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Posts posted by LuciousTimes

  1. 2 minutes ago, KIRBYDUDE said:

    Hi guys.

    Its such a lovely wheater here in brazil.

    Its like thunder and lightning and storm. Somebody just died because he lived under a tree. Shit here is amazing.


    That’s great!

  2. 8 minutes ago, MariusG69 said:

    If you are a supporter of the republic, then why in the world would you call yourself a "royal family". As I said, I would be happy to support an absolute monarchy as I think it would introduce an interesting militarization of the state. But to call yourself "royal" and be a supporter of the republic is a disgrace. Royal is a foreign word in republics. I would  also love worshipping a true king.


    Goog kingship is a blessing, outside of this game I may be speaking differently on my government leadership. However, the game is US Government based. The party name comes from the my story, I’m not sure if you read it or not. Just to further specify, it’s the Royal Family Party...I’m not claiming to be a Royal Family.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Anonymous_Citizen said:

    The island of Identity is a special district under the United States. All religions are protected by the United States constitution, he can not violate that. There will be no military on the island, only police are authorized by the federal government. :)


    😂, I understand that the name may be misunderstood until my information is read. I’m sure that he fell in that boat of misunderstanding. No matter though, it is true it’ll (the Island) be under a US Government. Honestly, I’m happy that it is. After all, I am a proud Texan.

  4. 1 hour ago, Lemanzo said:

    What are your views on all the other Conservative parties, and would you be open to working together or even advocating some of them? If so what parties/candidates come to mind, and what are your thoughts on the CCU?


    My views are both Conservative and Liberal, in real life I consider myself an Independent because I have views on both sides of the spectrum. However, to answer your question, IF I WASN’T A CANDIDATE OR PARTY FOUNDER I would grant my support to The Hamilton Party, Joel Keys and The CCU. I am always willing to work with others, that is a pillar of my character and why this topic has elevated to its current stature. Would I ever back out of the race? No, but I find it wise of the Identity community to have more collective support towards one individual or party, such as myself. I’ve always been a fan of DEMOCRATIC monarchy and looking at CCU...I like them to an extent! 

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  5. I have an idea, and it’s just an idea, but hear me out! A lot of individuals start groups, whether it be gangs, businesses, political parties, but all those groups are forced to have a single vision. No one really has their own “Identity”. What if we formed a neighborhood. A group of people that could be themselves and yet still be a part of something together. No jobs or anything, just a group of people that live life.

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