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Everything posted by LForrester

  1. online jobs like streamers or youtuber

    Pretty sure I heard that there wouldn't be that sort of RP available due to the amount of extra bandwidth and server space the videos would take up. You will however be able to stream YouTube videos to the TV in your home as they are pulled and buffer straight from YT HTH
  2. There will be no aircraft in this game, decision made by the devs to stop 'immediate' travel around the island Full answer is in the FAQs if you give them a read
  3. What job roles will everyone have ?

    I've put myself as a Doctor as I'm hoping that there is enough flexibility in the game to work in a Pre-Hospital setting out with Paramedics and if not I'll probably switch to Paramedic but it wasn't on the list
  4. Drive-Bys

    Every thread I've read that complains about the lack of drive bys all want them 'Just to shoot at cops chasing me because I'm in a worse car' - how about put more planning into your heists: take hostages, negotiate your getaway, have your route in and out planned and have back ups. If you want to be a successful bank robber in the game it is entirely possible, you will just have to take the time and plan it! Also if you're worried about the police just drive a bit faster! I'm sure that they'll have to explain why/how they crashed their car into those innocent bystanders to their Captain and take the wrap for it! Look at the bigger picture and you'll realise that there are more ways of getting away from the police than just shooting at them
  5. Rezix Racing™ (Nascar)

    I know it's not on your list but I know some large teams have their own medical staff, so if that was the case it'd be something I'd like to do! Also if the whole race series was sponsored by Rezix Transport then I'd love to be the series Chief Medical Officer on hand at the race events to cover any serious crashes.
  6. Jobs in the medical field

    I think it'd also be cool if there was the ability to request an ER doctor to the scene if it was a big incident eg. motorcycle crash/GSW It'd be interesting to know if each grade EMT/Paramedic/Doctor could do different things to the patient and therefore your chances of survival is higher if you're treated by a paramedic instead of an EMT
  7. Which Cars/ Vehicles Would you like to see?

    I'd definitely like to see EMS rapid response vehicles, I know they are very common in the UK and Europe but haven't seen many American examples. I did hear that they aren't having unmarked police cars so that they can easily be distinguished for the benefit of everyone else but in the UK there are Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics that volunteer to respond when not at work and they have unmarked cars - for me that would be the best vehicles to be modelled but then I'm incredibly biased
  8. Identity referral program

    Sounds like a great idea! I know that the Kickstarter and website pledgers are getting baseball caps so a little something for the flat sounds like an excellent plan. A lava lamp sounds cool but it could be as simple as a ornament or wall decoration.

    I think a different way of you to look at this is to consider that the leading pursuit car will also not be able to fire at you whilst you are driving. I know that in the UK (where I am from) the officers are accountable for 'Use of Force' which goes from as little as tackling/punching/wrestling with a suspect -> to removing CS gas or taser from its folder -> to using said articles -> to discharging a firearm at the suspect person/vehicle. My point being (may be different in the US) that the officers are not immediately going to draw and discharge their firearms at the vehicle in a situation such as a vehicle FTS (failed to stop), hence why would you need to fire at them? It could also be the case that they have to justify their actions to both their Captain and the judicial system as these will both be in the game. Again in the UK firearms officers have to have their use of force authorised before engaging (generally this is done enroute to the call and afterwards discretion is down to the officer) and pursuits are also authorised once one has started as to whether it is safe to continue or not. As the modelling of the police in this game is going to be extensive then I think that this could all be modelled and if an officer is found to have caused an incident through negligence (stray bullet or causing an RTC whilst responding) then they will be held responsible and face the consequences. I think this would mean your problem of not being able to shoot would be diminished as the officers would also have to be careful of their own behaviour too.