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Everything posted by Jaxx_On

  1. Hello Guys!

    Come here, it's brilliant! England FTW!
  2. Blade and Soul

    Good night to you too, fellow EU member. Almost 1 for me. And I know it has been done in Xenoverse, I own the game.
  3. Blade and Soul

    I knew I was late to the Saiyan party, but I didn't think anyone on this forum had made a Saiyan already. Maybe we can create our own version of the Ginyu Squad!
  4. Blade and Soul

    Is that supposed to be your character? Also, that would be Avatar Roku, who learned Earth last. Anyway, that looks pretty cool. Next character I make is going to be a Saiyan. Nothing will stop me now!
  5. Blade and Soul

    Can't say since I haven't seen a Force Master in the game yet, but I would say from a fantasy action anime.
  6. Blade and Soul

    That too. And I bet she has powers like an anime girl as well.
  7. Blade and Soul

    Vix's character does look like a MOBA character though, right? I mean, the pink(purple, whatever) hair, the weird outfits, and the way the bandanna clips her hair all seems very MOBA like to me.
  8. Blade and Soul

    Worth it.
  9. Blade and Soul

    Eh, from the Warlock drops lowly level 11 me is getting, melee doesn't look to be very exciting for the warlock. And what is taking so long for them to get here anyways?
  10. Super Power Game

    Above Persons Limit: You have no eyelids My Power: Intense Logic (Sherlock levels of it)
  11. Blade and Soul

    Lucky. I need to go to bed at 1:30 am at the latest or I can't function the rest of the day.
  12. Blade and Soul

    Well crap. I have what I can only assume is a fatal bug. Every now and then the game crashes my computer. Damn. We should also try to organise a time for all Angler's Watch Members in this thread to be online.
  13. Blade and Soul

    It's downloaded now, lo and behold, the name Jaqen was taken . Ah well, character is now created and residing on Angler's Watch under the name Jaxx Axel! Can't wait to see ya!
  14. Blade and Soul

    He has blue hair now, Vix. Also, Yay! It's downloading! It's gonna take a while, though, and because my download speed keeps jumping, I don't know how long.
  15. Tip #1: Hire People Whether it is a friend or somebody you need to pay for, hire somebody. Ok, maybe not right now, but eventually you should. If you can follow through with this, I will watch that episode. Not much, but something.
  16. Super Power Game

    Above Persons Limit: But Makes your version of it really, really bad My Power: I can steal your body!
  17. The Most Liked Post on the Forums

    "Annoucing Gameplay Modules" - Paratus Actually, I'm pretty sure that is the most liked post as well with(at time of writing) 15 likes. We can beat that! Motown's post only needs(at time of writing) 8 more likes to tie, and 9 more to beat it! Yeah!
  18. Super Power Game

    Above Persons Limit: But Only When You're Bleeding My Power: The Ability to Attach and Detach my Limbs at Will
  19. Super Power Game

    Above Persons Limit: And by that you mean Trump's version of the word aliens: immigrants My Power: I am super strong (Btw slowing down time as you sleep would be amazing.)
  20. Super Power Game

    Above Persons Limit: But only to the first dimension My Power: I can make wifi better
  21. The Most Liked Post on the Forums

    Too tasteless. I like Motown's post better.