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Posts posted by subway244

  1. Ok! To start off, welcome to the community! I suggest you start in the "Immigration" tab, and formally introduce yourself. Then, take a look around the forum to see where your career should be. We are really friendly here, and I think you will find many friends during your time on the Identity forums. :)


    The links below will give you more information.

  2. I have selected these clips, they should help you.

    14 hours ago, AmandaCruz said:

    Also when u want to Buy or Sell something, they will make an Auction for you.

    As of 10 months ago, they did not have auctions, but they plan to have a classifieds system.


    • Like 1

  3. James Torelli

    Lives in Newark, NJ

    Status: Online

    Ready to help! Posted on 10/20 at 12:43 a.m.

    I just got my Private Investigation license today, but I'll have to get another one once I move to Town Square. My distant family requires assistance down on Identidad Island, so I'll make sure the experience is fun, but also provides plenty of work. I'll be sure to pack a blue Hawaiian shirt and my Honda CRX into a nifty little suitcase.

  4. 9 hours ago, LaqueshaBrown said:

    My plan is to start off with low level crime dealing weed on the streets than once I save up enough money buy exotic cars and start my own car rental business 


    Welcome to the community! Some links below will provide you with some more information. :)

  5. 3 hours ago, Forcedchaos said:

    Lets keep politics, social justice warriors, political correctness and the rest out of video games. Games are where I go to get away from all the real world bullshit!


    Tell it to Hangar 13. They kind of ruined the image of my favorite game series of all time, by cramming politics and other things into a game that was supposed to be about the COSA NOSTRA, but actually became a game about politics in the 1960s.

  6. 19 hours ago, azntk89 said:

    MRE Meal Ready to Eat or we gather ingredients

    You can craft food, so you can probably gather ingredients at a supermarket, or farm it yourself.


    19 hours ago, azntk89 said:

    how long will it last till it goes bad

    Food does not spoil, but that might change.

    19 hours ago, azntk89 said:

    Is it gonna be real time for us to cook food. 


    I don't think so.


    If you need any more information, refer to the links below or contact LuckyDuck! :)

  7. I have looked and have not seen anything that directly talks about a flea market, but I can almost say for certain that this, or something like this, will be in the final game/beta.

    You should probably ask LuckyDuck to confirm/debunk this.



    By the way, welcome to the community! Some links below, especially the Twitch Clips Directory, will provide you with some more information about the game. :)

  8. I haven't seen anything about this, yet, but it is a very good idea! If this were to happen, I wouldn't think it would be in Town Square, but probably in the full game/beta. 



    For more information, please refer to the links below! :)

    • Like 1


    2 hours ago, steeven said:

    FR: Bonjour dans la vrai vie je vais ouvrir un site internet "E.commerce" de customisation de chaussure "Customize Your Sneakers" et j'aimerais savoir si avec le métier entrepreneur sera t'il possible de dessiner sur des chaussures avec de la peinture ou du crayon ? ou que les gens puissent m'envoyez leur paire de chaussure et que je l'ai designe?  je sais que les tee-shirt c'est déjà possible de mettre des slogans. Merci d'avance :P

  Oui, vous pouvez personnaliser vos chaussures. Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas à Town Square.


    2 hours ago, steeven said:

    FR: DEUXIEME QUESTION: est-ce-que c'est possible d'avoir un tee-shirt de ma marque et que je puisse le porter sur moi ? et que ensuite je puisse mettre en place du coup la customisation sur les shoes ? 


    Je crois que vous pouvez avoir des T-shirts avec des logos.



    Les liens ci-dessous fourniront plus d'informations. Ils sont en anglais.

  10. 13 minutes ago, MemphisMan said:

    Town Square Module status  currently reads  "In Production". What will that change to when ready for players to hop in?


    It should change to "COMPLETED". The Town Square module will be put on Steam sometime in the coming months, and then it will be pending approval by Steam. The Town Square module is nearly completed, though.



    For more information, refer to the links below. (Especially the Twitch Clips Directory.)

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