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Posts posted by ThePro

  1. On 4/24/2017 at 10:43 AM, Kamikaze said:

    Hi guys

              I am New to Identity  just pledged this  past weekend, (got my little apartment and garage :P I wasn't referred here by anyone I just randomly found it on the web looking at new games coming out in 2017.   I been reading all I could find out about it the past few days.  I am really like'ing what I am seeing.  Its a shame there is not more marking for it but I understand with this type of crowd funding that the devs spent most of their  time an money into making the game and not advertising .  That's where we the fans come it. )

     "Idea / Suggestion "

            I was thinking about Identity having some  kind of referral program , where current backers could recommend the game to their friends and if those friends then pledge a donation to the Identity game development , the original backer and the new backer they both get a referral , point, star, credit whatever...

    The devs can then decision on a reward , for example 5 recruitment  points will get you a Limited edition lava lamp for your apartment that you can only get from the referral program.  Nothing game braking like more cash or cars or anything ridiculous, but a token of appreciation that's merely cosmetic and players can show off to their friends to show how they help grow the game.

      I have personally seen this work in other crowed funded games and I believe the word of mouth from fans is the best way to help a game and its community to grow, and these programs just help give it that little extra nudge in the right direction.

    Best Regards


    Good idea, but with this logic, the YouTubers would have the most referrals

  2. 1 hour ago, PowerGaming7 said:

    Hey @JamesLuck01 thank you for the kind words!

    I think the most important thing here is not to have a debate on who is the better YouTuber because that is up to the viewer, however I think it is alot more important to know that Identity is getting some exposure. The devs don't have that much money to be spending on marketing unfortunately but having people on social media outlets like YouTube / Twitter is a big way to get the game known to other gamers outside of our community. I mean let's face it if hardly anyone knew about the game it would be boring as you'd have nobody playing it, and that is not good in a game like Identity.

    @ThePro Apologies for making you feel bored man! The main reason is to why I speak slower is to make sure firstly all of the information I give is accurate and secondly to make sure the viewer digests all of the information, because some people take a bit longer to take in the information you give them, so if you are talking fast then they will not take any of it. I will try to improve in future videos though! Thank you for the criticism, and I do hope you'll stick around because when the game fully drops my channel will hopefully be changing to entertain you alot more! Regardless, TheDynasty makes great content (Not just his Identity content) and I respect him as a YouTuber and as a great guy, I do recommend his videos!

    Also in my Identity gameplay series I want to make sure people can get the full experience of what Identity has to offer, so that means absolutely no abusing any powers. I mean I don't think I even have any powers lol. I mean ironically that is known as powergaming :/ *I think I need a name change lol* But I would never try and abuse the position of being a YouTuber ingame to get anything out of it, that's just wrong and makes people feel left out of the experience when we have both paid the same amount of money to play the game. 


    Yeah I respect both of you guys and not really debating on who is the better YouTuber since it is opinionated. I love what both of you guys are doing and your right a game like Identity needs to have some exposure! I'll be sure to watch both of you when the full game comes out and who knows maybe you guys can get together for a video, that would be great! I didn't mean any offense when I said you got me bored btw I still respect you as a person 

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  3. 23 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    Well he did block me for giving answers to comments on his video yes, but also I don't like the intro (Too Loud), he blocked me on the forum because I gave him the answers that HairyGrenade would have. I was just in a bad mood at the time when editing that post. So I re-edited the post and removed a few bits which I just said because of my mood, but yeah, I gave good and reliable info and he blocked me. Which tells you something about the guy. I do like majority of Canadians but you get really nasty / stupid ones which I have had past encounters with. I do prefer PowerGaming7 though because he gives good and reliable confirmed info.

    Intro sounds fine to me might just be your sound dude, and yeah I guess everyone has their own opinion.

    Edit: @JamesLuck01 how did he block you if he just responded to u in the swat questions I think you might be paranoid

  4. 8 hours ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    That's why all members of my community will be treated fairly which includes the You Tubers. We will not allow them in with out going through our white-listing process and well if they break rules then they will get the same treatment as others. I personally don't care that a big You Tuber on my server is bringing players because if they bring players and break my rules, they will get the punishments they deserve. 

    I personally only just started with YouTube and streaming, I in the past if I broke my own rules by accident; resulted me banning myself. I will only Record every so often as I don't have the best internet to do it all the time. Also, you gave a good point above which is another reason I won't abuse my powers; which is I don't want my servers to get a bad reputation.


    Edit: TheDynasty don't know asmuch as @PowerGaming7 and I prefer PowerGaming, Who cares if someone talks slow, it is about the content and frankly TheDynasty don't like other peoples opinions, He don't like being corrected and well frankly those people are "Dicks in real life", I also don't like his accent and well he will block you if you have good inputs. He knows nothing. You should go and watch powergaming7's videos because Dynasty don't deserve anything.

    How do you know that he doesn't like being corrected? Did he block you? what made you dislike him so much sound like he did something to you....

    EDIT: I believe his accent is Canadien since he is from Canada as well 

  5. 11 minutes ago, JamesLuck01 said:

    I have seen his videos too, he posts on the forum too!

    Yeah I seem to like him more than power gaming. Nothing against power but he talks kinda slow and it kinda makes me wanna fall asleep lol.... But I love what they are both doing for the game, they seem to be the only people who post a lot of info about this game

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  6. 31 minutes ago, brennanlite said:

    Im sorry i should have been more specific as i have been researching this game since the overview video was released. will these criminal organizations be on a large scale and can you take over and control "turf" and such; what i mean to say is how complex will this path be or is it limited to drug dealing, robberies, etc.

    This video talks about it