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Found 2 results

  1. Olá Meus Caros Amigos(a)! Bolsa Pobreza Uma Empresa Que será sustentada por verbas governamentais e por outros grandes investidores no intuito de ajudar o jogador desempregado o jogador sem rumo, como ajudar estes jogadores doando tanto dinheiro se assim ele se cadastrar no programa bolsa Pobreza que irá dar um valor mensal ou Semanal para poder sobreviver. Qual será o valor a receber? Este Valor será de $110,00. Bem obviamente se a pessoa for mais necessitada e realmente obter o programa bolsa Pobreza para viver este valor pode ser maior em 35%. E se eu possuir uma família? Caso o portador da carteira do bolsa Pobreza terá de cadastrar sua família em seu nome e cada pessoa que ele sustenta irá aumentar 15% no valor a ser recebido! Bolsa Pobreza Dando Uma Oportunidade Aos Jogadores Humildes e Necessitados. Obrigado, mande ideias e sugestões. ----------------------English-------------------------- Hello My Dear Friends! Bolsa Pobreza A Company That will be supported by government funds and other major investors in order to help the unemployed player the player with no direction, how to help these players by donating so much money if he so signs up in the Poverty program that will give a monthly value or Weekly to survive. What will be the amount to receive? This amount will be $ 110.00. Well obviously if the person is most in need and actually get the Poverty scholarship program to live this amount can be higher at 35%. What if I own a family? In case the holder of the Poverty scholarship wallet will have to register his family in his name and each person he supports will increase 15% in the amount to be received! Poverty Bag Giving Opportunity To Humble And Needy Players. Thank you, send ideas and suggestions.
  2. I mostly refer to mayoral duties because it is that which I am more accustomed. I would like to suggest that the financial records of the city be up to the mayor as to their detail and what all they include. I would like to think that the cash system for mayor will be more than just sliding bars on how much is spent in one area and that the mayor can withdraw cash to use personally (As would be required for some of the welfare systems I've proposed). And as such then it would make sense that when financial records are published that it be up to the mayor to label withdrawals for specific purposes, such as when they go to the bank and withdraw they select an existing category (Welfare, Public service, etc.) and it would add to the amount of debits that category received. And if there was a category they did not see, they could create a new one and all this would be marked down in the financial records when they are published. I'd assume other categories of it would be automated like I would expect that Road services would be auto-filled out and such (and I hope to god the mayor can choose which roads get more care than others, I love detail), but I would really enjoy the creative freedom to expand my position as mayor by having more custom freedom over where the money is spent. It would also make more interesting detail if someone found out the mayor was illegally using funds, for example, if someone notices that there's a large debit in the police budget and find out that police are paid a lot less than they should be, or if road service is really high but the roads are actually all cracked, then people could figure out the mayor was corrupt. Just something to chew on. Sincerely, Blake Gillman - Running for Mayor