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Everything posted by MichaelPayne

  1. just one thing

    In the UK we say zip ties, to be honest never heard it be called tie wraps before.
  2. What happend

    Theres no date for full release, Town Square Module is releasing 21st of March I believe. Michael.
  3. Making a business

    It's mostly self-creation, all the business ideas you see here are concepts and plans. Starting your own business on here will rely mostly on your imagination, to start just simply make a forum post with your ideas and logos and what else you want to tell or show. Ingame there will be corporations which will be the tool for implementing your business. Probably your best bet at making logos and designs would be Photoshop or something like that, as for implenting those logos in game I'm not sure about it you would have to refer to the twitch clip directory and see if theres anything there. Michael
  4. HELP!

    This one will get you in to Town Square when it is released. http://www.identityrpg.com/shop/buy/?value=30
  5. A Practise Case For Two Law Firms

    If you do get enough people I'll play a jury role.
  6. Everyone we hire understands that salary is going to be an issue at the start, Thats why Me and the board have agreed that we will take a reduced to no salary and invest all our money in to the company and just offer a wage to our core staff, but my finance director assures me that it will alright as long as we put our mind to it. We also believe in starting small this is just a plan it will be spread overtime.
  7. Just replied and Thank You it's much appreciated!
  8. Royalty [hiring]

    Hi Etherial, Welcome to the Board Room, If you're interested in having a Logistics company handle all your logistical needs like supply chain management and deliveries, Fell free to contact me and we can discuss it. Michael Payne CEO Of Velocity Logistics.
  9. Booming Businesses Currently Developed

    I would not say we are booming, but we are stable in the fact that I think our business can lift off at release with a stable growth rate and nothing to exponential as we need be equipped to meet the demands that we will have to face at the start. We now have a full and active set of board members and a solid network of higher management to delegate work down efficiently at release, also we have a number pre-contracted arrangements with certain companies to offer our services which will be key to our starting success. In total I believe that we will hit booming status after release in due time. I would like to thank @uncannierlink for placing us in the Dollabank LLC's Bluechip Fortune 15, I have no doubt It will be a prestigous list of Identity's leading companies. Michael Payne CEO Of Velocity Logistics
  10. Velocity Logistics Is looking for Business Partners and Clients. Drop me a message for further Information.
  11. Skull & Bones Recordings

    Positions still open.
  12. Skull & Bones Recordings

    Hi @TobyMaersk, I like your way of thinking, PM and we can go into futher disscusion. Michael Payne CEO
  13. Skull & Bones Recordings

    Hi, Thank you for your interest @Mantisoli If you could private message me we can discuss It further.
  14. Core Transport Corporation

    Velocity Logistics would be happy to help In anyway we can, If you need podiums, stages and sound equipment moved. We want to support the elections and are offering any help to any candidate. All services will be at an reduced cost. Just drop us a message.
  15. CLOSED

    HI, If you need any logistic services for your company we offer a wide range services. If you're interested send us a message we would love to have a chat. Michael Payne CEO
  16. Whatever you say boss, we will rebrand just for you.
  17. We tried multiple arrow ideas but didnt get what we wanted so we took inspiration from citreon and modified there logo and as far as i can see from other companies theres no issue in brand similarity so Im not really fussed and at the top the post itsays its a concept so im not going to take action on your suggestion thank you though
  18. [UK][S.R.D.] The Social Reformative Democrats

    28% corporation tax. That's a bit hefty
  19. Copyrighted IRL Companies

    Pull a Rockstar and just re brand the same company Like Versachi and just making little design differences and change the font a little
  20. Grimson Law Firm LLC.

    I give up hahah
  21. Grimson Law Firm LLC.

    An in house lawyer can gain personal benefit (financial) from the company which will effect his decisions and actions in an official capacity, In court opposition will always claim possible corrupt decision making and all sorts and the judge will say that in house lawyers cant defend there client in a fair mannor. Mostly in house is used for contract law and employment law and minor things. Anything class action or around that will mostly go to outside help.
  22. Grimson Law Firm LLC.

    I think sole representation by an in house legal team/aid is bad, it just has conflict of interest all over it. I think it will be better to have outside representation to create a barrier.
  23. RavenWolfRadio - update 09/18/17

    Me and the boys will be tuned in
  24. Hopefully a video advert will be here soon so get ready for that unveiling!