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Everything posted by DLimit

  1. The "Left Hand Mafia"

    The forum account would remain separate from the characters. Thus, the agent would be incapable of associating the character, organization, and political party with one another within the game.
  2. The "Left Hand Mafia"

    The entire post does not seem relevant to the criminal organization. P.S. the "left-right" doctrine is inaccurate considering that political ideologies are truthfully measured in a political COMPASS:
  3. The allegations that are produced by Special Agent Zoey Anderson are one-hundred percent false without any evidence to support such a claim. In the process, I am not familiar with such an organization.
  4. "In theory it should work, if all are living in a bouble, all are free and no one will make it better for them self or for next generation. In real life this have shown not to work, because several things, ex. if a person takes an education lets say to be a lawyer, then its a long education, and the working hours can be 60-70h per week. And compared to a person that work on a daycare, with no education and have a work week on lets say 40h to give those 2 people same sallery, same living standards just because goverment think so are not working in real life. This model have been tryed out and no suprise its not working. It opens up for very high risk for corruption, and a black market that can not be controlled by goverment, those that are making most of it are the mafia." The claim is inaccurate considering that individuals within Cuba are WILLING to study medicine and function as doctors and professors despite earning a lesser amount of wealth than a waiter or waitress that is tipped a decent sum of currency by foreign tourists. However, due to the massive embargoes against Cuba, individuals were FORCED to exchange products within the black market due to a lack of resources within the island. In other terms, entities would be satisfied with fulfilling the role considering that they are ensured food, clothing, shelter, energy, education, and healthcare WHILE fulfilling their passions and desires within society. Does a child entertain his or her curious mind in exchange for a materialistic incentive? Not at all, it is an INTELLECTUAL and CREATIVE incentive. My person intends to function as a lawyer AND a professor for the purposes of educating the public on academic subjects and political affairs while ensuring the justice is served within the nation.... the money is meaningless, EXCLUDING within a capitalistic system that REQUIRES my person to accumulate wealth in order to survive. P.S. "companies" would not exist within a Communist state. However, factories and stores that are owned by the STATE would exist within the nation considering that the PEOPLE, not business owners, seize the means of production within the nation.
  5. The "Left Hand Mafia"

    Due to the hierarchical and structure of the organization, any entity beneath the Council shall truthfully struggle with the ability to attain the identity of "The Left-Hand" or "Five Fingers [of the Left-Hand]
  6. The "Left Hand Mafia"

    Research the term "Economic Liberalism" prior to claiming a "far-Right" political spectrum, unless one prefers a fascist government.
  7. The "Left Hand Mafia"

    Thus, your person would be classified as either a Libertarian or a Neo-Liberal.
  8. Would one prefer a Left-Wing Anarchist state (Communism) or a Right-wing Anarchic state?
  9. The "Left Hand Mafia"

    Thank you very much. Does one seem interested in functioning as a member of the organization?
  10. You seem to possess a major misunderstanding of Communism. 1. The state is GOVERNED by the PROLETARIAT considering that the PROLETARIAT SEIZES THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION 2. The REPRESENTATIVE must abide by the proletariat. Otherwise, the representative shall be overthrown. What seems challenging for one to understand? The STATE IS THE PEOPLE. The GOVERNMENT IS THE PEOPLE. THAT is Communism... It prevents wealthy corporations from exploiting the people considering that the people control the market through a Direct-Democratic Communist state. Stalinism is not Communism considering that it is Stalinism, an ideology that resulted in the formation of a CAPITALIST Degenerated Workers State. P.S. Capitalism has caused more deaths than every so-called "Communist" nation combined.
  11. Neither The Republic of China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, or the U.S.S.R. were Communist nations considering that such nations were State-Capitalist Degenerated Worker States. A TRUE Communist state is automatically a Direct-Democratic state considering that it functions as a "Dictatorship (ruled) of the Proletariat (workers)". How would The People's Revolutionary Party possess the ability to abolish a Direct-Democratic procedure without infringing the Constitutional Laws that results in the IMPEACHMENT through PEACEFUL or VIOLENT means? The party legitimately states that it's citizens, including Law enforcement officers, could possess the LEGAL RIGHT to execute it's representative as long as the representative infringes the Constitutional guidelines of The People's Revolutionary Party. In reality, the Representative IS the people considering that the Representative does NOT possess the authority to enact any Laws or Policies without the CONSENT and WILL of the PEOPLE through a DIRECT-DEMOCRATIC VOTE. In other terms, the representative is the puppet of it's people... the voice of it's people... the representative of it's people.... it cannot infringe the Constitution without being assassinated by one individual.
  12. The state shall function as a Direct-Democracy. Thus, the representative possesses zero powers excluding the ability to fulfill the demands of the public through the democratic process. Otherwise, the state, alongside it's citizens, shall possess the Right to overthrow the representative through peaceful or forceful means if the representatives commits an act that violates the constitution. Private Property has been responsible for exploiting the labour power of working class citizens while neglecting individuals the ability to attain food, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, and education, such as the case-study that involves Nestle OWNING the fresh-water rivers of India, resulting in average farmer's inability to harvest crops. Sacrifice the individual in order to benefit the WHOLE.
  13. Does one possess any questions regarding the political, economic, social, or legal affairs of the P.R.P.?
  14. What appears to be the issue with critically analyzing the traits of another political organization? You've presumed that I have not attempted to form a campaign.
  15. When did my person compare "The United States of America v. Russia"? In fact, the Stalin-controlled USSR was just as imperialist as The United States of America during The Cold War considering that the U.S.S.R. was not a Communist state. The private-prison business profits from incarcerating individuals that suffer from substance abuse. Thus, it is a crisis of capitalism considering that the state maximized profits by incarcerating individuals within private prisons rather than incarcerating subjects within state-owned prisons. It is an issue with Capitalism when imprisoning individuals for profit is more valuable than rehabilitating individuals that suffer from substance abuse. Do not claim that my person is narrow-minded when you've already presumed that I am ignorant while your arguments are "absolute truths"...
  16. Where would one exist within the political spectrum?
  17. Thus, your person supports a successful economy that thrives on sweatshop labour, unjust warfare, scarcity, pollution, a massive private-prison population, expanding income-inequality gap between the upper-quintiles and lower-quintiles (rich and poor), and economic imperialism? Such a sad world when individuals prefer "economic growth" over "human development"....
  18. Thus, your person supports a successful economy that thrives on sweatshop labour, unjust warfare, scarcity, pollution, a massive private-prison population, expanding income-inequality gap between the upper-quintiles and lower-quintiles (rich and poor), and economic imperialism? Such a sad world when individuals prefer "economic growth" over "human development"....
  19. May one please note that Fascist governments are capable of existing without abiding by the Hitler-controlled NAZI Party's ideological values of a "supreme race". However, the idea of forming a "Right-wing dictatorship" that is based on capitalist and NATIONALIST (as mentioned within the original post) ideals. Thus, the organization is Fascist considering that the autocratic or monarchic ruler(s) seizes the means of production in order to benefit the interests of the nation. It IS Fascism... Yet, it is NOT Nazism.
  20. Indeed, a nation that resorts to proxy war invasions and false-flag events combined with economic imperialism as a means towards ensuring the stability of the nation. The state would collapse without exploiting the labour power and resources of developing nations within Africa, Latin-America, and South-East Asia in order to maximize profits. Finally, The United States of America possesses the highest prison population within the planet Earth considering that it's citizens often resort to committing criminal acts in order to survive within a nation with a rapidly expanding income-inequality gap. Your luxuries would not exist without exploiting foreign labourers for a dollar an hour and attaining inexpensive and tariff-free imported periphery resources in order to manufacture goods that are worth five times more than the raw materials, itself.
  21. Centralized governments, such as Nazi Germany, were dictatorships with a Constitution.
  22. Research "Direct-Democracy" and "Communism" prior to claiming that the Stalin-controlled USSR and DPRK represents the interests of a Direct-Democratic State that is governed by the proletariat rather than the bourgeoisie. Capitalism has failed throughout the ages and CONTINUES to fail... Otherwise, developed nations would not remain dependent on exploiting foreign labour and resources in exchange for profit while the majority of the world population struggles to attain a loaf of bread for the night. P.S. Which corrupted act did Wladimir Lenin commit?
  23. The state is Fascist based on the sole purpose that it is a centralized authoritarian political and economic system with traits of capitalism combined with private companies contributing to the state.
  24. Which is Fascism considering that it is not governed by the proletariat.