be, small movie producers will hop on the opportunity so quick.


    I'm not sure of the legal field you work in, but I don't believe this to be true... Things either have a copyright or they don't. There aren't levels of strictness. Most companies will not take "credit" because then everyone would do it for free and credit them. These industries are all about money, not credit. Also, games like Identity, have lots of violence and are unpredictable. Companies don't want their films to be around murders or associated with derogatory acquisitions from players because it makes their film look bad and there is always someone who gets offended and sues the person with the most money and usually end up settling for a fraction of what they were wanting because it's cheaper than going through the legal process...

    IF Identity was as big as you're stating it is and didn't have the violence, companies would be paying Asylum for the advertisement. In addition to that, Identity is not very big compared to mainstream games such as Grand Theft Auto. A big company such as Rockstar sold probably close to 50 million copies of their last game within a couples years of it being released while Asylum has approximately under 12 thousand. Nothing to be ashamed of because this is a whole new style of game, new company, few employees, and a tight budget, but it just seems like you're impersonating a legal counsel without having actual knowledge or having done research.

  10. 6 hours ago, Kaitlyn said:

    I haven't yet decided where I'll be going, though I feel I'd be better off sticking with EMS as originally intended. This is not to say it won't change or that I'm against the PD.

    No problem at all. We're all on the same side still! Lol. Keep us in mind if you do decide to change your mind though!

  11. It would be nice to see the progress bar move a little in the Town Square Module page. Even if it's like +0.5%, it would give me more hope that it's closer to getting done.
    Also, more in-game videos would be very nice as well, even if they're simple and no voiceovers. They boost morale, excitement, and preorders. It's a win-win!

    • Like 2

  12. @BobbyCruz, the only concerns I have are that with higher minimum wage ($15/hr), there comes higher prices of goods due to labor cost increase. This doesn't help the economy much. I'd say the education and training to receive higher paying jobs through hard work would be a better focus as opposed to a simple minimum wage increase.

    Also, the rules set for use of force are to be dictated by the Cheif of Police in their Policies and Procedures. Split second decisions sometimes must be made, even if they happen to be the wrong ones. As for criminals with weapons, that is technically a justified use of deadly force. But of course each situation is to be independently assessed. I, myself, have been tased before in training. It's 5 seconds of immobilization, then it's over (although you still feel tingly all over). The only reason people have died from tasers in the past is because of high repeat of 5 second cycles (such as about 10 times, which is criminal) or prior heart or other medical conditions that I'm sure we don't have to worry about in the game. 

    When a you receive a 5 second cycle from a taser, your muscles seize up until the electric shock stops. During those 5 seconds, you don't breathe. Continuously cycling electric current through a body causes the muscles and organs to stop working for an extended period of time to the point where they cannot recover on their own.

    It's not the taser alone that harms people. It's the mistakes and poor training that some officers receive that make all tasers and officers look bad. In conclusion tasers should be more acceptable in game and the usage/regulation generally falls upon the Chief of Police.

    • Like 1

  13. On 11/30/2016 at 5:29 PM, Samuel_Tsai said:

    Hey fellow Law Enforcers

    With this topic I'd like to inform and assist you in understanding and creating a police department. It's important that departments are organised and have a structure to ensure officers are appointed to tasks and supervisors ensure tasks are completed. While rank structure is an important part of your department, it's also important to have a good divisional structure. Hopefully at the end of the text you're a bit wiser on how a police department works. We'll start of with Police Ranks.



    Staff Officers

    Chief Of Police - In charge of the department and handles public relations with other departments aswell as controls internal procedures and protocolsDeputy
    Assistant Chief Of Police - In charge of the department when the Chief of Police is on absence
    Deputy Chief of Police - In charge of a large part of the department, known as an Office. Example: Office of Operations or Office of Counter Terrorism

    Command Officers

    Commander - In charge of a training within the department. Example: Sergeant In Training or Detective In Training
    Captain - In charge of a precinct or leads all patrols within a certain area and acts as a supervisor to supervisors.
    Lieutenant - In charge of a larger division and serves as city wide/ patrol wide supervisor.


    Sergeant - In charge of smaller divisions or head of certain aspects within divisions. Alse the first contact point for basic officers
    Senior Lead Officer - A non commissioned officer who is in training to become either a supervisor or detective..


    Detective In Charge - In charge of a investigation division and will handle day to day requests from lower ranked Detectives. Also in charge of casefiles.
    Detective - Basic detective who investigates crimes after they happened and observes organised crimes
    Senior Lead Officer - A non commissioned officer who is in training to become either a supervisor or detective.

    Non Commissioned Officers

    Police Officer III - Patrol officer who teaches the new officers the way around the department.
    Police Officer II - Basic Patrol officer who makes up most of the department.
    Police Officer I - Newly inducted Police Officers who are in their probationary stage and learn the way of the department.



    With the previous mentioned hierarcy the base of your department should be filled. However it is always possible to adjust the ranks towards the need of your department. For example you can create a Senior Sergeant who would be a basic sergeant, but in training to become a Lieutenant. Another example is a Lieutenant I and Lieutenant II. Where the I would ensure larger divisions are kept under control the Lieutenant II would handle a precinct or multiple patrols. Ranks also work hand in had with your organisation. For example if you have 7 divisions it might be wise to have 7 lieutenants or a few lieutenants of the bigger divisions and sergeants of the smaller divisions.

    It's important to know your department, because some divisions will require more intense handeling than others. Warrants and searches require more knowledge of the penal code and law than a traffic division. For that reason it's better to have a Lieutenant handle the Investigation divisions and a Sergeant the Traffic Division. The higher the rank the more legal and situational knowledge a person must have.


    Organization Chart




    Know your department and its needs! It's very important to ensure your department has a wide arrangement of divisions people can join so their day to day tasks are never the same and never boring. A good structure is most needed in the department and every part of it has a person controlling it. Divisions by Sergeants, Large divisions by Lieutenants, Precincts by Captains, Offices by Deputy Chiefs and at the top the Chief of Police.

    The way a good structure works if that a basic officer will not have to complain to the Chief of Police. If he has a problem he should go to his appointed sergeant. If he can not solve it, the sergeant goes to his superior and so on. Because there are limited amounts of divisions in an Office there will be a good overview of them all. It's important that the division leader reports to the Office leader and the Office leader to the Chief of Police. Ensure to give your Deputy Chief of Police enough power to change his Office by only having to inform the Chief of Police with the changes. This way there is more control and better support for every division and they will know who too contact when there is a problem.


    GENERAL NOTICE: If you have comments or have questions about a certain aspect within the police department, you can always ask it here. I'll try to give a good answer to every question asked. Obviously if your question is important, it will also be added in the topic along with the explanation. If you have certain subjects to add aswell you can always PM me and it will be added into the topic along with credits too your name. This topic is aimed to give a detailed guide on how to make or understand a police department and hopefully the community works with eachother to give tips to other servers.

    Sorry for possible writing errors


    I'm kinda late to the party on this, but Assistant Chief of Police isn't really the job title, it's more of what he does. The actual title is Deputy Cheif of Police , Major, or Captain depending on how you want the ranks to go and the size of the department. Also, Commander isn't an actual pay grade title. Commanders are the ones in charge or like a specialty unit like Drug Task Force. Senior Lead Officer isn't a pay grade rank again as well. There isn't a Detective in Charge position but Detectives can have rank such as Lieutenant or Sergeant. I believe a better structure would show as follows:

    - Cheif of Police (1 Position)
    - Major (Assistant Chief of Police, depending on your rank structure) (1 Position)
    - Captain (Deputy Cheif of Police, depending on your rank structure) (2-3 Positions)
    - Lieutenant (Roughly 4-6 Positions)
    - Sergeant 
    - Corporal
    - Patrol Officer
    - - You can have Senior Patrol officers designated who have been there a while and can give advice, but usually don't get paid differently than a PO

    Also, in general, if there are multiple Lieutenants, one Lieutenant is never a higher rank than the other because that causes drama and trying to pull the rank card on an equal rank, which doesn't work. When you're a Lieutenant and want to become a Captain, you'd apply like you're applying for a new job, but wouldn't become a Senior Lieutenant or anything.

    As for warrants, officers apply for their own warrants or may forward their cases to the detective bureau and have the detectives apply for warrants. The warrants are reviewed by the Prosecuting Attorney before being furnished to the Judge to be signed, then executed.

    I apologize if this sounds mean, I don't mean it that way at all. You can obviously try to make your department however you are wanting and with whatever system you want. The one I showed just happens to be a more realistic structure based on an 3 separate, approximate 200-300 officer departments.

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  14. 21 minutes ago, Kraztec said:

    I love seeing such active people posted up in this specific thread and supporting these. I'm definitely up for a captain position if any are needed and I'll possibly continue this hierarchy on my server too, same members in the same positions(if of course, it's separate per server)

    What's the cost of having your own server?

  15. 26 minutes ago, Kracken said:

    I agree the DTF is more fitting for what Identity is about, also that position has been added at a small number since that agent will also use officers to take down a subject.

    Which one will pay me more? Lol, the real life of a cop is a struggle. Don't need to struggle in a game too. ?

  16. 6 minutes ago, Kraztec said:

    They said drug enforcement, not DEA.. we just typically tie the two together since they're usually along the same mindset. When you mention a narcotics raid, i don't think PD, I think DEA is involved lol

    True... but at the same time DEA = Drug Enforcement Administration. But honestly, regional DTFs do a lot of work and when it gets out of that region, they kinda give it to the Feds.