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Everything posted by TOPGUNGUY123

  1. yea there cant be a push back again, when they finish the last task steam even says they review and approve or deny all games within 2 weeks of uploading the game to steam and with the task tracker there is nothing they can push back, well without looking like idiots saying oh we forgot to add something to the tracker or we took too long to make a beta and licenses have expired for something, itl be out soon, hopefully in 2-3 weeks
  2. Lets be Real About the Release Date

    wow Its funny how when I first saw this in march I thought there is no way this nutjob is right this game will defiantly be out in april, oops
  3. so let me began by saying this, I trust asylum and I do think this game will be out soon but im really confused about the tracker and want some answers, the task remaining have been the same for almost 2 weeks, gameplay has 1 in testing and user interface has 2 in testing, I don't understand why such simple task can be in testing for 2 weeks? gameplay seems incredibly simple to test depending on what it is but it being town square it cant be that major I would think, then user interface I would think it would be hey when we press I does this pop up? yes? k its done, so that only leaves 1 theory are they not going to update anything else until the website is up? whats your opinions?
  4. Is this a scam or a game

    I can understand where people are coming from myself, I mean if they can stream identity and jade showed its in his steam library so why cant they just release it now sense servers are working and its already on steam and just update it like every other game on steam where they release updates to fix things as we play but... its identity after all. and hopefully an amazing game when it launches and still has my support. well get something soon, if it was a scam why would they release the dev tracker? if it was a scam they couldn't just let it sit there for 2 years with 4 task people would pull the money out so fast itd make people head spin. still cant wait for next week or after that week
  5. Taskbar update

    all I'm saying is that someone should really update that 2017 date on the site, if I was considering pledging and see the game isn't out but the site says 2017 I would think the game was dead or something. just saying...
  6. Taskbar update

    December 2016, on kickstarter, the website still says ts will be out in 2017 march 21st, and april 23rd, so 4 delays my bad
  7. Taskbar update

    now hold on there. I think dazer has a point, first off you don't know how much he out in this game, me for example in total including kickstarter I have around 500 in it and I'm pretty concerned with all the delays and even canceled half of my pledge when they did the last delay, you don't need to say someone is bit**ing when they've been here for 3 years and seen 5 delays, and then the devs say that a minor delay is happening and the dev tracker will show what they are doing and then doesn't move over the week end, tbh I figured they'd be working the weekend to get this thing out but hey,
  8. will identity be out may 21st?

    first off this is completely speculation. all this is that I got bored and used simple math to come to a date. this isn't confirmed but I think its sorta fun just don't get your hopes up, so I took a screenshot on april 23rd for the ts tracker and it follows as 6 in progress, 6 completed and 40 new, today on April 25th its as follows: 15 completed, 19 in progress, and 29 new, so if they don't add any new task heres where we are they are completeting on average 2.25 task a day, there are 58 task left in total, divide by 2.25 we get 25.77777777777778 days. (don't ask me why the calculator did soo many 7's). so lets just add 26 days for math sake, we start on the date of April 25th + 26 days we get may 21st. BOOM MIND BLKOWN!
  9. will identity be out may 21st?

    yeah, not sure if you noticed but I said all this is that I got bored and used simple math to come to a date. this isn't confirmed
  10. A third delay?

    but there it is, 'as soon Town Square gets released nobody will be upset anymore because everybody will be to busy playing the game' when might that be? after all we are talking about a asylum here these guys are nuts... see what I did there?
  11. Only a few more day

    after the first release huh? well I just compared ts stats where I took a screen shot 3 days ago and today, out of 64 task they only completed 1 so 4 more months if were lucky and another delay doesn't happen, but now I feel like they are just going to keep delaying it till they just release the full game because with each delay expectations go up in terms of gameplay
  12. Only a few more day

    yeah well that's your opinion, I think now a lot of people are getting to the point where people are just loosing hope about this game ever launching. think the town square is suppose to have very base mechanics, no money, no jobs, no cars. just apartments, decorating and talking to people. and they've been doing that for 3 years and had 3 delays, I see where people are coming from on the idea that if that basic stuff takes 3 years how long is it going to take for the full game?
  13. Was a good run but I'm not waiting anymore.

    uhh, yesterday I think it said 6 task were done
  14. how many people have delayed?

    let me say this first before anyone gets all angry or locks this post. the re I'm doing this ive been a long time supporter of identity (kickstarter) but I'm starting to loose hope. I was on discord earlier and asked if anyone had submitted refund request yet and someone said they hadn't got really any request even though me and like 6 outa of 8 friends refunded already. I think its important for this poll to be here so the community sees where were at in terms of trust for the game and devs now. personally ive only requested a partial refund for around half of my pledge
  15. How does the community feel?

    look i understand game programing takes a long time, however weve been told like 4 or 5 different dates for the town square. i also understand there is a similar poll however its got way too many options to get a fair estimate, this poll is meant so the developers can see weather the community wants a half working game now so we have something to shut up those people who have been calling this a scam for a while, or continue waiting for perfection. don't get me wrong i have the highest hopes for this game and love arma 3 project life, but i feel like this poll needs to be here, and voted on so the devs and the community have a understanding of each other and what the people want. again i have the highest hopes for April 23rd
  16. How does the community feel?

    I hope its just a few weeks, last time it was a month, then 3 months, than a year. I'm my case its just worrying that after soo many general release dates given (more then 4) we get a solid one march 21st. then its delayed again, now another month. my side is that if they keep wanting perfection before release were never going to get this game. one of the project leads at rockstar even said they didn't get as much as they wanted for gta 5's launch, they wanted multiplayer but didn't have it, then didn't have heist either. but still released it because people were starting to loose hope and canceling preorders. they released it 2 years before they project leads wanted to. I'm afraid were gonna be in that boat if it took a mult million $ team 2 years for heist and multiplayer what are we suppose to expect with a full mmorpg game like no other with less than 10 people? I just think if they released something, anything showing that they are working on it they would get soo much money and more pledges. even if it is broken
  17. How does the community feel?

    I get what your saying, its j8ust a few games that ive backed in the past have released games early with bugs, crashes, and other problems but the community gives feed back and whats broken, what they don't like and so on, that way the community gets a voice as the game progresses and get to see new stuff added all the time feeling like theyre a bigger part,ompared to waiting 3 years and got 2 videos, screen shots, and friends fighting each other about if this is a scam or not (I know its not a scam). I feel tho if a dev sees most people who have voted would prefer a clunky broken mess now compared to perfection april 23rd or if its delayed again see people refund pledges and split friends on this game forever if it doesn't totally destroy it. I have the highest hopes for this game and respect your wishes
  18. Delay thoughts?

    ive had very high hopes for this game now I have literally a penny worth of hope, I hope they actually do april 23rd, I talked 6 people into getting this and now I look like a moron. if its delayed again I'm out
  19. so i have a gaming youtube channel with around 21lk subs. i really want to livestream my first few hours in the identity beta and i know some companies dont allow people to post videos of betas sometimes and just wanted to know. Am i allowed to do videos in the beta when identity town square launches?
  20. any way to apply to help the game?

    ok I was watching the identity stream today and saw the fire extinguisher modeling but I noticed a problem. at least in my 4 years of firefighting ive never seen a extinguisher,like that so I was wondering, does identity have people advising on the game? I know the game is meant to be based in the Georgia/Carolinas region and I'm ironically in myrtle beach which is the main tourist destination in those regions. so can I become a advisor for the fire side of things? I'm not wanting to be paid. I was injured on the job a few months ago and had ACL replacement surgery so I'm pretty much really bored until I go back in 8 months. any way to sum it up, IS THERE ANY WAY TO SEND A REQUEST TO JOIN THE IDENTITY TEAM? I saw under the asylum site page it shows careers but nothing about advisors, is there a way to apply for advisor?
  21. this is a joke type post where ive imagined my first 24 hours in identity on full release, if this is the wrong place please forgive me as I thought it would be fun for others to reply here with little joke stories of what theyre first 24 would be like, It Finally Happened identity is released. I got in the town square and its so gorgeous I thought I died and went to the heaven of gaming. thought about a job so I went to the fire department. on my way I got a ticket for jaywalking my phone stolen by a mugger singing the Barbie girl theme and saw a bank robbery where the robbers bribed the cops into letting them go. after my walk I arrived at the fd and with some training I was on the job. the first 8 hours I went to a couple car wrecks a couple of crazy people and a man with his arm chopped off by an axe wielding thief in a store. left and went to the pd after joining I realized I had the best job in te game. I got to stop people from doing bad things. I stopped a shoplifter, arrested some skateboarding punks, stopped a bank robbery by tricking them into thinking nobody was outside and me with some vigilantes shot them, stopped a meth lab and so much more, it was now 16 hours playing identity, I bought a house in the woods. didn't like it there was some creepy guy in a hockey mask always hiding outside at was now at the 16 hour mark when I quit the force and became a doctor. I was sued into poverty for a malpractice claim for killing patients and selling them to the black market I was arrested and rage quit the server, well time to start anew in another server
  22. crime affects property prices

    simple idea if a certain area lets say turtle beach has a lot of crime in a 24 hour in game period like 3 murders, 2 police chases, 4 cars get stolen property values would be affected causing cops that live there to protect they're areas more and really change up how real estate markets could work, like hiring people to cause violence in a neighborhood so they can buy a house cheaper.
  23. Room mate idea?

    so here is my suggestion plain and simple, allow room mates and be able to split things like rent or furniture price. also if there is power bills and water bills in game same thing. opinions?
  24. I know there is no guarantee release date yet but it still says early 2017, almost in June so it wouldn't be early 2017 anymore if it came out in June. I also see that the Town Square is it 89% and I haven't checked in a while but somebody I read said it had been at 89% for a couple months. Don't get me wrong I'm still very excited for when this game's going to launch and excited for the Town Square. In your honest opinions when do you guys think the town square is going to launch? I'm hoping late June at the latest