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Everything posted by GeneSmith

  1. Little Italy

    Will you be making authentic food? Or do I gotta question why there's armhair in my meatballs?
  2. Little Italy

    Or even do some of the gritty stuff that happens there. You never know what could happen in Little Italy. One moment you're eating an old woman's home made pasta and then you get whacked. It's magical
  3. Little Italy

    I see a lot of Bronx Tales and Goodfella situations happening. I look forward to it
  4. This... This is absolutely outstanding. Great work on this post.
  5. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    If you look at video game communities like the one in World of Warcraft they don't have a government but also don't fall under anarchism. They spread a disease around from person to person that spread like a wild fire. With no control over any type of community you face problems like that. Grand Theft Auto has people in jets blowing each other up. DayZ is about survival but 99% of the time it's people killing each other. It's not the government that's the problem it's not having a government that's a problem. With no upper authority there would be mass chaos and panic followed by death.
  6. Pool time

    Maybe I can be a pro gambler in identity... Hmmmmmmm
  7. Any Writers?

    Really that's the only important thing. Waking up and loving what you do. If you wake up and aren't happy with what you're doing then you're doing something wrong. Glad you found your passion man.
  8. Pool time

    Late night poker rooms that are filled with smoke. Beer and good laughs
  9. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    DayZ is another game that I can see as using an example. A game about surviving from hoards of zombies turned into a game where zombies aren't the biggest problem but other people are.
  10. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    GTA Online is the purest representation of a Anarchist society with no government control.
  11. Any Writers?

    Do you not enjoy writing anymore or is it something else?
  12. Any Writers?

    Well I'm currently writing about a world set in complete fantasy. But my main one is something very special that actually started as a comic I wrote. It's about a demon hunter with a much much much bigger story arch than that. And a good little twist
  13. Any Writers?

    That's awesome man. Maybe you and I could collaborate on something. I write my own books and am currently halfway through one of then
  14. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    Just trying to tell him his ways will be destructive man
  15. Star Citizen

    I'll definitely have to check that out. Sounds really wild man.
  16. Star Citizen

    No, I haven't watched a lot of anime lately but I'm thinking of restarting Noragami
  17. Star Citizen

    Good Anime
  18. Series

    Hello, some of you may know me but for those who don't I'm Gene Smith (Just my online name.) But I'm a writer with about a trillion different ideas for shows. And I was wondering if on this site there were any other writers who would be interested in writing a script with me. In addition I would need at least a few animators (not required by any means) and some voice actors. If you're interested please just say down below with a reply. I'll be adding anybody that is interested into a PM on November 20th. That way it gives everybody a chance to see this and respond.
  19. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    @The1TheOnlyGonzo "Again you talk of controlling privatization, but who is going to control it? You have no form of government apparently to oversee and regulate, so there would be no body to control privatization." He stated before that the people who control it are going to be the replacement of the already established police force. Somehow by removing them and adding something new will help with regulations and the economy. Even though you'd pay more money for highly trained security. And I said the same thing, he says he doesn't want a government but in the end will create one anyways.
  20. Forum RP

    Does anybody know of any forum RP sites? I used to do them back a couple years ago but now I can't seem to find any
  21. Series

    The show is purely for fun. And if it's popular enough I'll try and take it places.
  22. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    Capitalism = Rich get richer while the poor get poorer. Anarchism = No rules so no order. That's not freedom sir. That is a playground full of children.
  23. The Anarcho-Capitalist Movement

    We use America because it's the best example of why your plan wouldn't work. The only reason America is like that is because we don't have a dictatorship we have a democracy. Which entails freedom. At one point America was the most dominant force for decades until one man was out into office who was unable to sustain a good flow of money. Instead he sent us to war and poured billions of dollars into that. With tensions being so high, yes your ideal would crumble. Because if you use modern day America with your anarchism you would have those welfare people buying guns to kill any other race besides their own. China isn't in a war. Neither is Japan, Australia, Germany or Russia. And most of those countries aren't doing to well either. It's not about what you change law wise it's what you change government wise. A president elected into office is in charge of major decisions regarding the safety and well being of this country. But the rules set in place aren't to make things worse like you suggest. It's to keep order to calm the general public. And when laws are broken that's when affirmative action takes place. You're trying to make it seem like the government is the biggest problem there is. The two party system is there for a reason. It's to give two sides of an already divided nation some incentive to actually show they care. You're quote of "An armed community is a polite one." Is plain wrong. In reality it's "A hard worker is a happy worker." The lower class is what made this country. When it was started out it was all lower class that was built up. Some took advantage of the rapidly growing community and got rich and didn't bother helping the poor that helped found America. Middle and lower class citizens are outnumbering the upper class. You know why? Because the upper class capitalists make plans like this to make themselves richer. You're plan to abolish government and taxing is just wrong. I've spoke to multiple capitalists, liberals, republicans and democrats about what you're proposing. It's all been met with the same answer. Either "Is he insane?" Or "He doesn't know anything about business." They say that because I tell them about your proposition for taxes. And they say it would not kill, but destroy not only businesses but also the stock market. Mainly because there would be no financial gain. As a capitalist I would expect you to understand that.
  24. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    We should gang up on there and be like a really extreme group of killers. It's fun being a bad guy
  25. What games are you currently playing while waiting?

    When Survive The Night comes out I'm making an RP crew to mess around the zombie infested world with other survivors. We should get a big group and mess around. It could be fun.