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Everything posted by Kardlef

  1. Prison Life

    If I am walking down the street with 250 bucks on me and a pistol which costs 200 dollars to buy and I get killed.....The person who killed me will be able to take my cash and my gun. That's 450 bucks that I am ass out of, working a job making 20 bucks an hour that is 22 1/2 hours of work that I have to do just to regain what I lost. 45 minutes in jail? So gun play being a "major part" of the game as is doing the menial tasks it takes to keep the game running by the average player. I hope the time one receives for their crime, such as murder, will make it difficult for said player to continue very long just being an all out prick to those who choose to play the game straight up and earn a living.
  2. SEA based jobs

    Yes if you can afford one. Houseboats are fairly cheap and would also serve as an alternate house. Just like there are old dirt bikes and such in the game (that's what I am getting) compared to say a sports car.......Yacht/Houseboat.
  3. what guns would you people like to see in ?

    I would like to see, for hunting purposes, A Glock 20, Mossberg 500, and a Remington Model 700 CDL SF. Should be able to take down any animal in game with those selections provided you're using the right ammo.
  4. Trucking

    Try the FAQS. There are many many many posts about truck drivers.
  5. Bar stools and counter stools? Oak, Cherry, Pine, Walnut, stools for all!
  6. If a cop chooses to be corrupt then taking away their house isn't a fitting punishment imo. Fire them from the force, lock them up for the crimes they committed, do not allow them to purchase guns in the near future like you would any felon, take their bank accounts for said conduct, if they are living in a penthouse take that too because chances are it was bought with foul money. Put them in a studio (where I live lmao) or put them on the streets. Severely limit their game play for X amount of time. Just my 2 cents on the subject.
  7. Undecided on the name BlueFoot

    So what is your decision?
  8. Forum Achievements.

    But there already is "rewards". Making posts grants you status from Immigrant to Citizen etc etc and having your posts liked grants you status such as Opportunist etc etc. Also another reward for having all your liked posts count for that day, winning that day. Those are the ones that I am aware of anyway.
  9. I have been leaning towards that myself GreyFox. Hunting/fishing anyway.
  10. Ah, I see. Well at least we can experiment with things then free of charge to see what works for us and what does not.
  11. Was curious if the apartments come with things like dishes and such or we have to buy all that as well. Drinking glasses, silverware etc etc.....
  12. Would you happen to know more or less what comes with the apartments? And thank you very much for the reply.
  13. Checking in

    I've read March 21st.
  14. Guns stores are going to make Boo Koo bucks. I plan on getting one myself after I buy the necessities for my homestead. As far as jobs go I am still undecided. Anything outdoors I suppose. Mining, fishing/hunting, idk about farming, lumberjack, maybe I will consider being a garbage truck driver or even a mechanic. Just as long as the pay is decent, I am not looking to be rich but I would like to have what I need as well as a few toys.
  15. Hello!!

    Welcome to the community.
  16. Mechanics Motorcycle/Car

    My question is this, how the hell are we suppose to fix cars and motorcycles and such? Do we just magically walk up to them and they fix themselves like Christine? Do we have to take some form of educational class and pass in order to be considered a mechanic? How will this work? I suppose the same goes for any job really. And btw, the link up top no longer works for T&J Garage.
  17. I do not think Police work will be "boring" even though it isn't my cup of tea and will never pursue a career there. Thinking about it, I honestly think players will have fun with this role constantly being on the look out for anyone doing anything wrong. Writing tickets, arresting people, even walking a beat.....In real life as we all know good and well there are plenty of corrupt cops. Just the way things are. There should be some in game as well. Just my 2 cents. *Steps off my soapbox*
  18. SEA based jobs

    Who knows Negan. Docked or anchored up someplace if it has a sleeping area and someplace to cook I would think you'd be good to go but then the point comes to mind, who knows if they will even be in game lol.
  19. Kardlef here.

    Nice choice. I have coffee so far. I will work my way into music sooner or later. Was jamming to some old Uncle Ted last night though,
  20. Kardlef here.

    Hey all just wanted to say hello to you all. Not sure what I will be doing in game as a lot of it seems to be very interesting. I have a lot of questions and have been searching these threads for answers. Looking forward to the release. You all be safe.
  21. Kardlef here.

    Que Pasa KirbyDude. (What's up)
  22. Kardlef here.

    Thanks Isaac I will look at the FAQS and watch clips as well.
  23. Wow, fantastic. So I can keep that studio forever and ever, rent free lol.
  24. Kardlef here.

    Thanks Grey