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Everything posted by DonReyes

  1. Hello from Sweden

    Hejsan!! Har inte loggat in det senaste, så vet inte om det förbättrats än i spelet. Men med så mycke problem som det va i starten så kommer jag nog vänta ett tag innan jag hoppar in igen. Senast så kom jag knappt ut ur hissen
  2. What will you RP in identity?

    Crossing fingers n toes
  3. What will you RP in identity?

    Loool, im there with you ! !
  4. Prostitutes and sexual interactions

    Well, i guess you are right But...... if it would be some way to , lets say for example, "check the age" or "sort out" the people entering lets say , a stripclub. Then it should be at least a lot better, than taking nudity away entirely. Personally, i think violence and such, is way more worse than nudity. But i dont remember how young people think, tho i am "old". I agree with all that you are saying. And sadly, i should be doing other things than playing games If they would take away nudity entirely, and censor violence, i wouldnt care to much, since that is not the main thing to do in this game
  5. Prostitutes and sexual interactions

    LOOL!! In that case there should not be any drugs or violence in the game either, wont you agree??
  6. What will you RP in identity?

    I going to be a drug selling stripper, that sells moonshine on the days, and strips at night. And sells drugs to well known customers
  7. Strip Club?

    It would be nice to be one, but i really wonder how they would do it possible? For example: Would i be needed to learn it, throught a talend tree, or through buying some kind of "sexydance" emote?
  8. Lets say i want to work as a stripper, to make some extra cash. How is that even going to be implemented in the game? Buying "sexydance" emotes? Somehow i need to learn the art of poledancing and so on, and the same with other careers. if i want to be a bartender, i need to know how to make some nice drinks, or a yoga teacher, or a butcher.... Its going to be really interesting to see how that is going to be presented in the game Anyone here who is gonna be a paperboy or street cleaner ?
  9. Drugs R Us

    I guess people (like me), are going to contact you later and for example, invite you to our "forest rave party" Earning some extra cash is always nice
  10. How many of you are already looking upp how to make something IRL, to be able to earn some "extra cash" IN the game? For example, learning how to make moonshine, so you (hopefully) can make it in the game and then sell..... Or for example, escape different kind of taxes, and make some fraud for profit and such
  11. What Will You Guys be Doing in Town Square

    Mostly just roam around and see how everything work. But also making friends, and plan for the co op when the game releases. Gotta make som cash , and good friends will make it a lot easier
  12. Lol My guess is that it wont be a problem, since we already got a kareoke bar. I was to selfcritic when i tried do learn how to mix, could´nt take it So now, 2 kids later Im here hoping i can relive my life here
  13. Hmm, so i guess you are around your 40s ? im just a couple of years younger but have been living the same way i think Would have been nice with a psy club in the game