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Everything posted by James_Miller

  1. Can u share house with someone?

    as i know you can invite people to your house, but use the search bar, this question was already asked
  2. Who wants to be my sugar daddy in game

    dont feed the troll
  3. This Is What People Were Talking About

    My words! Its true
  4. New Citizen!

  5. Do You think TS will release ?

    stop asking so stupid questions, the game comes out if its finished, in march the first module will come out so please stop opening posts that already have been there 400 times
  6. Alright, I'm out.

    just wait and come back when the game is finished
  7. Returned from a break

    Weclome back
  8. This is the new video...?

    First, people are screaming they want to see the Gameplay now, fast, hurry! Finaly the dev show us the gameplay and everyone is angry that they show it to us because the community want more....... Crazy! I am verry happy with this small video, it was not to much but its nice to see the first real gameplay Hey Devs, keep up the good work! Hope you will make Identity Great!
  9. Hello from israel

  10. Hello from Germany!

    Willkommen kollege
  11. Video

    i hope it will come out untill march 21
  12. Environment Realism / Video Logic

    yea i am full with you! But i can understand why people are salty
  13. Video

    just chill and wait
  14. Let's Build a Future Together

    2045 Cancer was cured by a rotten tomato with a IV line
  15. Let's talk about that Dev Blog

    When will the "January" gameplay come to us? And keep up the good work! I am verry happy to see the Module in march
  16. Playable?

    and you should to try to be a little bit friendly
  17. Playable?

    I know that i am not answer you question, but if you use the searchbar in the forum and type "Release" there are much answers, this question is nearly every day here, its crazy that people cant use the searchbar, its easy
  18. Playable?

    use the searchbar
  19. Welp that just happened

    its great, now they can just create the game without people asking all 5 minutes "When will the game be released"
  20. Radical Democratic Left Party (RDLP)

    you and you party
  21. Radical Democratic Left Party (RDLP)

    Okay, in real i am agains left/right, i am one of the Middle but ingame i will vote you
  22. Radical Democratic Left Party (RDLP)

    "Radical Left" and "democratic" cannot be the same its like The "Nationalsocialist" "Autocratic" "Democratic" Party