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Everything posted by DLimit

  1. The Communist Revolution

    Stalin's U.S.S.R. was not a Communist nation considering that it was a "state-capitalist degenerative state" that was governed by the ruling class of BUREAUCRATS rather than the WORKERS. Communist China was a Social-Market Economy with a larger population growth than deaths. The DPRK classifies it's self as a "Juche" economy rather than a Communist state. Neither nations were Communist... Is the Westboro Baptist Church a Christian organization?
  2. The Communist Revolution

    Classifying Stalin's U.S.S.R. as Communist would be identical to classifying Nazi Germany as a Free-Market economy. In fact, Nazi's Germany DID privatize the military.... *chuckle*
  3. The Communist Revolution

    The income-inequality gap has expanded within each and every country that was listed within the forum since the early 1900s, indicating that socialist policies were not the cause for the expanding gap. In the process, such nations had ABOLISHED or weakened an extensive amount of Socialist policies during the transition from the Keynesian economy to the Neo-Liberal economy (Free-Market). Thus, the expanding income-inequality gap is the effect of capitalism.
  4. The Communist Revolution

    The identical scenario applies to The United States of America, The United Kingdom, Germany, South-Korea, South Africa, France etc...
  5. The Communist Revolution

    One should analyze the Cause of the "bourgeois-revolution" a.k.a. Stalin prior to arguing that Communism was responsible for such deaths. Stalin's U.S.S.R. was a State-CAPITALIST Degenerative Worker's State. One should research such information in DEPTH prior to spouting ad hominem claims at my person.
  6. The Communist Revolution

    According to the expanding income-inequality gap between the rich and the poor within Western Advanced-Capitalist Neo-Liberal Democracies, one's argument is invalid. Meritocracy ceases exist due to the expanding inequality gap since wealthy shareholders that possess a large concentration of wealth within the private sector while lobbying politicians within the public sector prevent working-class citizens from prevailing within society. http://www.parl.gc.ca/content/hoc/Committee/412/FINA/Reports/RP6380060/finarp03/finarp03-e.pdf
  7. The Communist Revolution

    Communist nations have not existed throughout the globe considering that such nations were governed by "The Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie" rather than "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat". Furthermore, The United States of America and The United Kingdom has executed MILLIONS of human beings throughout the globe, including it's own citizens, on behalf of big businesses and the bourgeois-state. Whether it may be through colonialism, neo-colonialism, imperialist wars within Latin-America, Africa, Asia, or The Middle East, or the execution of dissidents such as members of the Black Panthers....
  8. The Communist Revolution

    The group MAY associate with the U.S.S.R. that had existed BEFORE Josef Stalin. However, it is an "International" Communist organization that values "Direct-Democracy".
  9. The Communist Revolution

    Is one aware that working-class citizens are responsible for producing each and every commodity and service that one has consumed? However, the bourgeoisie or capitalist class, such as wealthy CEOs, sit on their arse throughout the entire day while accumulating millions of dollars on our hard labour. You're misinterpreting Communism for Stalinism.
  10. The Communist Revolution

    My person did not claim that Communist nations had existed within the planet Earth. In the process, your person should research the theories of Communism from Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky prior to assuming that Josef Stalin was a Communist. In fact, capitalism has executed more human beings than Communism through a combination of poverty and imperialism.
  11. Your thoughts on some ideas:

    1. Each and every conceivable animal that could be produced within the game without any glitches. 2. My person would be satisfied with boats (recreational, personal, and commercial), yachts, and cargo-ships 3. The ability to detect oil within the ocean in order to produce oil rigs, pearls, sunken treasure, and aquamarine life. 4. My person is satisfied with the game's idea of producing households. However, Law enforcement officers should be capable of searching and seizing illegitimate items within the household of an INCARCERATED suspect in order to charge the subject for any other offenses. 5. Agreed. 6. Agreed. 7. The ski-resort within the mountains may provide players with the ability to ski. However, it would be interesting if subjects could practice mountain-climbing within the game.
  12. The Communist Revolution

    My person had classified JOSEF STALIN as a class-traitor for betraying the proletariat through acts of suppression.
  13. The Communist Revolution

    In other terms, Stalin's U.S.S.R. is classified as a "Degenerative Worker's State".
  14. The Communist Revolution

    Not at all, Stalin betrayed the individual that had formed the Russian Revolution, Leon Trotsky, by assassinating his person within Argentina. In the process, Marx advocates that the worker's state should function as a "Dictatorship of the Proletariat", indicating that working-class citizens should possess the Right to elect Laws through a direct-democracy while ceasing the means of production. However, Stalin had suppressed any "dissidents" through either imprisonment or execution. Thus, the state was governed by "The Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie" rather than the proletariat.
  15. The Communist Revolution

    Is one referencing to the class-traitors that do not abide by The Communist Manifesto, indicating that proletarians should possess the ability to govern the nation rather than a corrupted bourgeoisie? Research the following: Direct Democracy (has not existed within Socialist or Communist states)
  16. The Communist Revolution

    List a single Communist government that has existed within the planet Earth that has not functioned as either a Dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie through a counter-revolution or has underwent countless embargoes by The West to the extent that the nation struggles to thrive.
  17. The Communist Revolution

    Communists tend to produce a Socialist Worker's State under a vanguard party prior to forming a class-less society. In the process, Communists oppose the Bourgeois-state and the free-market economy while valuing a Proletarian-state within a planned-economy.
  18. The Communist Revolution

    Indeed, the tactics seem identical to the Central Intelligence Agency considering that such tactics often results in forming a dominating force within the nation.
  19. Gas Station

    The issue could be resolved by providing players with the ability to submit the currency through an ATM-like machine rather than remaining dependent on the player to attain the wealth. I.E. the owner or an employee of a gas station is unavailable at 2:30AM. Thus, the consumer purchases gas from a machine, identical to a vending machine. *Deposits $20 in order to attain $20 worth of fuel/gas*
  20. The game should provide Law-abiding citizens with registered firearms with the ability to utilize reasonable force against a hostile suspect that intends to inflict physical harm against an innocent civilian. For example, an individual that is charging at a woman with a knife should be shot in the leg by an armed Law-abiding citizen. The mayor or legislative office should possess the ability to enact "STAND YOUR GROUND LAWS" or "anti-Self Defense" Laws in order to ensure that the government and/or The People shall be capable of forming such a decision within the city or nation.
  21. Shall governors possess the ability to enact social, political, economic, and foreign policies within the game based on an ideological value? Is one capable of electing a "Neo-Liberal"/Conservative" politician that values producing a "Free-Market"/Laissez-Faire economy that involves reducing or abolishing taxation? Is one capable of electing a Socialist governor that enacts Socialist policies such as a "Household Disposable Income Tax" or "Transaction tax" in order to redistribute the wealth to working-class citizens through social programs? Shall a taxation system exist within the game? Shall individuals possess the option to impeach rulers through democratic or violent means? Shall the game consist of "imaginary foreign nations" (Unreachable, yet observable through media outlets) that either threaten or benefit the interests of the nation in order to produce foreign policies such as "tariffs on imports" or "War on Terrorism"? Shall a GLOBAL economic system exist? Imagine a scenario that involves one "imaginary nation" terminating it's trade agreement with our nation, resulting in a famine due to a low supply of imported corn? ETC...
  22. Storage Units

    It would provide individuals with the opportunity to stash illegal equipment within the storage boxes in order to prevent individuals from incriminating a human being for an offense.
  23. Shall players be expected to refuel their vehicles within a gas station or with a gas can within the game? or, shall each and every vehicle consist of an unlimited amount of gas, identical to GTA IV?
  24. Gas/Fuel

    Unaware as to whether it is a confirmed fact. However, it would be interesting if an oil company and a gas station were to exist within the game. One might as well function as the Saudi King of the island.