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Everything posted by Kronic

  1. "Dont you dare sound your legitimate and fair concerns about this game on these forums" Same old story round here.
  2. Question About Dev

    You can continue to expect this game to be released and be very disappointed when it doesnt happen, thats fine. If it does come, you only got what you expected. I will expect that this game will never happen and furthermore, it is a blatant scam planned from the start. I wont be disappointed when it never comes, I already expect that. If it does come to be however, Ill be over the moon with excitement. Someone needs to point out my point of view on this game, because I am not the only one with it (just read all the comments on youtube, reddit and other places). I want this game to happen so badly, that is why I am being passionate about this.
  3. Question About Dev

    Lots of "confirmed" features and info get thrown round these forums when no proof can be provided. You cant possibly say it will be better optimized than arma 3 or any game, because it doesnt exist. The simplest gameplay features dont exist. Half the people on these forums act like they are the devs.
  4. Question About Dev

  5. Devs Just Did a Very Informative Stream!

    Yes, a forum moderator. He has no say in the game development, finance or anything. He probley didnt even have to confirm any details about his real identity and true age to get the part. Heck, Ive been a mod of forums before too. I'm not giving any details to him :')
  6. Devs Just Did a Very Informative Stream!

    Oh yeah, I'm going to give my deatils to some random who PM'ed on a forum for a game that will never exist? get real. I think Ill stay around thanks. The admins dont seem to ever be here so looks like there is noone to ban me.
  7. I like to knock some truth into you guys every know and then and confirm my suspicion that the devs still don't interact with the people their scamming (safer that way ;))
  8. Are you serious? Everything he is doing there is most likely provided by the engine he is using.That isnt gameplay. Please, go use something like unrealengine for 2 seconds and come back and talk.
  9. Oh by the way, Im making this game, you can do whatever you want. the graphics will be amazing it will be like real life just pledge now, look heres my trailer
  10. Sounds like denial because It doesnt feel good to lose money, especially when you're helping some random group of people get rich by scamming you. Let me show you something. This is a SCENE someone made in unreal engine. There is no gameplay. You simply walk around and look at the things you have rendered. I guess it is the start of a game in a sense, but nowhere near it. This is just graphical work with 3D objects. THIS IS ALL WE HAVE BEEN SHOWN! Please, direct me to a video about identity that isnt exactly the same as this video? Ill tell you what has happened. This guy/team is good with making graphics and 3D objects and that is all they have made, he showcases it as a game and is blatently ripping everyone here off.
  11. update right now. They are playing battlegrounds again -
  12. Here is your proof. I have posted this before. " lets take a look at how much the devs play other peoples games shall we? Seems they spend alot of time simply playing other games, I would think a game this amazing and this delayed needs all the work and time it can get "
  13. Go look at their steam accounts mate, they are too busy playing battlegrounds and city skylines to be working on a game this ambitous. They are behind their deadlines yet they spend 200+ hours every 2 weeks playing other peoples games? Sorry, but I'm being real. We got ripped off.
  14. Might aswell pledge all your cash to this guy, this little clip here literally has more features and gameplay than ANYTHING we have been shown about identity. Why cant the devs show us a simple video of them walking around and interacting with stuff? It hasnt been made. They dont even post here on their own forums ffs.
  15. Devs Just Did a Very Informative Stream!

    Ive sent emails requesting a refund and have had no reply. I see many posts on the support board of people having problems getting a refund. Another sign that this is a scam. I wont get my money back.
  16. Devs Just Did a Very Informative Stream!

    I have never asked for another preview of what we have already seen. No, I wont be happy for another featureless video and the fact that this team is most likely scamming everyone here. "Its only $30" some say. Yeah? $30 from multiple customers adds up to alot.
  17. Devs Just Did a Very Informative Stream!

    everything that has been released is literally just objects made in something like autodesk 3dmax or blender. Google/youtube "ultra realistic graphics", many people are making these types of scenes but there is no actual gameplay to it. You just walk around. We are just being shown these types of scenes, we have seen literally no gameplay. Where this games UI or interface even? in these stream he doesnt even have his own program open, he's just showing us these objects in the program he used to make them. Wheres the game?
  18. Devs Just Did a Very Informative Stream!

    More 3D objects oh yay, anyone can build 3d objects. There is no gameplay yet. There wont be.
  19. Identity has blown me away... I mean this in the nicest way possible, It seems so ambitious I truely wonder if it will ever get done. Nonetheless I have decided to back this "game". Lets be honest, this will be much more than a game if it ever comes to be. Ive played hundred of hours of AltisLife, so you deserve my money for that anyway. I need this life in my life..

    any who clicks any of those links deserves to get a virus.
  21. Hello; New Guy. Lots of Things To Talk About

    The devs have stated in Q&A that there will be hive servers, where you can transfer everything you own from one server to another. Or have they contradicted this statement also?
  22. First "game" I have ever pre-ordered

    My bad. Still, I find it curious that all the devs spend so much time playing battlegrounds and cities skylines..
  23. First "game" I have ever pre-ordered

    The dev says in this video "You will only be able to own one shop" But in another Q&A he says you will be able to own multiple shops across the world and effectivley have a "brand" that way. Which is it? .. Sorry If Im being negative about such a great concept but someone has to say it.
  24. First "game" I have ever pre-ordered

    Does this look like someone who is working on a game as ambitious as Identity? Currently playing battlegrounds, 85 hours spent on it in the past week alone. lets take a look at how much the devs play other peoples games shall we? Seems they spend alot of time simply playing other games, I would think a game this amazing and this delayed needs all the work and time it can get