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Everything posted by JoelKeys

  1. The Peoples Party

    We can't work based off of assumptions that rich businessmen will invest in banks, nor that banks will invest in smaller businesses. In politics we have no control over what you spend your money on, only law enforcement can do that and since they follow the laws we make, and I can't make it compulsory to invest. We use taxes to invest in smaller businesses of amounts up to $15,000 for a startup and any amount if you have an already established business. This guarantees smaller businesses have a chance. As I have flawlessly explained, lower taxes actually increases crime rates, so your point "why do people have to live a life of crime" is rendered invalid, especially as people won't be ABLE to do this with a well funded law enforcement structure. I implore you to explain how my plan makes people lazy. Again, you are basing an argument off of speculation which isn't a valid response. Higher taxes don't always lead to economic collapse, the UK has high taxes and has a very strong economy. The media says we don't have a good economy but that's only because it has had dips, if you look at statistics we are a fairly stable country. America has very high taxes yet they are one of the most stable countries in the world economically. You are making too many assumptions, these chains of "This will happen, as a result this will happen, then this will happen" etc. are speculatory, I have evidence and real world examples strengthening my argument. Please give me an example where my structure has failed IRL. I can compare Freddos to taxes because I am not making a statement that taxes aren't mandatory, I am using the principle that it is much better to start something early on so people get used to it rather than implement it down the line. I'll use an example of parent punishing their kids. If you slap a kid on the wrist since birth when they do something bad, they will quickly learn not to do bad things. If you don't touch them for 15 years, then start slapping them, statistically speaking it tends to work substantially less. My taxes will ensure that people get an education, and that they get a stable career. I plan on investing in @Herzog's (I believe) University system, making it free to the public. Without this, less people will buy an education, thus creating more under educated and unemployed citizens. I never actually mentioned military I don't believe so that was irrelevant. You are looking at low taxes wrong. You think people earning less will result in people not wanting to work, people earning less will result in people having to work to get by rather than sitting on welfare doing nothing for society while taking anything they need. I don't quite understand your last point, I explained why lower taxes would cause inflation. A counter argument would require you to prove my argument wrong by giving an equal and opposite argument or providing factual statements as to why I am wrong.
  2. I Made A Subreddit!

    I was styling my subreddit when I thought of making one for Identity, so I did it! Come join the reddit community as well! Visit Here. I will post status updates about the game frequently!
  3. The Peoples Party

    Actually the opposite will intale these things. Here is a scenario for you played out in two different ways: Scenario 1 (Low Taxes): A guy shoots and robs a woman. The police, being low funded due to the low taxes, cannot work at a good capacity to find the robber so the robber gets away. Not only does this encourage other people to do the same thing, but that woman now has to live the rest of her life in debt because she cannot pay off her medical bills. Because she cannot afford to pay them, she starts living a life of crime to keep up with her bills. Scenario 2 (High Taxes): A well structured, trained and funded police unit is able to identify and capture the perpetrator swiftly, return the stolen items to the woman after she returns from hospital after getting her gunshot wounds treated for free. You can have a stable economy with low crime rates or you can have low taxes, you can't have both. Now you did suggest that we should keep low taxes for the first while and slowly raise them. This wouldn't work. The world complained when the price of a Freddo went up by 5p, however had this Freddo been 25p from the beginning, no one would complain. This isn't really about keeping everyone happy, it is about keeping people safe and maintaining a high living standard amongst the community as a whole. This party may not look appealing at first, however when you get into the nitty gritty, this kind of social structure is necessary to keep a high living standard. To finish, here is a list of things low taxes causes: Lower education standard Inflation, if people have more spending money, companies can milk more from you. Under funded government/police units Less technological advances Little to no loans/grants to businesses, homeowners etc. Higher crime rates Weaker economic structure
  4. Ilyri Convenience Stores

    Nice, if you sell any clothing raw materials I will be happy to purchase in bulk from you
  5. Scam Email!

    Me too haha
  6. Thanks For x Amount of Views!

    Could you all stop posting "Thanks for x amount of views!" on your thread, it is a desperate attempt to become relevant. I don't even think it's allowed. Views don't mean anything, you could refresh your page enough times to get 1000 views. Stop it. It's unfair on us people who actually had people commenting on our threads keeping it at the top, stop desperately cheating for more replies and a higher vote counter.
  7. Keys High-End Apparel

    I didn't actually make it myself
  8. Job Listings - Keys High-End Apparel

    Alright Erjon you can have a shot at being our CFO.
  9. Job Listings - Keys High-End Apparel

    If @ThomasKillah wouldn't mind I'm sure you two could both work together, there are three cities and two of them we will be working in so 2 CoR&Ds would be useful.
  10. It is inevitable. No matter how much we complain and no matter how many restrictions they put in place, we need to come to the realisation that children (immature ones in particular) are going to get their hands on this game. Kids who treat this game like GTA or COD. It is going to happen no matter what precautions we take. I would like to discuss possible ways that we, as a community can come together and instead of prevention, we need to decide how to deal with the issues. I recommend that we act mature. If a kid is mass RDMing, don't kick and scream, don't act like a kid in OOC, just ignore them. I know it will be hard, but it is the only way we can discourage kids from playing like that. Kids are apart of the community, and while we would all rather not have them here, its not something we can control. If a kid is RDMing, run and hide and quietly report it on the forums. Act like you arent even annoyed, like you just want to report it incase it happens again. They commit these actions for an equal and opposite reaction, we dont want to give them the reactions that entice them to commit the atupid actions. Can we as a community agree to treat these situations calmly? Let me know your thoughts below.
  11. Who gets my vote?

    Check my party out, The People's Party. I believe it mentions everything you have spoken about, but unfortunately I don't want to run for Governor so if you like my party you may need to run for Governor yourself under my party, or get someon else too.
  12. Let The Vote Begin

    Don't like either, if you want to keep this theme then maybe Paroma? I don't like it but I think it's better than the other 2 options.
  13. There are too many comments on my original post and I don't want to look like im abusing the post counter so all future designs will be edited into this post.
  14. Keys High-End Apparel Design Showcase

    Well no by expensive I was still referring to the suits, sorry for the misunderstanding. I wouldnt charge that much for a jacket, again we are after reputation. Custom content will likely be the price for manufacturing + 10%, so if it only costs $12 to make a jacket for you, you will pay $13.20. Suits will be much more expensive however, they will probably be $100-600
  15. Subscription

    Yeah no thanks, I have committed no wrongdoing.
  16. Keys High-End Apparel Design Showcase

    Our company only manufactures on a large scale formal wear, however one of our main focuses actually isn't selling large quantities, but rather satisfying the few who will be aable to afford our special services. So while you may not see a jacket like that on our shelves, you will be able to work one-on-one with us to design and create literally anything. We are focused more on building a quality reputation at the minute than getting top profits, so anything you need we can make. Sorry if that was explained horribly.
  17. Gene Smith for Governor

    I think you should have strict gun control, but don't ban them. Yes, people kill people but that is an dumb argument, yes, without the people guns wouldn't kill, but without the guns people wouldn't get shot. Make people have to go through background checks, firearms training and a mental fitness test before getting this license. Also, make us pay if we want a license so you aren't using taxpayer money to fund guns. Also, DONT lower taxes. It destroys the economy. Have it at a decent rate, maybe 10-20%. How else will you appropriately fund the police to lower crime rates and how else wI'll you afford free health care. You could then invest money into smaller businesses to help strengthen the economy.
  18. Keys High-End Apparel Design Showcase

    Damn, looking back I can see how much I have improved through practise. Here are some more. Let me know what you think!
  19. Subscription

    Im getting lost due to lack of appropriate communication. You can't blame me for not reading what isn't there. At least @Shimozukachi realised that there're was a misunderstanding and so responded in a civilised way acknowledging it, you just can't stand being wrong. Grow up
  20. Money

    That was only becase the demo had a 2 bedroom apartment, you can have as many people living in your home as there are bedrooms.
  21. Keys High-End Apparel Design Showcase

    I will look into womens clothing.
  22. Subscription

    Well them explain yourself better you moron.
  23. I Made A Subreddit!

    I was able to get /r/IdentityRPG! Need a team of mods. Anyone interested? @JamesLuck01 we have had our differences but you are an excellent member of the community.
  24. Titles

    How do I change my title? I have seen things like "Mugger" and "Entrepreneur" but I am stuck with "Citizen"
  25. Subscription

    Because you agreed with the OP when he said he wanted to get rid of all kids. You are defending him, meaning you agree with him.