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Everything posted by Bushido0

  1. As a writer (of mostly unpublished short stories) I very much look forward to this aspect.
  2. Prostitution?

    I vote that Brumafriend gets made a Dev.
  3. Beta release question

    Yeah, that makes sense. I guess it can be better to let those who paid to test it test it and those who didn't wait for formal gameplay depending on the strength of the beta.
  4. Beta release question

    So weird when game devs don't let you stream the betas to their game. It's only publicity IMO
  5. Town Square/Combat Video Questions

    I think also that combat is its own module, so I highly doubt we'll be seeing it in this module.
  6. I asked this question on someone else's post ages ago. I think people thought I was trolling and the post kind of went dead. I hope you guys don't mind if I ask it once more. I think I heard somewhere if someone gets hurt, or if you see someone gets killed etc, you can call 911(or whatever) and get paramedics or police dispatched. And if you don't call them, they'll get an automatic dispatch in a few minutes. Okay, what if someone got hit by a drive-by and was seriously injured, or killed. Could you: A: Loot the body, or rob the injured person before emergency crew arrive? Or B: Could you kidnap the injured person by stowing them into the boot of your car, etc...? TL;DR: Is there a ragdoll physics system in place where you can pick up bodies, for both bad guys wanting to kidnap people/hide bodies, and for paramedics that need to take the injured people to the hospital etc? And is there looting of other injured or killed players?
  7. I recently made a poll asking the community here whether or not they thought that the Town Square Module's release date was going to be announced this month as promised or not. Well, it has, on a recent post on Twitch it was announced as March 21st, 2018. My original poll was taken by some to be negative, and some people voted negatively on it as well. Two people going as far as voting for 'The module and the game will never be released.' This post now is mostly an appreciation post. If we only talk about the things that the Dev's do wrong, or don't do right, we're not being very supportive. I would like to thank the developers for keeping their promise and trying hard to get everything ready enough to announce a formal release date for the module. It was a great thing and deserves some attention.
  8. Will they do it?

    The devs promised to announce the release date this month for the Town Square module, I'm not pining for it, I am just curious whether or not they'll actually go through with it. I am not saying it's too late either, the most logical time would be around Haloween, or at the very end of the month, but that's closing in. That's why I thought I'd make a poll, what do you guys and ladies think? I think it'd be a very bad move for them to postpone announcing the release date with so many people sceptical about them already, another lie will not service their cause...
  9. 1 day left

    Well I mean, asking someone to keep their promises is not quite the same as rushing someone. They put the deadline on themselves. If more people tried to keep people from Hello Gaming honest, we may not have had such a lacklustre no man's sky(obviously counter-factual, we'll never know that for sure.) But I think people should try to keep the devs honest, and not turn a blind eye to them. It's a good thing overall and the devs need to get used to it.
  10. Thanks, that's very helpful.
  11. Don't know what that is, but if I get to arrest people for being ugly, count me in!
  12. No, that was good. You answered it partially, but I don't expect anyone to know everything! You make a good point about the looting encouraging people to kill people. Maybe the loot can be small enough so it doesn't warrant killing people over but might encourage you to occasionally loot a dead body, but I suppose you should have some sort of penalty for stealing from the dead too.
  13. I thought I'd heard there was a 'bad cop' feature, can't they arrest people for terrible singing, or for being ugly, or something?

    Mars colony would be pretty freaking cool, so would steampunk. Likely it'll just be different kinds of cities, would be cool to see one based on Tokyo.
  15. Will they do it?

    Thanks for the games to check out, I am so excited for Star Citizen. I put that answer there for a reason, and there are a lot of people on this forum who think that way, and I think they deserve to be heard too. I, myself, chose that it will be announced, but not this month. I am a little concerned about the one vote for "They will surprise us all and release the Town Square Module in its entirety this month." though.
  16. Video

    I'm not sure if I'm reading things wrong but the way some people talk about the developers of this game seems to be creepily religious. I don't think faith is something you need when it comes to video games especially if you're pledging pre-release. You should probably be thinking critically at that point.
  17. Gym, health and wellness

    I have a few questions regarding the game world and characters. Firstly, will there be gyms in the game to go to in order to become fitter? Obviously, there'd be little sense in going to a gym if there was no benefit or reason to do so, which brings me to my second question. Will there be health and fitness in the game? if a character is fit they might be able to run faster and longer than other players. They might be able to lift heavier objects than weaker players. This might extend to dietary choices, and it could open up new careers, say Personal Training, Yoga Instructing and dieticians. Do we know if there is going to be anything like this in Identity? Thanks!
  18. Gym, health and wellness

    Also, as a side thought. Fitter players might have an advantage in hand-to-hand combat against other players. They might hit faster, and harder, and tire slower or something.
  19. Death

    If I find the body before the paramedics, can I pick it up and put it in the trunk of my car? Or can I at least loot it?
  20. The Library

    I was wondering how the Library in the game is going to work, not exactly like how will the books be read, but how will you choose which real world books to include in the game, and how will you get them in the game, do you kind of purchase the ebooks from Amazon or some other website or whatever then upload them into the game, or do you have to write them out manually ? If you need help finding the books and writing them out and / or editing the books I would like to offer some help as I am a writer and very interested in the game, so if ever the devs need a hand with anything to do with that I wouldn't mind helping out. Also when it comes to choosing books, my reading taste seem to fall mostly onto books which are already in the public domain, so I might be able to help with that too if need be Just thought I'd offer a hand, I'd imagine the workload is pretty rough on the devs of this game, also I am genuinely interested in how the library is going to work in this game and the publishing of your own writing in the game. -Bushido
  21. Any Writers?

    I haven't published yet, I'm thinking about publishing my horror compilation though. What do you write ?
  22. Any Writers?

    I am co-writing a mystery novel with a friend and I've written a sci-fi short story, I'm also in the progress of writing a horror short story compilation based on japanese traditional spirits (horror is my genre of choice.) I am also planning on some sci-fi novellas and shorts for a series I'm thinking of called the '2077 project' which is basically going to be stories from the future. So, I guess I am a writer
  23. Question for all.

    Aw! Guar
  24. Pool time

    Hopefully Texas Hold'em too!
  25. Wikipedia Game
