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Will there be reflections in the mirrors in game? Or will you just have no reflection, which would kind of ruin the immersion. I noticed in the overview when you sat at the laptop there was a reflection of what's behind it but there was no reflection of you and it ruined the immersion. I understand it might be hard to do but will it be in the full game?

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5 hours ago, TheoGT said:

Will there be reflections in the mirrors in game? Or will you just have no reflection, which would kind of ruin the immersion. I noticed in the overview when you sat at the laptop there was a reflection of what's behind it but there was no reflection of you and it ruined the immersion. I understand it might be hard to do but will it be in the full game?

It's possible to add it, but it does take quite a bit of resources, it might not be very clear just for the sake of performance reasons. 

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