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Posts posted by JoelKeys

  1. 46 minutes ago, LuckyDuck said:

    Hurricane because the first 2 options are not realistic and the war/ invasion won't be possible as there will never be a military in the game; well possible but military will never be a option. 

    I think he means ideally which one would you like to see. I know military won't be in the game but it would be very cool to get invaded

    • Like 2

  2. I am very sad to say that the latest gameplay video has left me disappointed. I understand that most of that video was placeholders, and I mean no disrespect to the development team when I say this but that is sadly not a good enough excuse in my opinion. The Town Square module is supposed to be released in just over four weeks, and all we can see is a two minute clip of placeholders? I am afraid that doesn't work for me.

    I understand the people defending the dev team, I really do. I know first hand how difficult game development is, but I feel like you are just defending them because of the work they put in without taking into regard the poor quality of the video. The video wasn't great. It is okay to say that without making it a personal attack on the dev team. It wasn't bad enough for me to ask for a refund, but it did leave me disappointed. We were promised a gameplay video to show us what the game would be like. That is not what we got. If everything we saw, from the lighting to the animation, was a placeholder, how is that showing us what the game will actually be like?

    I just want to reiterate, my problem is not with the poor video. I understand fully that every game is poor before it is released, that is why is isn't released. My problem is we were told we were getting a demonstration of the game, and that is not what we got. I loved the housing video. Why? Because I wasn't told about it prior. That video is how I discovered Identity. I enjoyed the seamless changing of designs and colours, I enjoyed the extensive customisation options, I loved that we were given a commentary. But I would be incredibly disappointed if the devs turned around tomorrow and said, "Now hang on, everything we showed you in that video was just placeholders and not representative of how it will actually work in the game," I would be let down by that. What did the crime video actually show us if half of the stuff wasn't representative of the real game? 

    Now I will give credit where it is due. I think the shooting scene looked very good. I liked how the meth cook character took the shots to the chest, I liked everything about that whole scene. The animations for that scene were even good in my opinion. I also liked how it appears that the drug manufacturing process will require thought and effort as opposed to being handed to you on a silver spoon. However, the rest of the video left me dissatisfied with more doubt than I am comfortable with. The blue smoke was way too obvious. It shouldn't be that easy to detect whatsoever. I think driving seems a bit tedious, having to put on the handbrake, look at the door to get out, etc. 

    Finally my closing statement. I think the dev team have done a fantastic job with this game judging off of the initial two videos. I loved them both. The crime and punishment one, however, left me disappointed. And that is okay. You are allowed to dislike the content the devs put out now, because the game is not out yet and it can still be moulded. Although I am disappointed, I do not blame the dev team for lack of effort or anything of the sort, I simply don't think that video was for me. I appreciate everything the development team have done over the last few years, and my confidence and trust is still with them. This is just my personal feedback, overall I am still excited for the game, it is just this one video has disappointed me, especially after the long wait.

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    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  3. A while ago, I conducted a test to see who was able to crack my code between the criminals and the police. I liked the idea, so I have decided to try something similar. I have prepared a thorough court case for two law firms to tackle. One side will act as the prosecution, and one side will act as the defence for a (made up) Josh Stanson. I will act as the judge, and if at least 6 third parties are interested then we can have a jury as well. Both sides will be able to enquire to me about additional details, for example you can ask me to "check" credit card records etc. as you are unable to do this yourself in a made up scenario. Please reply to this if you are interested, and if you aren't part of a firm don't worry, I will accept independent lawyers too.  First come first served.

    • Like 1
    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  4. Thanks to a suggestion made by @Villasenor, I will be using a new business structure for my company. Anyone who already has a position in the company will need to reapply as I am not sure who is still active etc.

    The new structure is as follows:


    CEO (1) - Joel Keys

    Operations Chief (1) - Villasenor

    Chief Financial Officer (1) - Andrew811

    Human Resources Director (1) - OPEN

    Hiring Director (1) - OPEN


    Design & Manufacturing

    Design & Manufacturing Manager (1) - OPEN

    Senior Designer (3) - CLOSED

    Clothing Designer (5) - OPEN

    Accessories Designer (5) - CLOSED

    Tailor/Modiste (5) - OPEN


    Public Relations

    PR Manager (1) - OPEN

    Marketing Agent (4) - OPEN

    Market Researcher (2) - OPEN

    Public Associates (-) - CLOSED


    To apply or for more information, private message me with the job you are interested in and a CV if necessary.

    • Like 1

  5. On 09/01/2018 at 2:18 PM, BrianHamilton said:

    Clearly you're not listening to me or anything that I've been saying and so, I don't feel that there's any point in wasting my own time trying to explain something to someone who refuses to pay attention to what I am actually saying.


    I'm not banning you, FrancePourLaVie might be. Not me. Its her debate. Doesn't matter who came up with the idea, she is the one organising and creating it. As I said in my last message; I have no authority in the IPO Discord, however, IPO only allows for politicians to use the voice channels to speak. Members of the public can join but will have no speaking permissions except for in the designated text channels. This is so that there isn't a clutter of people talking over each other and the discussion is much more organised and civil. It's also to prevent any trolls from coming in and talking over everyone or playing music. The public simply listen whilst the politicians take turns at answering the questions given to them by the public in the text channels. The public can not and will not be permitted to verbally speak.


    As for you, specifically, if (and I really hope that this time you actually noticed the word "If") you have shown yourself to be disrespectful, immature and/or insulting in the past by attacking a politician and their campaign, they have every right to not want you to be there. IPO also has set rules which, if FrancePourLaVie's accusations of you attacking her are true, I feel you would be very likely to violate them.


    I feel as though I need to reiterate everything that I have said since you missed what I was saying last time. Only politicians can speak verbally. You do not get a free pass or a special exception. This is just how IPO works.

    If FrancePourLaVie wishes for you to attend, you may use the designated text channels just like everyone else, however, if she does not wish for you to attend, that is her decision. I am not doing anything other than trying to explain things to you. I am disgusted with you for accusing me of such things after I blatantly explained that I was not banning you at all in my previous message. How dare you.


    And again, you're not reading what I'm saying. It's almost as though you just skim through my messages in less than a few seconds and pick out random words to talk about, yet you miss the important parts. I have now said, THREE times; I have now authority in IPO, I am simply explaining that IPO does not permit the public to verbally use the voice channels and you won't be getting a special pass because if you get to, then everyone else does too and then chaos breaks out with all the trolls.


    As I also said, if she wishes for you to attend, great! I look forward to seeing you there in the designated text channels, but if not then she has every right to not have you there.


    That is all I have been saying. Pay more attention.

    Okay so instead of arguing my points you regurgitate the same old nonsense from before. Good day to you, you clearly cannot understand simple logic

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  6. On 1/8/2018 at 10:59 AM, BrianHamilton said:

    Let's clear some things up first; I'm banning you? How dare you accuse me of such. I have no authority in this situation. I'm simply quoting and speaking in agreement with @FrancePourLaVie so if you're going to blame anyone, don't take it out on me as I'm simply sharing my opinion. It's her debate (regardless of who's idea it was) as she is the politician and, more importantly, she created the thread, not you.


    As I said, I'm simply quoting and agreeing with FrancePourLaVie so don't start accusing me of doing anything. I simply said, and I quote:


    If you were being immature, disrespectful and/or insulting then she has every right to not want you in attendance. Only mature, civilised people should be in attendance.

    Notice the word "If". I am unaware of any previous or current conflict between yourself and FrancePourLaVie, however, if she is the one organising this debate, she has every right to not want you in attendance. It's like if you were organising a house party or a night out and you didn't want to invite someone because of a current argument going on, which, like this, is understandable.


    I kindly ask that you stop twisting and misinterpreting my words and don't accuse me of such things.

    With all of the above being said, please point out where you feel I am being immature for simply sharing an opinion and agreeing with another politician.

    You are banning me from coming to the debate which is my debate. I challenged her to it, she made a thread because my one got deleted. It was my debate, so lets clear that up first. Secondly, you are banning me. You basically said "You can come but you can't speak", which is essentially banning me from participating. You compare this to a house party but use the wrong metaphor. This is like me making a house party, my invitations get lost so LaVie sends out a batch of her own. I challenged LaVie to a debate, and she accepted. Now you have come along and said I cannot speak in it, even though LaVie was fine with it before. You are trying to latch onto this as some kind of debate organiser, when you are not. LaVie private messaged me and was asking me when I am available to come and debate her, YOU came and said I cannot join in since I am not a political leader. As for you being immature, you called me a baby for being annoyed at the fact I can't come to my own debate. Since I challenged LaVie and since she accepted I would be willing to say it was as much her debate as mine. Since I am now out of the equation (thanks to yourself), I think it is 100% her debate. That makes it 0% yours, so perhaps you should allow LaVie to dictate who can come as there is clearly a conflict in your two opinions.

  7. On 06/01/2018 at 12:50 AM, BrianHamilton said:

    Firstly, if you are going to act like that much of a baby about it, perhaps you would be best not attending anyway, however, IPO can't just allow EVERYONE to have access to the voice channels or all the trolls would jump in. Plus, it would be far too cluttered with people talking over each other.


    It's much better for the voice channels to be role-restricted to politicians only whilst allowing for people to ask questions via the text channels.


    If you were being immature, disrespectful and/or insulting then she has every right to not want you in attendance. Only mature, civilised people should be in attendance.

    Im not acting like a baby. I think it's perfectly reasonable for me to be annoyed that the debate (which by the way was my idea, I challenged PourLaVie to this debate in another thread before it was deleted) is not allowing me to join. I literally started this, and you are banning me from coming. Obviously I won't just give in and accept this. Please show me where I was being immature, disrespectful or insulting. Every comment I have made is justified with facts. You are the immature one for turning to ad hominem.

  8. 9 hours ago, BrianHamilton said:

    Come and ask questions via the designated text channels (if hosted via the IPO Discord server), however, only Politicians (Party Leaders or their representatives) will be allowed to enter voice channels. These will be role-restricted.

    So she calls for a debate based off the fact that I made an attack of her campaign and I am not even allowed to participate? After reconsidering, I won't be coming.

  9. 21 minutes ago, FrancePourLaVie said:

    I wouldn’t say anything to you that you wouldn’t say yourself, ;) .

    I would never call someone a creep, a troll or mentally incapable without reason. I am informing you that due to you violating the forum rules I will be disengaging in any conversation with you. Good luck on your campaign, Mrs LaVie.

    • ver.1.22474487139 1

  10. 13 minutes ago, FrancePourLaVie said:

    Then stop calling me Sweetheart or Darling, it is offensive!

    You think that is offensive? You have, in the last 24 hours, called me mentally incapable, said I have no life, a creep, childish, and a troll. I will continue to use the very common phrases 'sweetheart' and 'darling'.

  11. 6 minutes ago, LuciousTimes said:

    @FrancePourLaVie I'm only speaking here due to the fact that my name was mentioned. I'd like everyone to know as I've said in the past, @JoelKeys was the first politician I ever noticed. I thought he was great and hoped I'd end up like if not greater than him. When I got to a point in my campaign where he wanted to work WITH me I was more than happy! I don't have anyone working for me, no employees to my party, etc. Everyone that claims to be doing something for the party volunteered and is working with me.

    I appreciate the kind words, friend.

  12. 38 minutes ago, FrancePourLaVie said:

    Homosexuals would have no desire to have any sexual relation with me, so it would not be harassment.

    Hetrosexuals however may have the desire to become sexual with me against my will. THAT IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT!

    Oh don't flatter yourself. Hetero or homo, I certainly have no desire to have sexual relations with you.

  13. On 28/12/2017 at 3:47 PM, FrancePourLaVie said:

    If I alter the video then it is legal to do so, e.g, speed up or slow down speed or placing the video in a box with a background around it.

    Presented without comment.

    Other than that comment, I like the idea of the news channel but all of the other ones I do not think would work very well.

  14. 6 minutes ago, FrancePourLaVie said:

    Don’t try and twist me you creep, I finally have something, evidence to prove that you are a creep, when I am finished with you, your name will be tarnished for ever!

    I am not twisting anything. You explicitly stated that it is fine for one group of people to do one thing but another group cannot. That is discrimination. Also known as heterophobia.

  15. 6 minutes ago, FrancePourLaVie said:

    Are you gay?

    If not then you calling me sweetheart is harassment.

    By the way, Lucious was doing just fine without you, you are exploiting and spoiling his parties reputation!

    How would me being gay change a statements meaning? So a gay person can say it but I can't? So you are being discriminatory? Harassment is serious allegations, sweetheart, and unless you have actually been harrassed I would encourage you to calm yourself down.

    And yes, Lucious was winning with or without me, and yes I see that as an opportunity. What's wrong with that? That is called politics, and I am completely open about this to @LuciousTimes. I am siding with him because it benefits me, that's how politics works. You should take a course in politics.

  16. 10 minutes ago, FrancePourLaVie said:

    You are not working WITH Lucious, you are working FOR Lucious,

    You are a pathetic, petty and incompetent little man.

    I am not working for Lucious, I am working WITH him to help him win. So are all of his voters. You are the pathetic one, you cannot argue civilly so you resort to name calling. Quite sad, sweetheart.

  17. 9 minutes ago, FrancePourLaVie said:

    This ladies and gentlemen is a failure of a politician, with no life or nothing better to do than rain on others parades and can not even use my name correctly!

    Darling I am no failure. I am working with Lucious now, who is much bigger than you. You can resort to name calling all you want, it just shows your level of pettiness and inability to defend yourself reasonably.

  18. 35 minutes ago, FrancePourLaVie said:


    You DO NOT understand politics, if you did then you would still be in this election!


    I can say it for you but I cannot understand it for you, I know that it takes you a little longer than most to understand things.

    How many times do I have to say it........ I will not be running this company on my own, I will have MULTIPLE SHAREHOLDERS.

    Oh Christ, this is why no one ever took your campaign seriously, you bring up a damn cat in the middle of a debate.......... if I could tolerate you, then I would pray for your mental capabilities.

    P.S, how does it feel to be completely insignificant and WORTH NOTHING?

    This, ladies and gentlemen. This is what you are voting for if you vote FrancePoorLaVie. A delusional dreamer with no means to deliver on her false manipulative promises. She resorts to ad hominem whenever she is losing a debate, clearly not stable in the brains department. I understand politics fully, unlike this political reprobate. 

  19. 4 hours ago, Norway174 said:


    But as I said, my issue weren't with that thread specifically. It's that type of threads, or titling of threads, in general.
    I just grabbed yours as the first example I could find. :P 

    Well I do appreciate it. Looking back the post is pretty shallow. I will be sure to not let it happen again, I aim for a good reputation