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Posts posted by Ubbe

  1. On 2016-09-06 at 0:52 AM, Shimozukachi said:

    if you want that just get back to darkrp.

    This is a crappy thing to say since I think we all want Identity to be the best present-day MMORPG, and leaving such a great feature out would be disappointing.


    On 2016-09-06 at 0:52 AM, Shimozukachi said:

    no "but what if there's a cooldown?" or anything like that! i won't just buy the items again i've grinded months to get just because someone who played the game since 2 seconds got into my ingame house and stole everything while i was busy playing identity.

    If you read my post I didn't say "but what if there's a cooldown?". My suggestions was:


    On 2016-09-03 at 4:37 PM, Ubbe said:

    * Give players the ability to buy alarms for their houses (Locks come with the house).

    * Nerby cops and the player owning the house gets alerted immediately when a house alarm has gone off.

    * Robbers have to buy a crowbar/lockpick to be able to get inside of the house if the door is locked.

    * Crowbars/lockpicks will be very limited in stores.

    * Robbers are only able to slowly carry one object/furniture at a time making the robbing process take loads of time.

    * Players can buy cameras which can be accessed via your phone (this will probably take loads of time to implement and I don't think it's really that necessary).

    * To keep certain things safe in the house, players can buy safes.

    With only some of these suggestions added, it would still be very hard to rob people. And if you had an alarm, both you and the police would get notified instantly.

    And I'm sure certain servers would be able to disable robbing all together if some people wouldn't want it.

  2. @Cornholio What would be even more realistic is to make robbers able to rob houses even without masks, but still I like the idea of having masks, and robbing a house with a mask would make your identity stay hidden, if you manage to succeed with the robbing. And if you rob a house without a mask you would risk your identity to be exposed making cops search easier.

  3. @JamesLuck01 What they could do to still make people able to chill in their apartments is to make it so that robbers can only rob the house if it's empty of players (The owner including players invited). And personally, instanced or not, I'd still love if robbing was possible since the issues with instanced houses are not very big and could easily be fixed with various solutions (such as having a display on the door indicating if a player is about the get in/out of the house, or having a blurred verson of the avatar remain standing outside the door while loading).

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  4. @ThatGuyJoe I completely agree that switching jobs shouldn't be very easy. But even if it takes one or two days to be able to switch jobs, that means that it will take one or two days before more cops start to roll in. And having more cops will make it harder for criminals. Yes, many people might not want to switch just because the money for cops is incresed, but there will be a handful of people who will.

    I know that this isn't the only solution but I do think that it would be a nice feature just to make sure that that there are some balancing between the criminals and cops. Even tho I perfer realism over most things, I still think some things could be done to improve the gameplay, as in cops money balancing.

  5. I do understand why it would be a bad idea to have every house to be always loaded into the world without any kind of loading-screens, it would make the performance in urban areas extreamly slow. But even if there is a loading screen, players with crowbars/lockpicks could just get loaded into the house, if the breaching would be successful. 

    Also, to answer your concerns @Cornholio, @Vyndictus, one solution could be to let any player enter the house as long as the door stay breached/broken. The other solution could be to only let cops and the player owning the house load into it (like in Skyrim where enemies can walk into the building even tho there are loading screens in between).

    The only problem with this is that if the loading times are long, there could be situations where the robber ran out of the building waiting in the loading screen while cops comes from the outside, also waiting in the loading screen. So when the loading screens are gone, the cops wont be able to find the robber and the robber wont even see the cops pass by since everyone was in a loadingscreen at the same time.

    A solution to this problem could be to display on the door if a player is about to come out/get into the house. Another solution could be to have the player avatar remain outside the door so that when the cops arrive inside of the house, they will see that the robber is loading at the door and they can then turn around.

    The implementation of a system like this wouldn't actually make a performance difference because, if say a player can invite 10 people into the house, then only 5 robbers/5 cops should be able to enter the house and there wouldn't be any performance differences to what they currently have.

  6. So after reading the FAQ a bit more in dept I saw this sentence in one of the questions:

    "Players cannot access another players home without an invitation."

    This makes me a bit concerned since that means no robbing of players houses will be possible. Robbing houses is one of the most fun and thrilling things to do in Gmod DarkRP, and if the developers think that robbing peoples houses will have a negative impact on the housing aspect, here are my suggestions:

    * Give players the ability to buy alarms for their houses (Locks come with the house).

    * Nerby cops and the player owning the house gets alerted immediately when a house alarm has gone off.

    * Robbers have to buy a crowbar/lockpick to be able to get inside of the house if the door is locked.

    * Crowbars/lockpicks will be very limited in stores.

    * Robbers are only able to slowly carry one object/furniture at a time making the robbing process take loads of time.

    * Players can buy cameras which can be accessed via your phone (this will probably take loads of time to implement and I don't think it's really that necessary).

    * To keep certain things safe in the house, players can buy safes.

    * Robbers are only able to rob a house if it's empty of players (Just to keep the houses safe places to chill and hang out with firends)

    With only a few of these suggestions implemented, robbing houses would become very hard, which is a good thing since you wouldn't want players houses to constantly get robbed. Also one thing to keep in mind is that the houses in DarkRP are often empty which means that you can easily find the valuable stuff fast, while in Identity, the houses will be filled with loads of furniture making the search harder for robbers. I really hope that the developers will consider these suggestions since I think it would add to the immersion of a game like Identity.


    After some discussion I feel like I need to clearify a few things. Since the developers have said that the only way to enter a house is through an invitation, because the performance will be an issue, I will try to explain my ideas how this could be fixed. So since houses will feature an instanced loadingscreen, the robber could be transfered into the house with a loadingscreen, exactly the same as when a player gets invited. The only difference is that the robber didn't get an invitation. And for example if a player could only invite 10 people to a house, then only 5 robbers and 5 cops should be able to enter the house and there wouldn't be any noticeable differences in the performance.

    The only problem with this is that if the loading times are long, there could be situations where the cops and robbers could be in a loadingscreen at the same time, which would result in them passing by eachother without the cops or the robbers noticing eachother. The solution to this problem could be to have a display on the door indicating if a player is about the get in/out of the house, or have a blurred verson of the avatar remain standing outside the door while loading.

    Another thing with the houses is that they are places where you are able to just chill out with friends and such, without any action or robbers. How to fix this problem is to only make robbers able to rob the house if there are no players inside (which includes the owner and the players invited).


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  7. On 2016-09-01 at 0:12 AM, Sicario said:

    @Motown - Will citizens who have purchased appropriate packages via the shop, have an option to select where their house/apartment be based? I.e. if I wanted an apartment in Ash Hill rather than Roseport. 

    I can't see why that wouldn't be the case :)

  8. @Shimozukachi

    Not really, I'm gonna quote myself here :)

    On 2016-09-01 at 7:00 PM, Ubbe said:

    My solution for the problem would be to give cops more money depending on how much criminal activity is going on, which could be calculated by the server and not by players (since many crimes will go un-noticed by the players). So if there are much criminal activity, more people will want to play as cops since it gives them more money.


  9. On 2016-01-15 at 0:41 PM, Shimozukachi said:

    i like teamspeak more than discord because i don't know how push to talk works

    You just go to Settings > Voice > Input Mode

    Discord is amazing in multiple ways. The quality is amazing, the invites are simple, it works both as an application and in browser, It's easy to manage and add certain voice/text chats for different things, and it looks great :)

    EDIT: @xIconikkx The invite link has expired, remember to make the link infinite time. Also edit your post with the new link.

  10. So I searched through the forums but didn't find any posts about the topic.

    My question is, "will we be able to play music while hosting our own radio stations?"

    If so, it would be nice to be able to play the music by pasting Youtube or Soundcloud links, which could then be easily accessed by the player listening (If we would want to promote our own or someone else's music). By being able to play music, we would also be able to take requests from players and earn money from those.


  11. On 2016-08-18 at 1:04 AM, Rozmere said:

    I'm assuming (in a hopeful way) that these models are just examples of what's possible through a robust in-game character creator.

    I do think that faces will only be presets tho, since making a detailed face customization requires loads of time.

  12. 21 hours ago, Shimozukachi said:

    if server a or b has too many criminals all non criminal players will leave and join another server. if the criminals join the same starts. someday there will either only be criminals or the criminals will get fucked by someone who played too much cs go. that's how it works. if there are only criminals identity wouldn't be fun at all because i'll play it to have fun and not to play another cops and robbers shooter (i don't care about it's core. the core doesn't care at all. they want to create a damn life simulator mmorpg, not another 08/15 call of duty shooter)

    I doubt it will become as bad as a "cops and robbers shooter", but if it would it wouldn't really affect the gameplay of the civilans on the server, apart from multiple stores and civilans getting robbed. That's the beauti of a game like this, civilians can do whatever they want while criminals and cops can do their thing. I also think that the amount of criminals will decrese a few months after release once all the killing machine players gets bored by getting banned (since I guess RDM is not allowed even as criminals).

  13. Custom postures would allow for people to make inappropriate postures, or postures that are physically impossible, with arms going through the body while being upside down etc. (This depends of course about how much freedome you get when posturing).

  14. My solution for the problem would be to give cops more money depending on how much criminal activity is going on, which could be calculated by the server and not by players (since many crimes will go un-noticed by the players). So if there are much criminal activity, more people will want to play as cops since it gives them more money.

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  15. I'm not too sure about the athletic careers but as of now, they haven't said anything about it (only sports to play as fun). If you really want to do them they can always be roleplayed, but that will also require people wanting to pay for tournaments etc.

    About the ability to create custom landscapes, I doubt they will add any kind of map editor because of all the things they have to get done first (even tho I would love one).

    The AI in the game will be very limited and will only be in certain shops. The only people you will see cruising the streets are players, which is a good thing imo.

    The servers being different countries seems possible but there is no need for it since different parties and presidents will be able to choose the laws of the server, and I doubt you will be able to switch server with all your earnings/things.

    And I would love to see Steroids in the game. 

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