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Everything posted by Bryyce

  1. game requirements

    You should be fine.
  2. Combat Video Update

    Nice video! Looking forward to more.
  3. New Screenshot!

  4. New Screenshot!

    Yeah totally! I am glad they finally put out an update. It was much needed.
  5. New Screenshot!

    Never said it was an "ingame screenshot" just a screenshot they released with the DevBlog
  6. 10% though it was going to be released March 1 - March 20 and they were wrong! Lets hope for March 21-31
  7. Identity Graphic

    Just kidding. Looks nice!
  8. Identity Graphic


    This post should be here
  10. I have over 50 posts and have been following this game for a few months. I wouldn't say that I am that new.
  11. I think it has been confirmed that it is coming out this month!
  12. Town Square Module

    This belongs in "Off-Topic" I have no clue what you are trying to say.
  13. Radio Host

    That sounds cool. Never heard of something like that in a game.
  14. So much people think it won't happen in March. I hope that is not true D:
  15. In the FAQ, it said Mid-Late March or the end of Q1
  16. FAQ Extended (Updated)

    1. Yes to all of these. Gas and food i don't know about water actually 2. yes. There is an RV in every interview with the devs, the trailer, etc. it was even on the home page. You can kind of be a walking house if you can fit everything you need in your trunk. In an RV you can probably fit much more including a kitchen so i would say yes. 3. I believe firearms are shown on your person if equipped. 4. I don't know. I don't think there will be backpacks or duffel bags but you can use car trunks and furniture for storage as well as the bank.
  17. FAQ Extended (Updated)

  18. Greetings from Detroit

    Hey! I am near Detroit also! Looking forward to playing!