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Everything posted by iStreamOnline


    What do you mean? Steam keys are given if you bought before the module was released. If you bought the founder's package then you have to link your account to your Steam account in the indentityrpg account settings. Then your key will be there once linked. Other than that, you buy the module through Steam if you haven't already purchased it.
  2. Anyone still play?

    Some still do, but a lot are waiting for new content. It's well known not a lot to do (anticipated), when more content drops you'll see a rise in players for sure.
  3. just get it done already!

    The game is not in beta. Beta will release when all 3 modules are released. If you paid 30$ that allows for modules access, beta gameplay and full game release. The description for Citizen pack never said beta access or module access.
  4. Ummm ?

    Well technically it is an "alpha" as it's just a part of the game...1 of 3 modules to be released before the beta is even released.
  5. Ummm ?

    Naw..actually I do believe there we're actually a few patch updates...oh here they are: Hotfix 1 - December 2nd -Fixed a whole lot of crashes! Settings menu crashes, server joining crashes, and the whole lot of them. -Fixed a bug which would make your character invisible. It may still happen from time to time, but will be rare. -Your character slots will now always be populated with your characters when the game starts up. -Fixed an bug causing the user interface to sometimes get stuck when making characters. -Textures on "that dress" are now fixed. -Resolved issues when joining a friend's game through Steam. -Improvements to voice communication quality. -Enormous improvements to server stability. Hotfix 2 - December 3rd -Big improvements to lighting in the Town Square at night time. -Fixed broken lighting in the penthouse hallway. Remember you can check out all floor plans in the elevator. -Voices are both louder and longer travelling. -Graphical fixes inside the elevators. -Lighting on the cinema screen will now look more appropriate. -Removed the glue from cinema seats. -Again, more server/database stability improvements. -Messages with server connections will show up as intended, telling you what's happening when you click Play. -Fixed a bug which would send you back to character selection when trying to join a server if that server got full after you clicked Play (this happened a lot). Client Update - December 4th - No more invisible colliding elevator door - Additional fixes to login procedure - potential fix to inventory preview items showing up in the world. Hotfix 3 - December 5th - Logging in off steam friend should now be more stable (ghosting should be gone) - A crash on client shutdown has been fixed (FYI internally, should also fix the crash when failing to connect to server) - Ghost zones created and placed around busy doorways and elevators (basically you stop colliding with players in these zones) - Improved VoIP quality - Higher quality item preview rendering in inventory - Improved load time of inventory UI - Karaoke no longer hearable from apartments Hotfix 4 - December 7th - Game process will no longer stay "running" when shutting down - Fixed bug where you'd be colliding on floors 4 and 5, in elevator and corridor - Fixed dark item preview in inventory during night time - Fixed a number of items that should've been able to hang on walls. They should now be correctly placeable. - Fixed missing lights in housing corridor 6 - Player character no longer hovering in login level Hotfix 5 - December 8th - Adjusted intensity of atmospheric light. - Fixed missing paperdoll previews. - Improved the way the camera field of view adapts with movement speed. - Fixed bug preventing a painting canvas interactivity. Show us your talents! Patch - December 10th -Fixed a major physics engine crash. -You can now eat food in the restaurant, although it needs more polish. -Players now spawn outside of the hotel when joining a server. -Fixed bug where placing non-furniture items in apartments would be lost. -Corrected issues with wall decorations. -The elevator doors in shaft 2 will no longer block when open. -More furniture placement and rotation fixes. -Fixed many seats and chairs around the world where positioning was off. -Added button sound when calling an elevator. -Added sounds to newspaper dispensers. -Held items should be cleaned up properly when a player disconnects. -The white chess queen is now on the proper tile by default. -Overhauled the cinema schedule to include less commercial time. -Stage microphones will no longer prevent speech. Hotfix 6 - December 12 - You can now rebind the key used to enter decoration mode. An indicator will show how to enter decoration mode when it's available. - Added a new key binding for toggling the display of the HUD (UI on screen). - Holiday wreaths are now available at the furniture store, but only for a limited time. - Merry Christmas! - Collision update on shelves and other furniture. - Fixed that apartments didn't load furniture and items when entered - The inventory character preview will now update properly when clothing is changed. - Enabled consumable effects. Details below. This will be expanded a good deal in the future, including addictions and more effect detail. - You can now drink all alcohol sold by the bartender. Watch your step! - The drug dealer got his hands on heroin. - Marijuana effect is now active, affecting your pupils and giving bloodshot eyes. - Fixed initial rotation of preview items in shops and inventory. - Added more karaoke songs - Karaoke song volume reduced to be better suited for the environment. - Fixed a bug allowing you to get stuck in a static crouch while moving Build - December 19 - Potential fix to red items staying when cancelling placement. - Changed furniture placement method to be more lenient on where you can place things. - Added Claim Items to the escape menu. This will finally let you claim your apartments in game! (Known limitation here: Can only claim one apartment type per account, it should be one apartment type per char) - Art deposit box should now correctly remove the deposited canvas from inventory much quicker. - Fixed missing collision in some corridors. - Numerous updates to furniture items to make them easier to place. - Players should no longer get stuck on police station counter. Hotix - December 20 - Fixed that some walls in apartments were unselectable for decorating. Build - December 31 - Fixed bug with chair path finding where you wouldn't be able to go to the requested spot if you were too close to it when you started. - Removed collision vs pawn for placement/edit actors in housing. - Should no longer be possible to walk around outside cinema or housing while not being in the main instance. This was being used to grief players by getting them stuck. So if that happened to you, try again now! - Made it possible to sit on chairs in apartments. - Fixed bug where sitting on tall chairs would make the player sink into the chair.
  6. Greetings from the US of A!

    Greetings fellow 'Murican! Welcome to the community
  7. Ummm ?

    But they're releasing more patches and will be releasing more content. If the game was dead they wouldn't be working on it.
  8. Ummm ?

    Plenty of people still play the module. There isn't a lot to do which is why low player numbers, but game dead? Not even close lmao.
  9. One Bedroom Apartment Decorated

    Thank you!!! 😬😁😁
  10. Rip me I was gone and missed the release

    I choose to defend it because it's my choice to. You don't have to agree with me, I'm letting you know what they plan on doing. They've rebuilt it multiple times so of course it's not going to be exact. Gameplay shows potential, the eventual modifications to the apartment will eventually get there. I mean, no one is holding you here, if you don't see any potential in this game, or see it becoming the full game they plan on it being, why are you here? Why are you hating on anyone choosing to defend it? Why do people have to think what you think? We're defending it because you come here and hate on it, the people here, and anyone who has a positive opinion on it, we don't seek you out, you came here and are choosing to stay. If you've kickstarted the game and are mad you can't get a refund, that's tough, you should know what you're signing up for when you kickstart a product that hasn't been released yet. They said they'd release a social town square module, and that's exactly what they did.Take it or leave it, mate, complaints don't go very far, constructive criticism does.
  11. Rip me I was gone and missed the release

    Your first misconception; Thinking it's going to take a year for content to be released when in fact it's speculated the next module will take about a year. We will see more things to do, granted it won't be a ton of things, but tattoos, barber, shooting range are expected to release when the Town Square is stable by dev standards and most bugs worked out which they've been dealing with a lot since release, as you've seen. From then till now is a huge difference, that can't be denied. Severs hold about 30-50 people, when that server caps, another starts up. Those people aren't scattered throughout multiple servers as that would be a huge waste on resources on Steam's part.
  12. Rip me I was gone and missed the release

    Still doesn't mean anything. That's actually expected with very little to do. That number will rise greatly when more content is released.
  13. Posts getting locked

    They may be older posts or irrelevant to the state of the module...they're probably preventing the topics from becoming spam topics. Hardly anything has been posted recently in the forums. I don't see how sensitivity has anything to do with it, they;re just trying to keep it clean.
  14. just get it done already!

    A rushed game gets you nothing but bugs and glitches and problems and more people complaining about how they just want the game to be released. No, there won;t be any guns available until the shooting range, and even then you probably won't be able to go around and shoot other people (Like i take it you want to based on the fact you brought up there are no guns) It's not as simple to just "Push stuff out as soon as it can be available." That's not how game testing or creating works. It takes time and patience and testing. If you pushed out everything that was "available" then they would end up with more issues, more bugs, more glitches which will take more time to resolve thus pushing the game release further.
  15. Police Roll Call...

    Good news for you then, the PD and other careers like EMT, firefighter, etc will be a first come first server basis. You don't necessarily have to know the laws of a specific country. You will even be able to role play as a dirty cop!
  16. More communication with the community

    But...they already are posting patch notes and updates. I mean just because it's not where you think it should be doesn't mean their image will diminish any.
  17. More communication with the community

    With the release of the Town Square, the website is probably on the low list of concerns. Stability and bugs are main priority at the moment. Posting it on two different places on the website is pointless. Makes more sense to post them here.
  18. More communication with the community

    Updates along with being posted on the Discord, get posted on twitter, that links to this website with the patch notes in their own subforum here:
  19. If you run into any other bugs feel free to report them here so the devs can take a look
  20. Should Marijuana Be Legal? Reply what you think about it.

    You mean produce the drugs for the government, but selling some to the less fortunate on the a dirty lab business. I see you
  21. Should Marijuana Be Legal? Reply what you think about it.

    If a governer is legalizing dangerous drugs like heroin, then they aren't a very good politician... Usually if you wan't to sell heroin in business form, you become a drug dealer...have never heard of legal heroin shops...."safe injection sites" yes...legalizing a schedule I narcotic? no... "Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse."
  22. Constructional Thoughts

    Well I'm sorry you don't have high aspirations for this project, but there are many that still do including myself.
  23. Dev Tracker

    I think they've talked about a tracker but aren't moving forward with it because they want to make sure the glitches, bugs, and general stability is fixed for the Town Square, then will be implementing more content. The thing with the SWAT module is, most of if not all of the art side of it is finished, the coding is what's lacking. So maybe after they address the main TS issues and after a few content releases I think its possibility.
  24. Constructional Thoughts

    GTA V Released in 2013 for one, of course you'd be able to buy it at a cheaper price....You're comparing a nearly 6 year old game, and a almost 3 billion dollar company against Identity/Asylum Ent.