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Everything posted by Crayin

  1. Admin Tools

    I don't think this is an advertisement. I think he's just saying these are things admins should be able to do on servers in order to keep everything from going tits up. I mean, these are things that server owners will probably have complete control over (and i think only devs will be admins on official servers) so it isn't entirely necessary. But it definitely isn't advertising.
  2. Family?

    As far as i know, families like this aren't going to be a thing that's in the game (mafia families will be however) or if they are, the devs haven't mentioned it yet. The devs have said that you will be able to live with friends, so you could always roleplay being a family.
  3. This question has been asked numerous time, you may want to search the forums next time. Anyways, as for the actual question, the devs have said they have no real promises to port it to consoles but they may look into porting it at a later date.
  4. Painting

    Drawing tablets tend to have the same functionality as a computer mouse, right? would you need the game to allow you to use one if it's just seen as a mouse?
  5. Stock Market

    towards the end of last week's housing video a little 'Market' button can be seen at the bottom. This is most likely for some sort of stock market (though it is possible that it's just some sort of store/collection of stores) so it seems this is going to be implemented. Keep in mind that this is purely speculation.
  6. Pay to play

    Sounds like you're thinking of 'Pay to Win', buddy. Anyways, there isn't really a way to win identity. Some of the people who donate before the game is released will get money, sure. But, by the sound of things, I wouldn't say it's going to give most people too big an advantage (it might give criminals a bit of a lift off though).
  7. Alright, lets discuss kids.

    ^ This. Since most businesses will, essentially, be cotrolled by actual players, it's going to be pretty hard for some troll kid who just wants to shoot things to get (or at least keep) a job in order to get a weapon. Besides, anyone caught RDMing will either be killed by the cops and/or sent to the in-game jail, where they'll have to wait for a real-life amount of time before being released (which seems like a decent incentive to not do crime, depending on who you ask). If i remember correctly the devs said something about losing some items when you die so it's likely that the shooter will lsoe the gun they payed for. The game seems like it's going to be almost entirely player run so, as you mentioned towards the end, it's mostly up to us to prevent/stop this shit from happening really.